God DAMN he fucked up the response to the virus. So fucking bad!

God DAMN he fucked up the response to the virus. So fucking bad!
And all the idiot conservatives now encouraging the WH to deal with it after weeks of claiming it's nothing more than a cold!!!

So the economy will go into recession thanks to the RIGHT!

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Aww, does wittle rightie not like when someone points out WHAT FUCKUPS CONSERVATIVES REALLY ARE?

If anything the lefts overreaction to the virus caused the economic crash. Not the lack of response. Only 5,000 people have died WORLD WIDE. 51 in the U.S. even if 10,000 people in the U.S. just up and died/disappeared right fucking now and there was no news of the virus the economy would keep on rolling as normal. The deaths or sickness didn’t cause the crash. The hysteria (kind of like exactly what you are doing right now) caused the crash.

Inb4 you respond with a non argument and just an insult.
That or you ad hom, strawman, or red herring me.

Not gonna work.

Hi. I just had an evil idea.

This virus is heavily weighted toward killing the elderly. And it's the elderly who fucked us this election. Stop washing your hands.

Always amazing how fucktards like you bitch while offering no solutions or what you would have done, just like your candidates for President. Shut the fuck up and let the adults handle things.

Wow. American politics. So interesting.
Can that country please fall into the ocean already?

I didnt vote for the guy, but I think he is doing great. I will vote for him next time around. He sees the importance of the private sector and is trying to get rid of bureacracy

Great idea. Advocating for violence by proxy. totally doesn't make your political side of the isle look like a bunch of degenerate psychopaths.

Oh goodness what a delusion that is.

The lack of early testing let this spread into our current economic state. People like YOU screamed it was just a cold. And now you run away screaming it was someone else's fault.

What a fucking LAUGH! Conservatives will be the death of this country!

OP is literally a reepublican pretending to be a liberal to get this response so you guys can circle girl about how liberals are bad.

what a boring life.

Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.

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Donald Trump on Coronavirus....

"I take no responsibiliy at all."

Aren't you fucking in charge? You're the goddamn President. You don't GET to NOT take responsibility.

This shit is all on you.

I will remember that on Election Day.

The scary thing is, Coronavirus may end up like the flu in the US, constantly mutating every year.

To paraphrase Andromeda Strain, "There will be a thousand mutations. It will spread everywhere. We'll never be rid of it."

Totally true. Panic is what is driving this whole thing. There are also fuckhead poloticians like Cuomo trying to make a name for themselves

Obviously the orange man is responsible for this. You muricans are fucking retarded.


Look, if Trump had simply focused on wiping out the virus inside America's borders and NOT denying how bad it was at every single turn, it would not be here to force us all into Quarantine.

We're only panicking because Trump FUCKED UP.

He didnt bring some shit disease into the world. He is working on the problem. He is not the problem

He isn't? He's not the President? My God, who is in charge? Please tell me. I love how Donald is in charge until he suddenly isn't, when it's convenient for the GOP.

Pathetic child can't take responsibility for anything.

Lol no you aren't

Retard. The president's role is to reassure the public. They were doing shit behind the scenes. In-fact they did a lot of controversial stuff that makes it obvious they were treating it seriously. If you want to blame someone blame CDC for not being retarded.

He completely bungled the US response to Coronavirus. There was a test for the virus already available. Trump CHOSE not to use said test.

South Korea tests its population at a rate of one thousand a day.

I am. U mad?

Yeah. That's why i said it was an evil idea. I mean, it's sorta an anti-villain idea. Good or reasonable goal with abhorrent means.

Sure I have a great idea. Fire Trump and let real leaders take over.

I think he shut down the boarders pretty fast. In the beginning it was no big deal. Even now if you didnt watch the news and everything was business as usual, you wouldnt know a thing. This is not a zombie apacolypse

Just because someone is in charge doesn't mean he can snap his fucking fingers and will things into existence you moron. You actually have a decent leadership and you shit on it. You deserve to fucking burn you shitstains.

Yeah, they were cutting budgets of the agencies tasted with fighting the disease, lol.


They tried that already. The impeachment went nowhere

Trump constitutionally can’t close the borders to American citizens though user. People from foreign countries were tested the moment they got off of planes and were asked to self quarantine. I can only imagine what you lefties would do if Trump forbid American citizens from returning home or put asian Americans returning from China in a lockdown against their will. You’d all be screaming racism at the top of your lungs. The real issue here is that you faggots whine to much for people to effectively do a good job. How about you shut the fuck up, suck in the barrel of a shotgun till it goes off and let the adults handle this one okay kiddo?

> Good or reasonable goal

Yeah, no.

Trump can't just admit he fucked up like an adult would?

Some leader.

>God DAMN he fucked up the response to the virus. So fucking bad!

direct me to the thread(s) you created during obama's response to swine flu, please.

Do you even bother to read real news? Go listen to the BBC or Canada if you don't trust news outlets here. Then you would know what a total LAUGH your belief that "he is doing great" is.

you're a fucking idiot.
people are going to die because you can't tell the difference between a babbling fucking reality tv shithead and an actual leader

you stupid fucks killed america, even the goddamn markets are tumbling and that was literally the only fucking thing you dumbasses have been able to cling to thus far

Ok Millennial

And Trump's reward was to see all his economy totaled by one of the things he fears most: a germ.

