I’m assembling a team

I’m assembling a team

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I'm in. And I promise I ain't no rat

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You all suck

Good youre in

Who pooped in your cereal

Is this Iran national guard?

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dubs and we're in

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My man

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I’m in

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Let's do this.

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You'll need a driver.

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Youre in

Anybody need a token fat Asian girl?


I'll see myself out.

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I'm in.

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let's get this done

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>the assassin

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Yes you will, leave now and remember... you didnt see anything

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Puerto Rico's finest secret agent reporting in

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Youre in

Good youre in

Did somebody call for me?

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Sorry pee wee this job is small time we wont need youre expertise

You son of a bitch, I’m in

transportation reporting in

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I'm ready. Where to boss.

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space corps reporting in but i will need a bit of time to fix up the ship

I'm ready for mayhem

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Fine! I didn't want to join your stupid team anyways!

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could this outfit use some private security ?

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Fullbody Mustacheguy is ready to roll

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wait a minute .......................

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>I swore a blood oath that I would not use my powers anymore. But looks like the game has changed. I'm in

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I might be running late.....

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Id have that on my tinder and my linkedin

I'm in.

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that depends, whats our first mission OP?

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I'm there zardos use the special call.....ka ka...ka ka....

I am in, what is the operation this time lads?

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Jesus' afterbirth, ready!

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Lord Bravery at your service.

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He's a Tunisian knife fighter.


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You fuckin rat son of a bitch!!

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