I have a question for all the libs: what should any president have done at this point and why would it be any different or better than what Trump has done?
Tell me, I really wanna fucking know. We have all the time in the world now that we’re sitting on our asses at home
Ready tests earlier, sick leave for all, don’t spread misinformation
Ryan Morris
Well for starters i'm pretty sure they would not have proclaimed it all hoax a few weeks ago....
Alexander Ramirez
Ok the sick tests were scant but who would have predicted that in that small amount of time? Also we have the lowest death rate in the world as compared to the infected
Gabriel Sanders
Probably shouldn't have gutted the pandemic response team. Of all of his many fuck ups, this one is the most ironic
Hudson Collins
none of which he did or has a direct responsibility to make happen any faster or stifle let me guess, you'll mention cutting cdc funding and "pandemic programs" in 39 counties? that's not true, the funding period literally ran out dec 2019, it was started in 2014 for ebola relief its the hype thats the hoax, no one denied the virus is real. its sars-covid 2
Ethan Clark
see above
Isaac Taylor
Bitch he’s the one who made the pandemic response team
Wtf are you talking about?
Andrew Stewart
being this retarded/uninformed. I can't even imagine
Nicholas Cooper
On average, europeans have a better diet and sport habits than murricans. I wouldn’t be so confident about the death rates yet, my friend. Combining the sleep apnea that most of you pigs have with the virus, you’ll probably soon be worse than Italy.
Kevin Gutierrez
doesn't mean he had to get rid of it just because it was made before his administration.
He could have easily funded a program like this. And hey turns out it would have been needed
Right, at least Italy has history, besides degenerates.
Dominic Hill
Lulling people into a false sense of security, in general downplaying the severity of the virus, little thing but my Dad always thought the virus would never hit the state he lives, now it's closing school.
Nathaniel Morgan
Not asking WHO to provide tests, like they offered, when it was realized all the ones the US made were defective.
This happened to literally almost every government (before the fatalities go up a little bit and society enters fucking paranoia out of a shitty virus that kills the elder)
Ayden Russell
It’s closed schools here too. Now we have to stay away from each other
Imagine the social implications of that for the next 5 years
Bentley Ward
I mean, the severity of the virus was downplayed by everyone in general. Remember when everyone thought it was only in China and it was nothing to worry about because fuck the Chinese and they were more worried about Kobe's death?
No one except the Chinese medical experts who were silenced really knew much about it or how bad it was.
Kayden Miller
Yeah. Teachers want a free vacay if financial institutions get a break. Pretty tit for tat on the political spectrum.
Isaac Martin
WHO had test kits ready at the beginning of March. However our lord and savior turned them down claiming its a hoax. If America needs test kits they will be made in America. >#Americafirst
Levi Walker
trying to profiteer from a vaccine (see the Germany case)
I bet you we don't have testing kits yet because him and his goons are trying to figure out how to patent it and make billions from it (aka think drug testing and how Fl ex Gov and now current senator has a drug testing company and make hundreds of millions from drug testing)
OP's post screams "I'm uninformed. Please inform me."
Benjamin Wood
>degenerates >ancient rome Pick both
Juan Lee
Ok well we’re definitely not all at home in the same boat some of us are gonna have to work no matter what fuck off
David Nguyen
>patently false You have to go back
Samuel Bell
Do your own homework Donald
Brayden Robinson
By January, people who keep up with current events already knew just how bad it was. To downplay it the way he did when there's already mass panic was idiotic
Jason Richardson
Do elaborate. COVID-19 has been a thing since at least late January and we've only been freaking out for less than a week. Literally nobody in the USA was taking it seriously even though we knew about it before.
Jaxon Thompson
Ah yes cause the American made kits are so much better
Mason Diaz
Why do you people insist on ruining everything by injecting US politics into places it doesnt belong?
Kayden Williams
Trump took credit for the stock market when all it was doing was continuing to do what it did when Obama was president. Now that the market is crashing Trump gets the blame too. That is how shit works, you simple minded one track inbred conservative retard
Nathan Sanchez
Yea because we make it properly.
Hudson Price
I'm liberal but don't really have any specific criticism of Trump with this situation, it is rapidly changing and everybody was doing their best to keep the public informed as it cumulated in the state-respective shutdowns happening now.
I'm more pissed off at how fucking difficult it is to get a refund on my vacation. Damn corporations.
Nathaniel Garcia
>Bragging about their dusty tomes and falling behind in the world Kek
Wyatt Roberts
Nice link, thanks.
Justin Flores
People are freaking out because they are seeing a massive reversion by their "God emperor".
Cooper Cox
I was more talking about lethality rates and tweeting that the virus was very much under control in the U.S. when a lot of other officials were saying were going to see rising figures
Christopher Rodriguez
He literally called it a chinese AND democrat hoax. 2 hoaxes. He said this was TWO seperate hoaxes. Can you comprehend that? Thats fucking autistic. He cant even keep a lie in order. No one gives a fuck how another president would have handled it because he is the one currently in office.
