The Coronavirus is an obvious hoax by the media/governments...

The Coronavirus is an obvious hoax by the media/governments. All an agenda and test to see how far they can go taking our freedoms away over "saftey". order out of chaos. Problem, reaction, solution. You dont know anyone who knows anyone who knows ANYONE diagnosed with coronavirus or being affected by it. This all happened way too fast. Not realistic at all. no one is being affected. It only exists on tv of course. Obvious test.

You indoctrinated brainwashed clueless gullible flouride drinking SHEEP are more dangerous than the "coronavirus". Get ready for the forced vaccinations, mandatory face masks in public, curfews, and martial law. Were less free everyday. People are pathetic. We are all asking for our own slavery. Wake up and open your eyes you fucking literal zombies. Your government doesnt care about you. You are brought up sheltered and clueless like they want you to be. Its up to you to find the truth. Stop watching the idiot box.

Also. The earth is still and will always be proven FLAT. no matter what you say or feel. Your mind and reality has been completely stolen.

Attached: outbreak-coronavirus-world-1024x506px.jpg (1280x720, 406.97K)

You lost me at flat earth

卄ㄖ 匚卂卩丨ㄒㄖ

Youve already lost. You just dont know it

Same. I believe the virus is real, but the government is obviously taking advantage of it.

>Ps I'm an idiot and I'm just talking out of my ass I also like licking shit off of schizophrenic people's assholes

Fixed it

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What purpose does it fucking serve to make sure people think the earth is round

Found another schizophrenic. Looks like you need to find your pills!

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To make sure people understand the fact that the Earth is indeed round*
Just trying to help you through your delusions

Im still right, sorry. keep on sheepin on

I’m not delusional I know the earth is round because planets and stars etc etc

Go tell that to nasa

Shouldn’t have added the flat earth bit. That makes it way too obvious trollfag.

Actually I'm one who knows people who personally know of 2 totally separate cases. 2 infected and then 6 in quarantine because of it. So generally fuck off and take your pills


>other planets and stars are earth
This what roundtards actually believe.

nope you lie

All this proves is that you know paid shills.

You lost me at hoax

ikr. so indoctrinated and lost.

I want to believe that the name of the virus has something to do with "sun sacrifices" of old.

drink your flouride

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no one doesn't believe in god because they think the earth is round. this has to be a troll picture. what's the real reason?

>be me
>be corona virus
>nobody believes I'm real
>everybody thinks I'm a shill for toilet paper
>everybody keeps drawing lewds of my little sister corona chan
>can't even spread because everybody is self quaranteening

Is this what it feels like to be a cuck bros?

This is called "survivorship bias". You don't live near where it's happened so all the people you know don't have it yet. You think China is fictional because it's so far away from where you live and you haven't internalised the concept of a globalised world yet. Also its only been infecting the US for like 2 weeks now so just wait you fucko

You dumb flat tard the earth is a cube get on your meds

Show me the part in the Bible where it says Earth isn't flat. I'll wait.

lol, he hasn't even internalized the concept of a globe yet.

Low level bait. Btw I'm Italian, I know a lot of patients, doctors and nurses

Nah nah nah man you're fucking freaking out. "forced face masks" they're telling people only wear that if you have symptoms just so you don't give it to others in public. It keeps your shit in. They don't work; the virus doesn't just jump down your lungs it passes through your music membranes in all your face holes.

A cube's still flat on each side, you dillhole.

Outer space and evolution as a whole are god killing and exist to deny the existance of god and say its accidental random chance. Its why atheists exists. what cant you understand. If the earth was flat and stationary with a dome to all people. Atheists couldnt exist. Try and think harder about things man

If you believe the earth is flat you need serious fuckign reeducation. I'm not even gonan say it any other way someone needs to sit you down and explain how like the planets in space work

absolutely irrelevant to what i said

Virus was designed by trump and jewish russia to get him lected again.

Time Cube Truth Requires The Earth To Be Round, Else No 4 Corners.

Attached: TimeCube_com_newpicture_EarthCube.jpg (390x390, 24.43K)

Yeah. Im saying it could get to that point if this continues

It if cube is a curcle

lol ok

ur irevalent

This image is the beating metaphysical heart of insanity. It's just equating all these different, complex historical, science and philosophy shit all into one. This is reductive thinking. You don't figure things out by LITERALLY EQUATING EVERYTHING YOU DONT LIKE

You mean re indoctrination?

I agree with everything except the flat earth part.

No they would only make everyone wear a facemask if everyone had symptoms but if everyone had symptoms were fucked and the masks wouldn't even matter

I know, it's strange that someone in this site actually talks with real people

Typical roundie. Another win for me.

trolls trolls trolls

Yeah idc what you call it. You need to be sat down. And got shit explianed to you. How do you think the internet works? For starters?


You've been to ALL of the other planets to confirm their supposed roundness? Amazing.

ur right man, ur right

Muh dicks been up your ham planet mom’s ass and that was round as fuck

Get a load of this roundie.

Attached: hhjhjhjhjhj.jpg (225x225, 15.45K)


I've fucking looked at them with a telescope

Every fucking scientist in history has and written extensively about them.

This is the real truth.

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this makes no sense whatsoever. if the earth was flat and all other planets were spheres, the illumanati or whatever wouldn't even have to fake other flat planets. we know so little about the universe as it is that it could just be, "we haven't found another planet like ours," in the same way we haven't found another planet with life. the fact that we're the only life we know of is far greater evidence of us having a special place in the universe than the shape of our planet. if there were some grand conspiracy, extraterrestrial life would be commonplace in the eyes of normies. i'm sure somehow, someway, you actually believe that they're covering up aliens too, even though that would run contrary to their goals. finally, as i already said, the shape of the earth has nothing to do with why people don't believe in god. try actually listening to the people who you don't agree with, you might learn something about why they think the way they do.

Toddlers. You have the mind of a toddler. And this is you rejecting vegetables.

Tell me. How do you think the internet works?

Every human in the world only sees a circle light in the sky. no way possible of proving what it is.

Wow! A telescope! You're a real scientist now, little guy!

this is the attitude you should take if you're going to do this troll. saying nonsensical things doesn't make people mad anymore. arrogance combined with ignorance is the key.

The entire sky is a giant lcd screen that the stars etc are shown on.
UFO’s are actually gvt agents making sure no passenger airline gets too close to the screen.

Vegetables are delicious. Why don't I just butter you up and eat you, you round-believing fucking CABBAGE.

No that doesn't make sense. Is it normal for us to go to all sorts of other planets with our names and faces and bodies all the time? No? Why would it be normal for other life forms. You're not imagining the size and scale of space well enough

There's no miracle about our existence it's just survivorship bias multiplied by billions of years

I came here thinking: "Ehi, now americans have Coronavirus & trumptard, this will be fun".
Actually found flat-earther and other conspiracy theorists.
You americans are always the greatest.

I though everyone knew this.

Still a hoax. still flat. stay blind yo

Weird that your eurotrash ass can’t recognize a painfully obvious troll though

Now, class, who can give me 3 obvious reason why this is lie quality bait...

OP? Care to chime in? I'll give you a hint: the more subtle...THE BETTER.

No you totally can. They do. I can explain it. We look at it with all different types of telescopes and measurements. Do you think high quality pictures of the sun is fake? Do you think people are just guessing at how they measure it's temperature?

We know what it's made of because the samples of hydrogen we have give off a similar spectrum of light when heated. It's called spectroscopy, where you look at the different scattering of light waves in samples of matter

Yea , wow, someone who's used a tube with glass at the end to look at the real planets in the actual sky crazy right.


Lol how old are you