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Hey, how are you?

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not bad, just killing time before work
wonder how much of my team will actually be in today. Heck I might not show up for the rest of the week depending on what leadership has for us

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Not being in the office for another week seems kinda nice

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Close and wasn't even trying

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yeah there are some issues with people in my role working from home, so I might just lake a leave of absence for a couple months until things get back to normal
just want to see what measures our leadership is taking first

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I'm so tired, I want to go back to bed. 6 hours of sleep isn't enough, I need like 12 hours of sleep and another 4-6 hours in the day. Ugh, fucking kill me already.

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Isnt this techically g fur since its girl on girl. Which is gay.

felt the same way when I got up a couple hours ago, and I got more sleep

no u

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You need at most 9. Stop being lazy. Oversleeping is just as harmful as undersleeping.

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inhale my dong.

>just stop being depressed and lazy and suffering from mental problems and wanting to kill yourself lol
Thanks for the advice, dumbfuck, I'll get right on that

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