Yes, literally every other human being would have probably handled it better but good thing we got the one guy who cant form a complete sentence to save us.
Dylan Richardson
He should have taken the WHO tests 12 weeks ago when they were offered.
Gabriel Lewis
Our COVID death rates are also pretty low, adjusted for population size.
Elijah Torres
>Literally nobody in the USA
demonstrably false
TRUMP and his admin didn't take it seriously
I'm sure his Pandemic response team that were fire were all freaking out - I follow this stuff and it was big fucking news when the news first broke in December
For one: Use emergency funding to contract out ventilator production. We run an extremely high risk of running out of ventilators at many hospitals.
Christian Perez
that nigga was calling this all a hoax if you can't admit he fucked up from day one you can go fuck yourself with a chainsaw you fucking moron
Angel Rodriguez
How about not cut CDC's funding and not have gotten rid of the White House's Pandemic Response Team? Fuck you Trumpie, you're sugar daddy is a piece of shit.
Aaron Baker
A good president wouldnt have slashed the CDC pandemic response budget by 80%.
the only asshole here is you, and op, tho you're probably "same-assholing" like your dad and your uncle and your asshole
Henry Barnes
Obama didn't push for SARS relief until there were 1000 dead in the US. And even then, it was "Only" $1 Billion
Jaxon Gutierrez
Obama had a pandemic team in place. Would have been contained. Would have averted massive stock sell off early and worked with markets to keep product lines open. Also would have gave a shit about somebody other than his toupee
Luis Torres
Why ask, you dumb fucks wont listen to reason even slightly anyway.
We could have used the tests that already existed and were plentiful instead of insisting on making are own which were defective and put us weeks behind.
Kevin Adams
>Obama you lil faggots lol I thought Donald Trump was the best president in history you silly simp
Luis Scott
Are you now attempting to put words in my mouth?
Nathan Jackson
Dude. The tests that existed were only made as a measure with limited supply. They did not know that the entire US population would require one (or several) within the span of a few weeks
Just imagine how Obama would have handled it, and you can instantly see the difference. This question would have come up months ago in daily/weekly press briefings -- something Trump has refused to do for over a year before being forced into it now -- giving everyone some idea what was going on as things got worse. Obama/Bush/Clinton or any other reasonably capable leader would have been doing the stuff that Trump is scrambling to do know weeks earlier. They would be acting in concert with the Fed, presenting a unified front, to minimize the damage to the economy. They would be working with the best speechwriters to deliver panic-reducing messaging. Trump simply can't do that, as we all saw from his trainwreck oval office address. A good leader also wouldn't be blaming everyone else for this mess. Maybe he didn't personally cause it, but people really aren't interested in whose fault it is, they want to know what he's going to actually do. In a functioning presidency, we'd be seeing him meeting with the House and Senate, actually hammering out the deals. Trump doesn't do that, so everyone is left guessing -- hoping, really -- that he's actually doing something behind the scenes.
For the record, I think the man is doing everything he can right now. He's starting to act like a president, doing president stuff. I totally disagree with virtually all of his policies and positions, but at least he's finally started doing the actual job in a public way, rather than just trolling on Twitter. I suspect he's starting to understand why the programs he's always raging about exist in first place.
Joshua Kelly
>Also we have the lowest death rate in the world as compared to the infected
You have no fucking IDEA what is your death rate, your infectoin rate, or where to find your collective dick.
Information comes from TESTS. You have hardly any TESTS.
South Korea are the only ones who know how this virus acts, because they test as many as possible, sick or not.
Dominic Rogers
As a non-American, I was amazed Trump was still calling it a hoax, and claiming the 50 cases it had at one point "would go down", when things were already escalating fast in Europe.
It was already at that point 100% predictable covid-19 would become a major issue in the US.
Also since the US botched testing and did a LOT less of that than European countries, they gravely underestimated the number of infected up until last week.
Over the last week I think his actions have been reasonable actually, and do help. It's just so late that your healthcare system is bound to get overwhelmed anyway.
Isaiah Torres
>europeans have a better diet and sport habits than murricans yeah yeah you're a bunch of fucking supermen
Aiden Murphy
Nah, Pence would nuke San Francisco if he assumes office. I’d be ok with that though
Jonathan Fisher
Secret Service is the agency that investigates assassination threats. user probably isn't American, though.
Dominic Barnes
> By January, people who keep up with current events already knew just how bad it was.
Amen to that. This attached picture is a meme that I created on January 23 and posted here.
I'm thinking he would follow the script of the Handmaid's Tale pretty closely.
Julian Flores
Hey, you still here, OP? You may have missed this one: >For one: Use emergency funding to contract out ventilator production. We run an extremely high risk of running out of ventilators at many hospitals.