I'm sure the irony isn't lost on him. If he'd been impeached, someone else would have taken the blame for Coronavirus.

When he does something good he's bad, when he tries to save lives he's bad... you idiots are fucked up in the head no matter what happens. When Trump dies, you'll probably complain that he died in the wrong way as well... For fuck's sake grow up, you don't have a smidgen of understanding, when it comes to politics.

Oh yeah, great analogy.
You want to show me how that even compares or are you the usual racist whataboutObama poster?
Who the fuck CARES what Obama did? We're heading towards a recession NOW.

He wanted to slash CDC, which was denied. Overall, CDC currently has more funds than under Obama. So I dunno just what the fuck is this supposed to prove?

More importantly....

You actually SAVED that pic on your hard drive so you can use it later in a Yas Forums thread??



Trump is incompetent. His own personality condemns him.


He fucking CLOSED the office that would have handled this epidemic.
And again who the fuck CARES about Obama? Is that the ONLY answer you conservatives have?

Whatever. Like I said I didnt vote for the guy. You faggots will bitch about him no matter what. So now your blind hate has made you irrelevant and nobody gives a shit what you say

Lmfao this nigga is seriously using politico

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This. But like x 1000

Yeah, you probably didn't vote at all. Thanks for your service jackass.

I'm not even an American you shithead. I've observed the twisted lefties from America from afar for a while now and I've never seen in my life more disgusting human beings. You actually enjoy watching your own country burn just to spite orange man who produced a decent economy for you guys in the first place. He isn't a perfect leader, in fact I wouldn't rate him past 6/10. But retards like you who just need to see this guy fail and would pin everything and anything on him is so inexcusably pathetic that it hurts.

>Oh yeah, great analogy.

1000+ people died before he did anything
12000+ dies overall

we don't even have 100 deaths yet, and action has already taken

so, as i said,
>direct me to the thread(s) you created during obama's response to swine flu, please.

Another one of these Trump hate threads is so sad all you demofaggots blame him for everything. Didn't respond in time, whinny shit stains go hide behind your mommas skirt. These have to b started by some anti Republican group just to spread bullshit most of you fucks only know what CNN fagbook and other media lies tell you quit freaking out over everything every day it's not healthy. Calm the fuck down

Trump both closed that office and opened you gaping wide asshole for his massive cock after you bent over faggot kek.

Why so mad dude?


You're actually upset about shit you have ZERO control over in your life? So upset, you went through the trouble to create a thread, on an imageboard in which said thread will disappear forever in a couple of hours.

Hows that for the definition of insanity.

I’d vote to throw you out of a helicopter user

It's pretty obvious you aren't an American given your total ignorance with the idea the Trump produced the current economy. Go suck down a cuppa and worry about the Euro.

>And again who the fuck CARES about Obama

It's pretty relevant. CDC is the one who is currently handling the entire thing and they have access to way more resources than they ever had before. From my perspective streamlining is ok.

Youre right. I couldnt make myself vote for either one of them. The only time I didnt vote and Im 40

Damn OP is getting shit on

The economy is going to go right back to where it was after the coronavirus is over

Last time it was Trump versus Clinton and I shook my head in disbelief.

Now it's basically Trump versus Biden and I'm laughing my ass off how stupid Americans actually are.

They're voting in dictators.

Ah yes, the tolerant left

Yeah I'm really worried about what some 13 year old masturbator on Yas Forums thinks. Have a nice day kid.


if 3 million+ (specifically 3,300,000) people DIED from coronavirus here in the u.s. ...

it would mean that 99% of the u.s. survived?


Ah yes, the wise old right.

Just curious...where exactly do you live?

Would love to trash your little third-world shithole.

Only that every single respected economist says that he did. Even renowned Europeans economists say he greatly contributed to the rise of the American dollar.

Don't you have a twitter post about racism, misogyny, and xenophobia that you need to write right about now?

Access to resources is pointless without competent personnel and I have no doubt Trump picked sycophants to run it.

this is an incredibly salient point

Typical moron that gets furious when someone calls them stupid and instead of arguing for their stance, promotes violent threats.

Let me taste your tears~

>and I have no doubt Trump picked sycophants to run it.
>Every day I wake up I know the orange man did something bad I just need to find out what!


The irony is, the GOP's rhetoric makes the GOP base more skeptical of Chronavirus so they're more likely to get themselves killed. A lot of the GOP are seniors.

There are no words that sufficiently express my disgust at the GOP for this. They're putting their own supporters in danger, to help Trump.

Donyou really think you are gonna convert people to your side by calling them 13 year olds? Or is this just you whining and not actually trying to pursued somebody?

Is the left still running with the narrative that closing down your borders is racist? Or is that no longer the angel they are taking?

Top kek

Okay asshat go back to bed you ain't awake your sheep sucking on all the liberal dicks quit being mindless angry incels and compare your life to any 3rd world dude wow not so bad being American is it or be that 3rd world guy and eat some shit and go fuck yourselves

The left is flapping its hands and screeching about Trump. Business as usual except with a toilet paper shortage

Infected people who fear being deported aren't going to tell you they're infected!

Call it a side-effect of being heartless.

Look at how mad this faggot is

>All this talk about the left

It should be obvious to anyone the Coronavirus is Trump's nemesis.

The can’t be deported if they are American citizens user. Deportation is for non Americans citizens...

Do you even know what the words you are using mean?