Just a reminder, these are the type of people posting interracial threads, trannies and pushing BBC propaganda

Just a reminder, these are the type of people posting interracial threads, trannies and pushing BBC propaganda

Attached: 1584355588788.jpg (259x195, 10.69K)

Yep seems about right

Who fucked him up?

Higher res version

Attached: xhrexq318eiz.png (1439x798, 1.51M)

I thought it was some hapa faggot from r/hapas.

No it's always self hating Trump retards and stormfags trying to false flag outrage. They literally have nigs and trannies on the brain 24/7. It's a mental illness.


Politics needs to get the fuck off Yas Forums. The left has no platform beyond wanting mass illegal immigration for their masters, so they get BTFO'd on Yas Forums and come here with that shit. It's pathetic and shits up Yas Forums and /gif/, to no end.

If it's Yas Forums, why do they post it there constantly too? Are they really that good of actors?

They post both sides. They provide the problem and try to offer a solution to the problem they created. It's pretty simple.