What's wrong about jews?
What's wrong about jews?
Is it because of their religion?
Or their racism and hate against non jews (especially white people)?
Or because they experience trauma in their childhoods?
Or because they feel not that pretty compared to other people?
Or because they have such a taste for human (gentile, mostly children) flesh and blood?
Or because they have been officialy expelled from somewhere more than 360 times?
Or because they aren't as smart as they pretend to be?
Or because I make schizo threads and get triggered when Yas Forums makes fun of me?
Or because of some mental illness?
This thread lmfao
Or only for Israel's wars?
Is it because of their sexual practices?
Is it because I like eating black dick?
Or because they systematically accuse others of their wrong doings?
Is it because my parents are siblings?
Why are they so obsessed with promoting interracial mixing for white women and homosexuality for white men?
This is all made up propaganda made by nazis.
Or is it because CHECK EM
Why are they so obsessed with promoting mass immigration for every white country, while doing the complete opposite in Israel?
Or is it because I am stinky?
The Talmud (dating to year 70) is propaganda by the nazis? Interesting... tell me more.
Why do they always answer to honest questions with passive agressivity (see answers I'm getting)?
Or is it because my dad discovered the nazi propganda folder on the desktop of the family computer and beat me with a belt?
Why are they so much for gun control in white nations?
...and feminism?
the translations are all false, now go pay your credit card payments goyim
Why do they fake "hate crimes" against themselves so much and so often?
How is it that they own almost every major porn website?
because goys are too dumb to know they're getting fucked and so they deserve it?
Why women no have sex with me?
Why do they spam interracial pornography with white women, trans-sexual and homosexual white people threads all day, everyday, on Yas Forums and elsewhere on the internet?
Why is it illegal in many countries to ask questions about the "Holocaust"?
Why can't people find any evidence that this site ever existed?
Why would a supposed puppet master dating back millenium be so sloppy in leaving out such damning evidence?
Why does this image play so perfectly to the alt right narrative?
Fake and gay
Why do jews steal so much land and murder so much innocent civivilians?
hey man whats up?
Yep, definitely fake, and you're definitely not a jew.
Why do I get triggered when I get ousted as a blatant nazi?
nothing wrong.
Why is it so hard for them to answer a single one of those questions? (Outright lying like saying "fake" is not answering)
Why are my only news sources Yas Forums and nazi sided news sites?
Nothing morally wrong about all the evidence presented so far? Ok
>don't call my fake thing fake
Get mad
How am I mad for calmly asking rational and important questions?
What happened to the cringey texts you were captioning these with? Don't get lazy, I was having fun.
Keep em coming. Fun thread
Btw, what is the name of your image folder? Is it something cool like "evidence" or is it just some randomly generated words like "sizzlinghappycorn"
Fags like you are obsessed with them along with niggers seems to be you love them dont ya nigger
[spoiler][spoiler]this thread rofl[/spoiler]dasdaSd[/spoiler]
Why do jews never answer any question, but instead ask useless questions in return? Are they too stupid to understand the concept of questions and answers, or is it that they don't want to answer because the truth is bad for them?
Probably the right thing to do when someone makes a sweeping generalization.
Is it because of the multilation of their penises precisely on the 8th day after their birth, producing hormonal imbalances and creating sexual perversions?
What ze fuck did you just fucking say about me, you verdammter Jude? I'll have you know I graduated top of mein class in ze Hitlerjugend, and I've been involved in numerous secret Gestapo raids in Berlin, and I have over 300 confirmed executions. I am trained in gorilla gassing and I am ze top sniper in ze entire Wehrmacht. You are nothing to me but just another race traitor. I will wipe you ze fuck out with precision ze likes of which has never been seen before on this Reich, mark mein fucking words. You think you can get away with saying zat scheiße to me over ze Internet? Think again, arschloch. As vee speak I am contacting mein secret network of spies across Deutschland and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for ze storm, blödel. Ze storm zat wipes out ze pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and zat's just with mein machinenpistole. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed kampf, but I have access to ze entire arsenal of ze Wehrmacht forces and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable arsch off ze face of ze Reich, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy blitzkrieg your little "clever" kommentar was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying ze price, you verdammter dummkopf. I will shit Zyklon B all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Jude.
is it because you're all too gay to take back Jerusalem?
Keep your shithole.
109 doesn't lie
I-I'm not e-even m-m-mad
their government trades child sex parties to world leaders in exchange for military and economic support for their nation