Crazy how it took a global pandemic to convince Republicans that socialism isn't a bad idea

Crazy how it took a global pandemic to convince Republicans that socialism isn't a bad idea

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Will NEETs be getting this 1000$ as well?

fucking better

I guess ITT socialism is when the government gives you money so you can spend it on merchandise from private companies? Okay.

if by private companies you mean these peoples drug dealers then sure

Bailouts and stimulus plans aren’t socialism

Well we’re working on that. And I think that you will get it very quickly. It’s gonna be big, very big. We’re doing great, though.

Socialism is bad until they need it

Bailouts are the opposite of socialism. Taking tax money and spending on companies that are already run by the richest people is robbery. Stimulus plans are closer to socialism.

socialism is any type of resource allocation that you don't like, when you like it, you give it a prettier name and carve out exceptions for it

God king Trump may have secured Repubs spot in office for a long time ! Bless you god king Trump. all hail GKT

All hail GKT!!! All hail GKT!!! All hail GKT!!!

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Trump guy here. Yes they are. Gm is still government motors to me and Chrysler has been shit long enough to not even bother with a nickname. Every bailout is a middle finger to capitalism.

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No, it's only compensation for people who have jobs.

Maybe you should have gotten a job?

It is not socialism. A stimulus package is capitalism to its core.This has been done before. (Mmmmm feeding trolls is yummy)

ITT: shocking idiocy on parade.

Lies . . . every American adult will receive the money.

Having been done before doesn't make it any more or less capitalism.

Using taxes taken by force and giving it out to people is not capitalism.

Just like guns.

How long until Bernie and company cry the illegals and undocumented aren’t getting it

Taxation is not theft


NEETs aren't adults

Oh my fucking god, are you trolling?

literally they are

You realize you're retarded right?

well, socialism for themselves. you still gotta pull yourself up by your boot straps.

>Using taxes taken by force and giving it out to people is not capitalism.

True statement. It's a completely unrelated concept that may or may not coexist with capitalism.

They are not. Socialism is when the workers control the means of production. So unless he's giving out stock instead of cash, it's not socialism. Neither is most of the shit you guys whine about. Maybe you should read a book instead of just chewing on the bindings.

I'm buying nitrous on Amazon with my 1000. Seethe and clutch your toilet paper I'll be in the clouds.

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Return to reddit fool... ALL socialist countries have a higher tax rate, which is non-negotiable, therefore taking taxes by force. How old are you, what is your education level? I can see why you posted here and not /pol... Those fags would eat you alive...


A global pandemic that doesn't even make the top 100 threats to your life in any given day, that doesn't justify what is happening.

>Crazy how it took a global pandemic to convince Republicans that socialism isn't a bad idea
Socialism has a place, but it isn't something you want to replace the whole economy with. Socialist economies do better in terms of inequality, but poorly in terms of generating new wealth. Where as market economies are far better at generating new wealth even if they distribute it poorly. Think of them as different tools - and you use the right tool for the right job. Firefighter service = socialism, and that's for the better. But you have to let people make, market, and sell products with minimal interference. That raises the standard of living.

Healthcare wise, Canada has it right. Medical service providers are not government employees, but it is paid for with tax money - and the government has massive negotiating power to keep costs down while providing universal coverage. You can of course pay for services that aren't covered if you like, and you can buy insurance if you like.

Taxation is not theft.

>pandemic going on
>not in top 100 threats day to day
>counts with fingers but not toes
>only seven fingers

>Oh my fucking god, are you trolling?
How could anyone dismiss your bumper sticker slogan?! I mean shit you repeat it 10x daily, so it must be true!

WARNING: camwhores are upping their prices now

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It's even funnier how exactly no one is going "the invisible hand of the market will fix this." Not a one.

>Capitalist nation exists
>Coronavirus: It's free real estate.

Well regulated capitalism

>not spelling cheques correctly
>being a journalist

The price is relative to what? Are they raising prices because the free government cheese?

Forcefully taking money from one person to give it to another person (or business) is a form of socialism.

How is taking someones money to give to someone else not theft?

Fucking what? How dumb are Americans? The Fuck is 1000 NEET bucks even going to do? Thats not even half a paycheck for most Americans.

For starters, the govt owns the money. Money is govt property. Not you.

the US is a consumer driven and 350 billion dollars injected back into the economy is better than nothing is what the logic is, g-dubbs did the same thing back in 2008

It's the fiscal cost of citizenship. If you don't like it then emigrate to some shithole that doesn't have taxes.

what is communism for 500 Alex

who prints the money?

I don't even need a 1,000 bucks.

Guess I'll just buy 2 ounces of weed. One to vape and the other to bake into brownies.

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Property is theft.

Crazy how Republicans are moving to the left of the Democrats lol. Dems are never, ever going to win another election.

Kek, lost hard. It's not a terrible idea though. It's meant to re-stimulate the economy in a time of economic downturn, not give Americans all the profit they'll need for years. Won't do shit like when Obama did it, but not an horrible idea

We never left the plantation

>"the invisible hand of the market will fix this."
what's there to fix? this is the logically appropriate response to a decrease in productivity of the service sector, complete eliminatation of luxury spending (travel and entertainment), and increased cost of transportation.

It's even funnier how exactly no one is complaining about "farm subsidies" when we can't get chilean and mexican food. Not a one.

Sounds like a bribe to me

It's how they roll. Don't even blink an eye.
Trillion here, trillion there, Save Billion Dollar corporations who chose to spend all their cash on stock buybacks for the last 10 years INSTEAD of saving for a RAINY DAY.

Why? Because they KNOW they will ALWAYS get BAILOUTS.



So is it like, all current workers get NEETBUX or do is it people who filed taxes last year

Stimulus plans are literally republican playbook to bailout companies under the excuse of fixing the economy while they use that money for stock buybacks. The general public won't see any of that money but good old bob can feel happy with his tax cuts just being shifted around from the amount he would get from his return.

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Pretty much this.

There's about 327.2 million people in the USA at the moment, assuming that every one of them gets $1000 - very unlikely given the republicans doing it, it'll be citizens only at the very least which will drop it by tens of millions - that's $327.2 billion out of around $850 trillion being mentioned. Less than half will go to citizens, more than half will go to business buddies of the republicans with no responsibility to buy back.

Even the Wall Street bailouts in 2008 were eventually paid back. The US didn't lose any real money on them. This will flat lose the country trillions.

>businesses use that money for stock buybacks
>most investors HODL
>desperate investors most in need of cash sell back
>stock market stabilizes
>desperate former investors now become consumers

>$327.2 billion
>This will flat lose the country trillions.
do you always contradict yourself when you talk, or only in the interwebs?

>corporations who chose to spend all their cash on stock buybacks for the last 10 years INSTEAD of saving for a RAINY DAY.
next thing you'll criticisize is that they should've bought global pandemic insurance