No ylyl? WTF Yas Forums?

No ylyl? WTF Yas Forums?
Can we do one with zero porn images please?

Attached: Screenshot_20200303-161031.png (1440x2960, 862.62K)

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You had one fucking job

You can have an YLYL until /pol finds out. Then it's all uniform humour from there on. It'll be all nigger and jew jokes and nothing else as soon as they get a whaft of any YLYL threads.

Attached: house dems.png (951x1535, 1.57M)

Attached: common problem.png (1022x1023, 853K)

Attached: pisshole fard.png (1536x1517, 1.54M)

Attached: 3D8698FD-D69A-497A-B641-7A964FF093D5.jpg (828x1629, 527.05K)

Against the rules

Attached: disapproval.png (1131x1535, 1.02M)

Attached: rat ears.jpg (1440x1440, 345.53K)

Fake as fuck


Attached: c29ee594-671d-45a0-93ac-bb61f8c05de2-678x1584.jpg (678x1584, 166.74K)

Attached: IMG_20200315_215635.jpg (1065x1467, 352.28K)

Attached: 1583960277617.jpg (1024x698, 68.51K)

Oh wow

Attached: 1582725636141.jpg (676x677, 49.4K)

I think the thread is dead.

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Not a fried chicken wing. So fake!

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Attached: hmm, today i will cmmmit .jpg (228x214, 10.82K)

Attached: IMG_20200305_104006.jpg (774x960, 50.98K)

>guess who likes to shoot dogs
Fucking lost

Attached: 1584245542340.jpg (500x678, 62.33K)

Attached: 1584063315267m.jpg (1024x999, 101.91K)

Attached: 1904873.jpg (500x547, 62.6K)

Nah, just got stung by a bee. Use the epipen

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Attached: ZomboMeme 15032020230252.jpg (1408x1839, 480.56K)

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“Ass tickets” legit made me laugh.

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oh my god my sides. I remember that video

Attached: 1493671241311.png (800x800, 156.1K)

take a guess why my version is better

Attached: 1584332551065.jpg (686x568, 33.51K)

lol 1st is better

Attached: 1518024935147.png (1600x1273, 858.76K)