How does one get a girlfriend? Does anyone have any sources to provide some guidance?
How does one get a girlfriend? Does anyone have any sources to provide some guidance?
Be a 6'5" muscular millionaire doctor.
I already am. Although I'm not a millionaire yet. Do you think women just jump on men's dicks once they get money?
when you're still in school just talk to girls it'll happen.
if you're sub 21 it's still easy. Get good looking (pretty easy) and man up and go to clubs, bars or just house parties or some shit.
24 or above is where money comes into play I would think. I'm 20 for reference.
>it'll happen
I sat next to a girl for four months and nothing ever happened. We only ever coordinated school stuff
>clubs, bars or just house parties
I'm not a degenerate, not my thing
Did you actually like her? Blame yourself for not just asking her to do sth outside of school.
>not a degenerate
neither am I so I would think but if you dont get to know any people you wont get to know any girls soo
Ah and additionally you should try going for nofap. It really changes you as a person and a man.The way you'll approach women will change automatically after you're on like a week or two.
Buy a bunch of shitty PUA books and videos.
OH you mean a hot girlfriend...
Be hot, have a good income or at least high status job, drive a nice car (sports car or high end like Jaguar or Ferrari).
Big brain
Just find a girl you think is attractive and talk to her. Make friends like you would with anyone else. Don't do/say anything weird or creepy.
A more specific tip is eye contact/body language/etc. You don't always have to have clever lines to say, just talk to her like a good friend but make strong eye contact and make sure you seem involved and interested. Girls eat it up in my experience.
>asking her to do sth outside of school
haven't had a friend over since 2015 when I was in high school.
t. schizo
>make friends like you would with anyone else
I haven't had a genuine friend since 2014 when I was in high school. Been alone since then
tbh just get a really good fashion sense and you’ll just be able to talk to girls in general. When I got new a completely new wardrobe. i gained so much more confidence to just go and talk to people after that. Don’t even have to be expensive clothes, just stuff that’s nice yk.
Whenever you ask a girl out. Don’t ask to do generic shit like movies or coffee. Do some shit that most people don’t do. Like going to abandoned places or just doing late night dumb shit
This. Even if it's something small, if it makes you feel confident run with it.
Clothes won't help me because I have really bad acne. God cursed me. My body is covered in hundreds of scars. Haven't been to the swimming pool or beach sine i was 12. The fucked up thing is that I am very good looking but it just gets canceled out
That's good advice. And yeah I know movies are pretty dumb I mean you don't even talk. I would just take her on a walk or something.
Step 1: You're on Yas Forums asking this. Time to get off Yas Forums. Go get a planet fatness membership, they're cheap. Go late at night or early and the morning, do cardio and start lifting, at least 3 days a week. Unfuck your diet. Do a whole30 if you have to.
Step 2: Try a new hobby. If you're near water, there will be a kayak rental place. Start Kayaking. If you're not near water, go find trails. Hike, trail run, whatever. Find things to do outside that gets you in fresh air. If outside really sucks for you, take up wood working, or take some tech school courses in a trade like welding, and then do that shit for fun. Trust me, welding is fun.
Step 3: Start looking for local groups that share similar interests. Running groups, hiking groups, boating groups. The more outdoors-oriented it is, the bigger chance it won't be a sausage fest.
Step 4: You joined a group, right? Fucking do so if you haven't. Just be a part of the group. Don't approach the women. Interact with everyone. Be active. Participate. Enjoy yourself. Make sure you're still hitting the gym on the reg. You'll be dripping confidence, because you've spent all these other steps building on yourself. Women love this.
user, only a small % of splittails care about money or cars or other material things. Most of them just want a dude that takes care of himself. If a dude takes care of himself, he's able to take care of her. If a dude takes care of himself, he knows what he is about and isn't constantly worried about petty shit. Women worry about petty shit. Men do not. Men lead without force because they're at the very least sure that if they don't have the answer to a problem, they can find the answer.
