Be honest: How many rolls of toilet paper do you have?

Be honest: How many rolls of toilet paper do you have?

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Not enought :'(... But i don't care, i love watching people fighting for Toilet paper when i can clean my ass with water, and running in market just for food ...

37 baby, wife grabbed the last 20 pack at the store 3 days ago to stock up

i got 12 packs of ass wipes
>only heathens wipe their ass with sawdust


2 :/

None. Bidet MasterRace.

16 1/2
Should last me until late april


27, fresh pack of 24 and 3 left over from last pack, there are no shortages here because people are not retards

33. I usually shit at work, so it’s gonna last a long time.

I haven't had less than 100 rolls at my place for the last 5 years or so


My kid dropped a full one in the fucking toilet making a bad situation even worse

a few .. i mainly use water like half of the world does for hygene reasons.

i don't get why people stockpile this, most countries would not have a problem with the supply line, if it wasn't for a few egoistic numbnuts who buy much more than needed at the time.

Is that fucking Jon Voight

5 for the seat, 1 for the beat.

I ascended on Sat, Feb 5, 2011, 2:02 AM

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like 1.5, but i only use 1 a month anyway


Why did you post a picture of people buying paper towels and then ask about toilet paper?


About 36, but as it turns out, I was running low anyway.

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About 400, selling them at literally 5x the price. fucking lolz

3 24 packs and 2 12 packs all were accumulated since January.


72 but I brought these before corona hit I always buy toilet paper in bulk cause I'm waiting for the end of the world.

5 and one loaded in because I'm not a fag

im good for the next 3 months, ive got 90 rolls

1 and a quarter

lol yes

Jon Voight is always relevant.

About 3 more wipes worth. Stores have been empty for 5 days now.

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cuz you faggots bought it all

About 480. They were on sale last year and was a good time to stock up. They dont expire and I have room in my basement so why not? I do the same with paper towels, tissue paper & cat litter. Its not about hoarding or prepping, it is about shopping smart and having space available to put items.

how you wiping your ass then?

I stocked up on nutella instead
I smear it over my ass, lay flat on floor and let dog lick it up. Cleans it every time

Now it's a race to see if the corona or chocolate kills him first

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>its not about hoarding
pick one

i just let my dom ddy clean it for me
says my man cave is extra yummers ;) :3

I think about 20 some

i hope you catch corona

>;) :3

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falsifying a report is against the rules

dont be mad im yummers ;)

enjoy going back to 9gag kid

3 + bidet. Git civil.

oh sweetie, you gotta be bigger than a 9 to make me gag

Hey $4 difference a pack is HUGE. My habits dont really change much. From clothing, cleaning products or food. I save a lot buying bulk items that can be on a shelf for a year or 2. My shopping trips are surprisingly quick because I only need to hit up 3-4 total isles at the store and the produce section.
Currently, I havent needed to leave my house/yard in 2 weeks and I'll be fine well after that.

ill suck ur dick for a role

pm for deets

(im discreet)

You still have your gag reflex when giving blowjobs?
what are you gay?

I don't understand hoarding toilet paper or bottled water. The virus really doesn't cause the hot splats, so why do you need a year's worth of tush kush? Same with bottled water. Except for maybe Iran, name one country or even one major city that has shut off their water supply over this, and most American water departments have even halted disconnects for non-payment. Even if your water did somehow get cut off, you have at least 40 gallons of it sitting there in your water heater.


Most people are actually hoarding food now.

>emotes are for kids
How the fuck are you suppose to convey emotions in text? fucking newfag go back to real life.

That makes a lot more sense. You're going to go through more food than TP for sure. Food and ammo will be the new currency when society collapses.



The exact same as always for every week and every year since I started living on my own. About two packs worth.

How the fuck do these people stock their houses on an average day? Blows my mind.

Same here. I've been on a monthly subscription and we weren't going through it fast enough.

