I keep getting connection error when i post

i keep getting connection error when i post

everyone else seems to be having it too, last posts everywhere an hour ago

even did a fresh reboot of firefox and downloaded chrome to try it out there, no luck.

Attached: awful.png (307x278, 9.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you try restarting it?

yes, even turnt my PC off an on like the meme. NOTHING

Yas Forums is royally buggered.

Sounds like you're being monitored by the NSA or FBI.

Did you post something that might raise flags?

try neck rope
it'll hurt at first but once all of the retarded brain cells have been suffocated, you'll be left with only the smart brain cells and the rest of your life ahead of you

All the Yas Forums janitors and maintenance personel are infected by Coronavirus. There is no one left to run Yas Forums.


What country?

It's just the 4channel domain having trouble... which is refreshing, it's usually the Yas Forums domain being buggered.

was also getting this message on Yas Forums and /asp/

nup, go on Yas Forums, hover your cursor over all the threads in catalogue, all the last replies are from 1h20mins ago

quintessential 15yo Yas Forumstard posts



/bant/ is down too, that's not 4channel.

Yas Forums and Yas Forums are still up, Yas Forums and /vg/ too. might be others.

Attached: fat-guy-with-girlfriend.png (1000x750, 864.52K)


list of alive and dead boards

Attached: pperm.png (1904x1080, 561.61K)

>which is refreshing
hey fuck you pal
cheers for the info

time to shit up Yas Forums then lads.

Both of which are on 4channel, not Yas Forums.


Attached: 1579779795582.jpg (958x840, 119.71K)

Most of the boards that go to the Yas Forums servers are down because of a routing issue with the CDN.

The boards that go to government run servers are still being routed.


It's not a coincidence which boards are still routing.

the US government runs Yas Forums and Yas Forums?

Can’t post on /fa/ or /sp/ either.

Attached: 736CF350-C858-4A7F-8E30-D6E5849DAFBB.jpg (1080x1350, 161.12K)

Yes, they're very interested in the general level of online stupidity, and the active boards are the best for that purpose.

>I post on /fa/
Why yes, I love dicks. How could you tell?

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They've been honeypots for a long, long time.

i can't believe this, would that mean there's some poor sod browsing Yas Forums as his day job?

i gotta do some more digging on this brb

Did you know? Yas Forums has its own, separate server, different from the one that has Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums and /vg/.

Attached: 1558651131010.jpg (1514x1080, 682.94K)

Nah it’s more like mass collection of data with keyword triggers which are then checked by an actual human, they don’t check all of it.

>has its own, separate server
so Yas Forums run by the NSA branch whilst the rest of them are ran by department store brand agencies?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the feds intercept all traffic to Yas Forums.
Remember the time a glownigger was exposed samefagging on 8/pol/?

bloody hell
you yanks really have cornered the cultural market haven't you? not even internet culture is safe from sep imperialism

>you're on a government watchlist for accessing Yas Forums
some of the information on corona-virus is helpful though :(

Attached: no.png (422x336, 83.97K)

Money is more important than human lives over there, user - to them this is natural.

Not a yank, Euro here. Just know about the massive surveillance operation they’re running.

Half the posters on Yas Forums are Feds, with departments leaking against each other in their internal status wars.

why do you think they're like that?

Attached: she sucked my beanie lads.jpg (1200x700, 129.87K)

>you lived long enough to see CIA and FBI glownigs shitposting against each other on an anime website
What a time to be alive.



The site used to /may still resolve to an NSA contractor as the physical host.
No need for search warrants if the data is on Fed servers.

Don't know. Emotional immaturity? General ignorance? Actual stupidity?
All of the above?
Who can tell, user, who can tell?

>more like C I Anime.

Attached: 1581914414655.png (905x619, 565.71K)

Attached: Connection_Hazman.gif (680x521, 50.97K)

Australian ASIO, Federal Police and QLD Police had a bitchfest complaining about each other on the regular Aus/pol/ thread a couple of months back after the staties outed a Fed glownig to the MSM.
Half the regulars on Aus/pol/ are agents either on duty chasing radicals or off duty shit posting.
What a fucking timeline.

have you tried turning it off and on again

Hello tech suppport.

something about yanks, slimey bastards, always willing to make a deal but bend the odds through backchannels to their favour, always shouting for peace and freedom but the champion in starting war and surveillance.

2 faced, giddy at the prospect of exploiting his fellow man

Don't judge an entire country on its owners though - the citizens (those who can actually think critically) is as trapped by this evil, as everone else held hostage by this devil.

are the 4channel boards safe from this tomfoolery?

how do you spot a glownig?


Selection for sociopathy and mental illness in the ruling class. 80 years of only allowing blackmailable people to obtain high office.

Silly /x/pert, it ended in 2012, as you well know.
We're all just a simulation.

m*ds are fucking around. There is no connection error.

their people are supporting this regime though, even if they're separated. if no one believes the USA exists then it won't.

Alrite cunt
UK here. Seems the fags below figured it out anyway

blue board are dead

>We're all just a simulation.

Well... got me there... hells bells.

Yas Forums Yas Forums and /vg/ are still working

i would hate to have people blackmailing me to pull strings in high office ngl, no wonder they turn sinister.

yeah pretty much.

Just stopping by to add, attempting to post certain things on the boards that haven't been shut down results in a "connection error". If you try to post something else, it works just fine. I smell (((deceit))).

Patterns of behavior intended to derail discourse and cause infighting. Use of Cointelpro techniques. Leaking of hapenings before they happen. A few just out right state it and provide time stamped proof, knowing that they are still anonymous.
My ex is a Glownigger, i used to drink and shoot with a few and my brother was engaged to a family member of a foreign equivalent of deputy director of the CIA.
After a while you get to feel them. There is a certain arrogance, smug feeling of been untouchable and general lack of ethics.

Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /vg/, Yas Forums and Yas Forums still ticks.

what if it's just a restart to apply some updates to the server? like FTL travel or some shit