Stop setting your standards so high. If you don't have girls approaching you left and tight, you aren't that good looking, so you're going to have to settle for less. I had a friend that was 300 pounds and a loser, but always thought he could pull 9 and 10s, but never did. Fucking weirdo
JFC sophia diamond is fucking perfect!
I found my last 2/3 on Tinder. The other one sold me shoes, and I asked her out.
Why do all of your answers require work and the guy having to make changes? Fuck that, if a chick doesnt want you for who you are, fuck that bitch, right?
Probably because guys who are already doing the things I suggest are pulling choice trim, and it's the fat basement dwellers that ask things like "how do I get pretty girls that weigh less than me to pay attention to me?"
So fat and stinky dudes should expect to pull fat and stinky chicks?
You can't get a girlfriend. They're not a commodity. You find someone who has similar interests to you. You take an interest in her life. Hopefully, she takes an interest in yours and with a bit of luck she'll agree to be a girlfriend. But there's not "get" and you will fail until you figure out why.
I dance. That's my hobby. I'm around women all the time. But I don't talk to them beyond hello.
Girls don't approach men. Hot girls make eye contact with me all the time. This girl has been meeting eyes with me for half a year. Not sure what to do from there. But I'm a bit socially retarded so before long they get bored of dealing with me. I've noticed this.
Don't listen to this simp OP
1: Be clean. Shower, deodorize, get haircuts, wash your clothes.
2: Confidence is key. I used to tell myself "I dont give a fuck" every time i had an anxious thought.
3: Talk to them. This ties into confidence. thing is you have to try. Im not a fan of pickup lines or catcalling. This shit does not work. you will find that you and women are into more things then you think.
4: I find that being my goofy ass self works just fine. no need for some act. i think it also makes me more interesting to talk to.
5: Its a numbers game. Dont dwell on a girl that is not into you. Just move on to the next one. fixating is unattractive. In dating apps you can try with 100 girls and meet one or two and thats great.
this is how you get friendzoned
You've never had a girl approach you? I've had chicks approach me. Mostly at the gym, and when I was in college, so I dont think you're as hot shit as you think you might be. Just sayin...
I've never been friendzoned though, so nah.
That sounds like waaaaaaay too much work before I get to the pussy. Fuck that. We go out maybe two times, she's fuckin' or I'm out
that's more like it lad
You don't talk to them? It's ok you smell like mothballs.
Girls do approach men. 3/5 of my last side pieces approached me first. Why? Even at 40, I take care of myself to a minimum. Proper hygiene, exercise, I know I'm pretty fucking awesome. I only make about 50k a year, and since I'm married, I ain't all that rich. I carry myself well because I know that I'm an awesome dude. It's not about money, or dick size, or material objects. I carry myself like I still can kick a door in, clear a room, kill an hadj, and enjoy a cigar and whiskey while fucking his daughter.
I mean, I can't do that, because fuck, I'm 40, but I carry myself like I can.
There's truth from this user.
They were hoes. I'm so good looking that I intimidate most women. I'm socially retarded so I don't smile and I'm alone as well. I have been told that I'm handsome for a long time regardless. I know I'm good looking because I just get away with stuff, and become popular by doing literally nothing. I unironically look like gigachad.
Getting to pussy and getting a GF are different things. Getting pussy requires a lot less. In general: be clean, be fit, dress nice, and talk more about her than yourself and you'll be fine. If you can figure out what sort of humour she has, that works too. Laughing girls drop their panties. Or just get some money together and buy pussy.
have you thought about killing a woman yet champ?
Gets ignored and thinks it's because he's too hot
Sure thing buddy. I can see the social retard thing definitely coming out in you.
I don't get ignored. Just two days ago a 9/10 made eye contact with me at least 4 times within 10 minutes of me entering a room (I was counting). Women make eye contact with me all the time. So do babies. People don't look at ugly things. Keep coping
>>they were hoes
Uhhhhhhjj, I've got some news for might want to sit down for this
>I hope that fat autist doesn't try and rape me
>I should keep an eye on him
So do babies?
Bro, the fuck?