BTW: does it take everyone else 20 fucking rounds of captcha identification to drop a post here?

over 100. although i use about 1 per day due to crohns disease

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Those are paper towels moron.

i went to the store to buy some because i ran out and there was none left fuck you people

>is on an imageboard
sometimes you come across something so retarded that you know it's a bait but you just gotta give it to him

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>cause I'm waiting for the end of the world.
Then it's antibiotics you'll want friend.
I read a long thread about Yugoslavia / Bosnia. You'll definitely want antibiotics.

twink bois are the new currency user

Your sphincter thanks and blesses you. Peace be upon your ring piece.


What Crohn's do to your doo?

10. I did not have a chance to stock up, I just generally have one cabinet full.

ive family from croatia

cannibals and rape are a thing

I own 4 rolls. I haven't bought any in the fuckery, nor will I.
Moreover I don't own any hand sanitizer. I warsh my hands with soap and water, as prescribed by virologists.


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we've been shooting cats and dogs here, they test positive and our sheriff told us to start plinkin em when we see em here
won't let a stupid stray give us corona, or infect our livestock

watch out if theres any serbs or gypsies in your neighborhood

first they will start by stealing ur garbage bins


I use a sponge on the end of a stick that i dip in alcohol after I'm done, the only problem is everyone like me is now buying up all of the alcohol for their shit sponges. Pretty soon I'm going to have to resort to using vinegar.

always buy non-perishable items in bulk.
im single and bought a 24pk (or whatever the largest pack is) a few weeks ago.
so i have enough to last me another month or two. (i like to take shits at work. :-) )

>How the fuck are you suppose to convey emotions in text?
>fucking newfag go back to real life.

Omg, youre absolutely right because based on your text alone, i cant tell if youre feelings toward that user are hostile or friendly.. definitely could go either way, its really 50 50.. its almost like you cant in any way use context clues or phrasing to determine the tone of someones words without some sort of facial expression or inflections in their voice..

Like take this comment for example, theres literally no way anyone can tell if im being sarcastic or not


50 rolls. 24 may or may not be needed by my folks.

About 2 mths supply which isn't that much since I don't use heaps all bought before people went mental.

careful you dont deminish ur vinegar supply ur gonna wanna save some to mix with bleach to make mustard gas to ambush the neighborhood serbs when they come

remember, in the 30's it took THREE DAYS for people on an island in russia to resort to cannibalism

I would do the same as him if I had space and money, especially for an every day use item that you just end up trashing anyway... the cost adds up like mad over your lifespan and you don't even realize. Plus there's nothing like the feeling of knowing you can waste a bunch of toilet paper if you want to.

I originally bought two 24 packs about a month ago. My wife came home with one 12 pack. And there's about 6 on the bathroom shelf. So 66 rolls.

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My fucking kid is wasting too much TP
I do this now everytime to learn her to stop shitting

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They won’t steal them if they’re owned by someone else other than the person whose trash is inside. Like rent each other’s bens for a cent each.

about 70

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in the new world order our trash will become valuable mark my words

zero i just been cutting up sheets and old clothes

>BTW: does it take everyone else 20 fucking rounds of captcha identification to drop a post here?

yes captcha is super annoying and ambiguous with some of its images.

"is those supposed to count as part of the street sign? wtf why would they choose a bigass long object that covers most of the screen to click they consider that hill over there a mountain too? FUCK they did.."

They do it on purpose I fucking swear it


The market is dropping so fast by thursday it'll be cheaper to wipe our asses with $5 bills.

I have a pack of 4 charmin mega rolls unopened and about 3/4 of one roll.

I am a type 1 diabetic and have gastroparesis so I only shit about once every 3 days or so and it's usually always hard pellets like rabbit turds.

I'm set for like 6 months.

Yeah, germany warned us that would happen

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1, and it will last two months because I shit clean and only use two sheets per shit. Learn how to wipe fuckers