
Builds 2 hospitals in a couple days

Despite the grim situation, they band together in song to raise spirits

First country with major steps to a vaccine

Buying toilet paper in bulk for some reason and stabbing each other while doing it.

We deserve this retarded presidency. We deserve this virus.

Attached: Corona Murica.png (515x350, 295.94K)

China deserves it more

If China is doing such a great job, feel free to move there you fag. Nevermind the fact they're the ones who invented this goddamn disease in the first place. Yea let's all suck their dicks anyway. Give me a break.

>Praising China

Attached: 1584084226139~2.jpg (608x692, 68.35K)

>Shifting focus this hard
The denial here is just staggering. I thought this kind of mass retardation was only possible in parodies.

The right wing only knows whataboutism. It’s a shield that helps them feel better about being shitty human beings.

I'm fucking pissed I actually need toilet paper and I can't find it anywhere.

bro, load up on napkins at a fast food place

How am I shifting focus? It is literal fact the virus came from China. There is no debating this. China SHOULD be at the front center of this, because it's their retarded people who created this virus. Eating fucking bat soup and cats and dogs in this day and age when there's no reason at all to do that, other than to be an asshole.

you sub-insects truly don't got a sense of proportionality.