>6 foot guy with strong masculine features strides into the classroom
>he's definitely autistic and i need to be careful
makes total sense
lie and say you have a gf... girls like it when they know a guy is stable enough to hold a girl down.
If babies stare at you it means you're good looking. Use your head before shitposting.
prove it
pics or it didnt happen
Man, this faggot is larping hard.
Don't need to prove myself to internet strangers.
Follow my steps. I know that working out requires actual work. I know that the slow game sucks. I'm 40. I've actually fucked more women as a married guy than I did as a single incel guy in the early 00's.
Women, the kind that are actually worth "gf" status, don't care about how much you make (disclaimer follows in a sec), your dick size, property you own, etc.
Women want a man who knows who he is. Full stop. This is why Kevin Smith, at his fattest, got the woman he still has today.
As far as financials goes, women, the ones that are worth a damn, only look for a man who isn't in a minimum wage job and doesn't have so much debt that a mortgage is impossible. Seriously, you can make 20k a year, and as long as your credit score is more than 600, you'll be alright. My wife has consistently made 10k more than me for most of our marriage. Money has never been the issue with any marital problems. Stop believing the social media hype from 11/10 whores and their "life." Women just want an man that makes them feel safe and taken care of. Dude, you can do that with some gymwork and $14/hr.
Usually you can take one with rope and force, But since Everyone
has cell phones this is much rarer occurrence, Your best bet would
be drugs or some other kind of lurer money is a good motivator.
Women look at me and say have a nice day smile and joke, I don't proceed to fuck them.
Fantasies in this place are stupid.
Based on all the research I've conducted, the scientific literature, the ancient manuscripts, religious texts, the picture becomes clear. Women want a man who can provide and protect, or at least a man who shows that he is capable of those things in the future. It's that simple.
>I've actually fucked more women as a married guy than I did as a single incel guy in the early 00's
Yeah you’re clearly an expert on relationships.
says that guy arguing on Yas Forums
I'm certainly an expert as a man who can get a woman to open herself to me. Where are you on that point?
> I'm certainly an expert as a man who can get a woman to open herself to me
Haha who the fuck talks like this? Ok I’ll bite though!
Never had an “incel phase” in my life, got ass while I was still young until I found someone worthwhile and married her, don’t go around banging random bitches anymore because why would I get married in the first place if I just wanted to do that, and I’m also not a raging nigger with a dick-controlled-brain. So, I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking!
I mean the guy did ask for advice on getting a girlfriend, implying desire for a functional relationship, not how to be a cuck manwhore after all, but you know, it doesn’t even really matter since his story is all made up anyway, so you carry right on being an expert. Let me know how expert you’re feeling when you get divorced and lose half your shit though.
Way too much seething here. Why are you so assblasted?
you're 40 and visiting Yas Forums still? LOOOOLLL
Holy shit this.
When I’m in big dick swinging infantry mindset, I get the type of attention I want, usually unintentionally. But when I act like a little bitch that’s mad at the world, people avoid me.
The way you see yourself is the way you’ll carry yourself, OP. If you’re a man, grab that shit between your legs and start acting like it. Confidence is what attracts women.
i am 51. and i make many posts here. many of them are sophia diamond tik tok videos that i convert to audioless webm for here. i love her.
Well at that point, if you left Yas Forums, you'd probably just hang yourself.
what the fuck does that even mean? Confidence is the feeling of comfort in performing a certain skill, as a result of repeated success in said skill. So how the fuck can somebody be "confident"? More like stupid.
i think id know a lot abt this but tbh not rlly but just take care of yourself and look decent and be nice!! personality is a huge part of dating
Clearly you don’t know, but that’s ok. I’ll explain. The simplest way to put it is those shitty virgin vs chad memes. Let’s say you’re grocery shopping. That’s performing something. Do you avoid eye contact and stare at the floor, or do you walk with a purpose with your chin up? That’s obviously an exaggerated example, but still. It’s as simple as that.
I guess maybe self esteem should be a better term for this, but self esteem comes down to confidence in yourself. It’s your self image.
have a sophia diamond tik tok for you trobles