ok well i am done with this guy. stocks are on meltdown again and the fed can't even stop it even though they took interest rates to nearly 0! look i never liked his tweets and he whinees and cries constantly about how the whole world is out to get him like a huge blubbering manchild but gave him a pass because we tweaked the libtards and the economy was great. but now he can't even claim the economy is good because he can't deal with a tiny micron sized virus. he has now wrecked the economy, the only thing he can claim that he did good, just like he has bankrupted his companies over the years. AND on top of all of that he has the biggest budget deficits in history and the national debt is sky rocketing.
if the republicans can get another candidate to vote for in time for the election, then i will vote for that person, but if not then i guess i will vote for biden because this can't continue.
> tl;dr economy tanked on his watch, he's lost my vote.
the fuck should i know? i only care about my paycheck. right now i can't even buy toilet paper. pic related. went back last night and still NO TOILET PAPER and trump says there is no problem.
most republicans are actually libertarian they just dont know it because of fox news
Brody Hernandez
There are brushes, man. Use them.
Colton Walker
meaning what exactly? they still want him in office after this bullshit and the trainwreck he made of this whole situation? do liberterians like their stock portfolio or toilet paper? because they are all gone now.
Andrew Brown
Would it shock you to learn that most bathrooms also have a shower in which you can wash your ass.
Josiah Hall
wipe your ass with your tears?
Luke Sanders
> tp hoarders confirmed i hope this turns into walking dead sort of scenario and people tear down your house to get your precious tp stash.
Jaxson Taylor
>certified conman famous for stiffing contractors and bankrupting any legit business he had to the that no US bank would loan him 1 cent >pushes retarded trade war and dissolves any amount of US soft power in the world with his grotesque ignorance >somehow burgers are still surprised the economy tanked and he has no idea how to control the upcoming healthcare armaggeddon because he's been peddling conspiracy bs from the beginning