"You know in April supposedly the virus dies with the hotter weather and that's a beautiful date to look forward to."
What did he mean by this? Florida is hot but the virus still continues to spread there.
"You know in April supposedly the virus dies with the hotter weather and that's a beautiful date to look forward to."
What did he mean by this? Florida is hot but the virus still continues to spread there.
>What did he mean by this?
It means he's full of shit and trying to BS his way through a global pandemic.
Also whoever posts to this bait thread their mother will die from coronavirus
He's a fucking retard, and by asking if there was actual meaning behind it, it proves you're a retard as well.
What you afraid of any dissenting opinions you fascist?
Total, utter lack of leadership. No plan. Failure to follow expert advice. Trump is a total failure as president.
Joke's on you, my mom is already dead. Also, you posted to the bait thread too ya fucking ding dong.
You could've left off the "as president" part.
You're confusing weather with climate again, OP.
There's already 30 Trump hate and coronavirus threads. Learn to use the catalog. This is the random board, go to you useless fucking crybaby.
The summer sucks
I miss the winter already
he means he doesn't know shit, wasn't sure of anything, and was just making shit up to prop up the markets
you know, you're clearly right. Faggots must feel very concerned about this issue to keep posting like that
I highly doubt that
Nobody is sure about anything. It was never supposed to leave China. Blame them for silencing and literally murdering the doctors who were trying to tell the public about this before It turned to chaos like it has
>It was never supposed to leave China
What the fuck?
Yeah, here in Honolulu its spreading in moist humid, tropical environments with temps well in the 70's and 80's,
Especially in Maui and our menehune keebler elf of a governor is still doing the bare minimum but still focusing on big business.
Mayor Cauldwell's jizz must be like haupia pie for Ige
How dare you! Don't you know this virus originated in the U.S.?
NO, that was an internal chinese problem and belive me, heads will roll, if they have not yet. THIS is our domestic problem, this imcompetent, divisive, LIAR, who failed to prepare us all gradually for what was know to come.
2 separate problems, 2 separate countris, 2 separate punishments. Trump will not hop away scot-free yet again this time!
He thinks it's vulnerable to high heat and humidity.
It unfortunately isn't not. This thing is going to wreck havoc well into the election cycle.
Coronavirus makes Influenza look like a little bitch by comparison.
>What you afraid of any dissenting opinions you fascist?
you should have to pay to post you stupid nigger.
The virus is going on vacation bro, makes sense to me
>What did he mean by this?
What he meant by this is that he is, in fact, a belligerent, self-serving idiot with no understand of how reality works.
Its acting like a normal coronavirus it's just a little more severe this time around.
This is flu season for the northern hemisphere, as time goes by it will migrate more south until it just gets weeded out.
This is how all coronavirus strains work, and will continue to work as long as mammals are around.
>Florida is hot but the virus still continues to spread there
What did he mean by this?
They've found it can survive in multiple climates. This thing really is the Alpha of its graduating class.
She's packing quite a wallop.
Yas Forums resident epidemiologist in the house!!
Go back to your cave
Not to mention the thing is mutating like a son of a bitch.
That the virus might be seasonal like the cold or flu. It's not hard to figure out what he says, he doesn't use big words guys.
>What did he mean by this?
No real person would ever ask that question.
If you're part of the Trumptard cult, then you simply accept everything he says without question, and you would have no need to ask what he meant.
If you're not part of the cult, then you know that everything he says is utterly meaningless crap, and you would have no need to ask what he meant.
Of course it can and is mutating. That's how living organisms work... the coronavirus strain has been around for millions of years.
Why do you think there is no cure for the common cold? Eventually the human population will become immune to this strain and a new one will come, rinse and repeat.
Learn to use the internet retard.
What I fear is the rise of heat-immune strains.
But those aren't seasonal in that they die off. There are just lower rates of infection in the US.
Viruses aren't alive.
They're just little replicating strands of tRNA.
>Florida is hot
>In the spring
How much of a fucking pussy are you? Obviously he meant 85 degrees or hotter. You consider 70s to be hot?
Viruses are bullshit.
5g radiation is causing cell decay and bringing about intense detox aka flu.
Their genome sequencing is a load of bullshit. These things are smaller than visible light can illuminate.
First they said bacteria is the cause.
Then we said... Err no, obviously not.
Before that they said demons.
And now they say viruses, which like demons are invisible and not living.
It's called sin
The law of the universe.
Eat me and I'll curse you and future generations, giving you heart disease and degeneracy.
Go vegan, you fucking tall primate.
They are still replicating, just because they dont consume oxygen to live they can still be considered a living thing. They just arent multicellular.
>What I fear is the rise of heat-immune strains.
This bro. Yeah the virus may recede in warmer months. The flu pandemic in 1918 went away somewhat in the summer but than came back and was even more deadly in the fall months. So no. Warmer weather including your 85 degree hypothesis is incorrect cowboy.
They're not even cellular to begin with. They're aren't alive.
Shit, man. What are you on?
hot weather drowns out windmill sounds
>boomers go out in full force to florida for the heat
>get infected on a crazy level
>millions of boomers die off
>social security becomes a net positive
>housing market may crash but houses will be cheap
I think that's probably what will happen.
>Summer hits
>Virus "dies"
>Trump is Trump and proclaims victory way too soon
>Virus dramatically re-surges post-summer and wrecks Trump election chances
that's like blaming the retarded kid in class for flinging his shit everywhere ... everyone knows he's gonna fling his shit everywhere, so you should come to school wearing a hazmat suit. The US decided to show up to school wearing a dunce cap and a speedo.
...in terms of endemia-prevention and necessary public healthcare the US is on the level of a third world country.
And thats what a people electing such a moron as president deserves
MD here, you will all die lol
Virus will "re-emerge" regardless of whether it exists. They found something more effective than impeachment
we know that contrary to a flu the corona virus is not sensitive to raising temperatures - Trump was ignorant and ill informed as ever
obviously Trump will even succeed to tell you that you died from a democratic hoax
tiimestamp is in the future, what?
>time is the same everywhere
there is a study that suggests the virus doesn't fare well in hot and humid environments (papers.ssrn.com
If it returns equally or more infectious/deadly, we're stuck (or fucked) again, and we have to expect further, repeated shutdowns.
The 1918 spanish flu returned in the fall and killed over 100k people in that second round.
That graph publicly available?
...additionally, notice that when Trump made that statement, he was apparently winging it, since he did so in February, and that study just came out last week.
It doesnt stop at all, even in very hot areas worldwide. Its not the flu