“Woman tricked into sex with boyfriends pal” this is so hot

“Woman tricked into sex with boyfriends pal” this is so hot

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Need to know how this story ends

Damn, she's actually pretty cute. 7/10 would rape again


Anyone got anymore stories like this?

Maybe don't fuck anyone in a dark room in a dorm? Fucking slut loved it.

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How could she not tell that it wasn't her bf? Was the friend's dick exactly the same size? Did he use it in exactly the same way? Did he smell the same, handle her the same? I don't buy it.

I feel the same way, would’ve busted the hardest nut if I were this unfortunate dude

Bitches are dumb.

They misspelled "Whore Caught Cheating And Won't Accept Responsibility"

She wasn't tricked. She simply didn't turn around. He fucked her doggy style on her side. She even climbed out of bed and didn't realize it wasn't her boyfrined. Apparently he didn't speak and it was too dark.


Women will ALWAYS be victims.
There is no other truth...

How is it consensual when she never consent to sex with the friend?


thanks Yas Forumsro. i hate when ops dont post links.


you fucking stupid incel trash

For fuck sake archive the link

When you've been riding cock carousal for a number of years the details of intimacy are no longer an aspect of sex. I mean how the hell could you not recognize smell and the pattern of touch being different?

What is consent? A verbal "yes" is ONE TYPE consent.
Legal thresholds for consent
Types of consent include implied consent, expressed consent, informed consent and unanimous consent.
Fucking for 10 minutes RHYTHMICLY, is implied. I would even say unanimous....

incel coomer detected

Yes how could you not instantly recognize its not the guy you're supposedly intimate with and not be screaming "who the fuck are you" 10 seconds after getting into bed.

>cock carousal
ding ding there goes the incel alarm

>I mean how the hell could you not recognize smell and the pattern of touch being different?
This is the most forever alone incel thing I've ever read. It's like you really don't know what a normal physical relationship is like but you are really trying to pretend like you do.

You are the reason why people sue over HOT Coffee burns.....

I take a girl out for two dinner dates. She has an amazing time. Absolutely perfect.
We go back to her place. Have sex.
I get up, tell her it wasnt that good. She asks why?
I say I followed her for the last 3 weeks. Learned everything about her. What she likes, what she enjoys. Her favorite foods. just to bang her.
I'm also her ex's best friend from college and he's told me so much about her.

Was she raped?..... let me answer that for you.


No cause she thought it was someone else. She was consenting to sex with her bf not the other guy.

>When you've been riding cock carousal for a number of years...
Speaking from experience?

But for real who would smash?

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Yeah, wouldn't pull out.

What does that have to do with anything? That's not being discussed here in the slightest. She knew she was fucking you and not someone else right?

my question is, was the friend drunk? Because if he was, he was raped.

This is the most " know someone's inner thoughts", I /know/ what her INTENT was, bullshit ever.....

Did you read the article. She said what her intents were...

She was having sex and consented to the act of having sex.
Now, did I hope this is my bouyfriend and not a stranger ever cross her mind? PROBABLY NOT.
That would be like having sex with my girlfriend, and wondering if she had unprotected sex and possibly aids, and then turning around the next day and saying, "you had sex with me but you have aids." If I had known you had aids, I wouldn't have had sex with you. Therefore the sex was non-consensual.

It was good, it felt good. Not rape.

Sure, she can say what her intent was AFTER the fact.
While she was having sex, WAS IT CONSENSUAL. The answer is yes. It only WASNT AFTER she found out it wasnt her boyfriend.

Yes because everyone who has an intimate relationship has no ability to distinguish their partner in the dark. A dick is just a dick, a hole just a hole, they're all the same, right? I step into a pitch black room where my wife is supposedly sleeping I can tell if its her or one of the kids just by the sound of their breathing. You trying to tell me after minutes of fucking she can't tell the difference? When you've made love to something other than your hand you can rejoin the conversation.

bet he was. Bitch should be sent to jail.

White knight detected. Faggot, lol. The slut loved it.

>ding ding there goes the incel alarm

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.. the fuck? There is no way I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my wife and some other woman.

Lying fuck just regretted it.


And this is why we cant have nice things

If you faggots aren't virgins its even sadder that you've never experienced sex as anything but monkey humping

Man, props to you bro. I've read and reread your post, and I genuinely, honestly can't tell if you're ironically or unironically projecting.

She’s cute. Would trick into sex 10/10

How did it happen?

In fairness, there was a woman who was having sex for years with another woman who was using a strap on, and the whole time thought she was having sex with a man.

So she's probably telling the truth that she had no idea who she was fucking.

But that sounds like being a dumbass than anything else.

Can't tell who you're fucking. That's on you really.

>you are the reason why people sue over hot coffee burns

literal fake news. The person who got lambasted in the media for suing over "coffee being hot" was because of malfunctioning equipment, so the coffee was a literal boiling temperature for hours upon hours. She had to get several skin grafts + surgery, but only asked for enough to deal with the hospital bills.

McDonalds (the company in question) had emails between the higher-ups confirming that they knew the malfunctions were a dangerous hazard, and yet chose to do nothing to save money.

But I'm guessing you heard "someone sued for COFFEE being HOT!" and that's all you needed to hear to formulate your very educated opinion.

Congrats on being a fucking drone who doesn't do his research.

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I’ve been married twice and Are completely good questions

If you actually look up the hot coffee incident the lawsuit was pretty justified. Mocking it was literal chamber of commerce propaganda.

>whores herself
>gets exposed

She drove with hot coffee in between her legs like an idiot.

Maybe know the fucking case.

If she agreed to it, it's not rape. She She agreed under the assumption that it was her boyfriend, and that is the danger of assuming anything.

Gonna needs pics or it didn't happen

Is there a pornstar that looks like her?

Mostly accurate. It wasn’t a malfunction, it was a deliberate decision to set it that high after multiple others had been burned.

She wasn’t driving. She was stationary in the parking lot.

Maybe know the fucking case.

There will be soon ;)

>I know that they knowingly had malfunctioning equipment and spent money on a smear campaign rather than fix their mistake
>but I just love cheeseburgers so much
>please ronald, squeeze a fat log into my throat

warm =/= hot =/= boiling to the point where it melts human skin

retard, move on.

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It wasn't a malfunction, McDonalds found that heating the coffee to extremely high temperatures meant they could let the batch sit for longer before needing reheated, saving them money. This meant many people got injuries from superhot coffee, but the management decided to continue the practice even when they acknowledged the money saving exercise was resulting in injuries from the food they served being dangerously hot.
The burns would not have been permanently scarring if the coffee had been the normal acceptable temperature. Because it was super heated it was sp hot it melted her labia and fused her vagina shut. Because McDonalds had known of the danger and done nothing the judge awarded her a huge payout as a punishment for McDs.

you dont have to consent to any specific person. You can consent to an anonymous person if you like. She just did a typical dumb girl move and made a huge ASSUMPTION that only her boyfriend would get in bed with her while there was a house full of people. 100% consensual, 100% dumb way to consent.

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>She drove