Who won the debate? Who will officially win the race to become nominee of the Democratic Party?
Who won the debate? Who will officially win the race to become nominee of the Democratic Party?
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Didn't matter who "won". The DNC will say Biden "won" and the cucked news media will run that. Hopefully Sanders will keep going and split the party in two. For the good of the country of course.
Dana Bash
Tulsi Gabbards butt
Hey I'm from Europe. Did Biden touch some kids or women or sniff at someone's hair again? Why are murricans vote this pedophile or trump pedophile?
I miss Elizabeth Warren
Trump won
Honesty I think Bernie pwned Biden, but people who vote democrat are such steep it won't matter in the end. They will vote for Joe anyway because they think he can beat Trump.
bernie is a true ideolistic socialist.
jew while they do push for socialism in america they want a puppet like biden they know bernie will just tax them too. biden will not tax the jew just like trump.
both biden and trump arr jew shills.
so if the (((DNC))) gets bernie out of the picture . than that's end game the jews win another 4 years in office.
before any stupid jew lovin conservatives patriotard accuses of me being leftiest. nope im a extreme right winger
Ron Paul 2012
>before any... extreme right winger
You didn't need to specify. Everyone can already tell youre fucking retarded
Sanders was confused as usual, no question Biden won. And Bernie's handlers need to get him off this "we're gonna take on the ________ industry" nonsense; it never works.
lol, this word makes me laugh every time i see/hear it now. Fucking millenials and their "official" everything and their all important "feelings".
this but unironically
the stupid entitled working class scum of leftiest and the jew patriotards cucks of the right will never understand true liberty
stfu triggered libtard. if you don't have something original or thoughtful aside from being pissy then why be here.
It doesn't work because the real cuck here is retards like you who gave up and enjoy the wagecuckery and the bullshit.
You're weak.
>split the party
you mean civil war yeah that would be cool but the 2nd amendment is dead and all the weapons for revolution have been banned by the Republican monarchy party.
the (((national guard))) totally not the military guys. would stop any revolution againts the status quo.
the extremist from all ends must unite againts the centrist
oh its not that we enjoy the wage """slavery""" we just don't agree the stupid workers are the base of the economy.
Capital is the economy. we plunder rare materials. a stupid working class mans time has no value but only to himself.
thats the reality of capital vs Labour
He will be the next Pedodent!!!
Tell me how you make money without workers. Protip= you cant.
the same people who always win. corporations
Substance: Sanders
Appearance: Biden
President: Trump
automation you retard
As a bernie supporter i hate to say it but
Bernie got destroyed
He's gonna drop out soon
Gonna have to start Ridin With Biden.
>the same people who always win. corporations
And why not?
They are the ones putting up all the money.
It's the American Way!
nope jews.
its like lefties say "its the rich"
yeah it is the rich, but who are the rich this vague 1% ..its the jews
I can't tell from tv:
Does Tulsi have a nice body or is she kind of a pear shape with a fat ass?
Biden was killing it
Bernie lost fair and square
Im sure a lot of Berniebro's will realize it and get in line behind the DNC and Biden now
Blue no matter what, right guys?
this is true corporations built America. not the stupid working class hillbilly nigger rednecks
It is kind of Irrelevant, they have the same boss, moreover, i would further suggest that Biden has already won. Additionally, there is a scope of discussion during the debate, pretty much making it impossible to say anything or suggest any possibilities that our handlers deem unsuitable. Also pic unrelated.
pool's closed due to coronavirus
tulsi is a faake conservathot.
a honey trap for patriotards
>Biden was killing it
you mean you bought into all the centrist bullshit he was pushing for
Bruh we have different ideas of what consitutes a good body
those white pants she was wearing made her look like she had a huge ass js
>Biden was killing it
lol, all Biden killed was about 50 billion brain cells
how do the workers have a job without capital.
protip = they don't.
we need capital
capital doesn't need us
the top 3 richest men aren't jewish
Trump won the debate
centrist you are whats really wrong with America. not the fascist, the anarchist, or the communist.
you the fucking normie is whats wrong with america. you who buys into the jewish status quo ..you give your own thoughts for the safety to comsume the crap the jews feed you. the jew poops the NBA into your bowl and you gladly buy all the funko pops of your favorite team. like some stupid sheep.
centrist are cancer
He's so smart it doesn't matter if he loses a few brain cells. He has cells to spare.
Try replacing "jew" with "billionaire capitalists" and you'll come across as much more intelligent
are you alex jones himself or are you retarded. political parties split and combine all the time all over the world. Riddle me this. If i take a shit, WILL IT SPARK CIVIL WAR????? C.I.V.I.L W.......a.......r.....?????
this, and I knew it would be this before even watching
>not even a pandemic can even slow them down even a tiny bit on shilling Open Borders™, A Koch Brothers® Proposal
god we'd be screwed in 2 years without Trump
Trump has no chance of winning now that he's botched the corona crisis.
hey fella's why dont you chill out and pay attention
We all want the same thing here. A president who can actually lead and bring change
That someone is Biden and he proved it today, and you know it..
Soon Bernie will be dropping out and endorsing Biden, and together with the DNC, we will fix this country
Thats just how it is.
And you guys are going to do the right thing and support him.
We are in this together.
Exactly. We are better off with him.
As long as you hate Bernie and democratic socialism we don't want the same thing. And next weeks will be Bernie's big come back because Biden just comes off like a corporate whore.
>alex jones
are you pulling my dick. he's controlled opposition , nice try glow in the dark cia niger.
>parties join and split all the time
literally ralrely happens, and in America we had a 2 party system for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS YOU FUCKING RETARD.
i don't care if Zimbabwe has a new party every week. were not in Zimbabwe are we.
if you take a shit only means you're full of it. you centrist twat
yeah we know what your narrative is faggot, we know who pays for it too.
Putin has over $100 billion in personal assets and that's not counting the resources of his government. His puppet must be reinstalled.
My narrative is the truth. My payment is justice.
Biden won easy
Sorry champ
Biden won and thats that.
He will be the nomination and im sure he will have your support
I know how you guys like to blow off steam by making your little threats, just like you did with Hillary. But in the end you id the right thing and fell in line.
You will again.
>Biden just comes off like a corporate whore
oh they get elected like fucken clockwork though.
You gonna build, program and maintain all the robots by yourself?
>>parties join and split all the time
>literally ralrely happens
Different user here. Canada splits, combines and creates new parties on a fairly regular basis. Liberals are the only ones that can currently trace their roots back over a hundred years.
The American system seems to allow internal fracturing within parties.
False flag harder faggot
Doesn’t matter, literally no one cares anymore now that corona is a thing. Biden is gonna win obviously
You mean the virus that spread unnoticed because everyone was too busy watching a sham impeachment?
Clinton didn't get elected
He isn't going to win on Tuesday too many #neverbernie boomers to vote for him it's over.
Not really. There's a whole week of primaries with big delegates and Sanders is going to have one hell of a comeback
yeah ur a shill
Yes! He fondled an 8 year old on video. Youtube it.
Shut up Boris
The only thing Joe Biden "goes" in anymore is his diapers - which explains why he smiles so much
Biden won't change a fucking thing and you know it
What happens if corona takes out all the geriatric candidates for 2020? Trump, Biden, Sanders are all in the old at risk category.
You have a sham penis
Sorry fella, not everything is a conspiracy.
DNC aint out to get you son.
Maybe if you spent more time on your feet instead of having your head in the clouds you would have seen the odds against Bernie from the beginning.
Hell, Bernie couldnt even get his own base out to vote for him.
You NEED Biden.
accept it.
Then Tulsi vs Pence
Fuck commies.
>sorry fella
Literally rape yourself
Fake Biden Bro lol
I mean the virus that spread because Drumpf was too incompetent to know when and how to actually do something. Just like rest of his sham of a presidency.
>my purpose is to make liberals seething enough to stay home Erection Day
Good hunting Trumpfag
Think whatever you want, as long as you think it on the way to the voting booth to put a check mark next to Joe's name.
Joe should try eating more fiber if he wants to go
nope you can shove it there satus quo soy goy
Holy fuck he managed to perv on two women, one a child, at the same time
Biden: You have 9 super pacs do you want me to name them?
Bernie: yes.
Biden: (oh fuck wait a second)
Your opinions are evidence that democracy will inevitably fail
Nobody wins where liberals are concerned.
>think of me as a massive LARPing faggot with an incredibly tight rapeable ass
You're a sham
fucking preach it brother
Your sarcasm wasn't lost on me, friend.