Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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To save everyone from poverty and give them a better chance in life. To allow everyone to move where they will fit better and where they will be appreciated to their just value. We are all equal and we should all be treated equal no matter where we are from, what language we speak, was religion we follow or which gender we have. There are no person better or worst and we should live all together and in that frontier are useless.

Nigger we have people living in poverty in this country already. You want to import millions of more poor people? For what purpose? And how many of them are you taking into your home? Or do you only want them here as long as they vote for your team and stay in their set up containment zones?

trump hired illegal immigrants. I don't think he's for closed borders either.

>trump hired illegal immigrants
Oh did he now? He hired them all personally, after he personally interviewed them? Or is what you just said a gross mis-characterization of the situation at hand, and you're purposely being a lying jew fuck?

They don't.

Thinking they do, is just believing the propaganda by The Man!

They dont

Actually they do, and the two men running for president are proposing policy that encourages open borders

Yes, there is no way a business owner can avoid hiring illegal immigrants unless he interviews them personally. God you bootlickers will make up anything just to convince yourself your idol is perfect.

They do

We have people living in poverty because too long our country as been ruled by the unfair capitalist judgement. We have to build a society more equal, more fair so everyone has a chance and then people will have a better life. The new people will just be able to bring even more wealth for everyone and that will all be in harmony. Immigrant are hard worker and they will build business and bring job to america that will then allow us to share the wealth with everyone. I then wouldn't need to take anyone in my house and they will vote for the democrat not because we brought them in but because of how fair we are compared to the Republican.

Buddy, it's a very simple question. You said he hired illegals. So how exactly did that happen? Or are we not suppose to ask you that question? Are questions not allowed in your pathetic life?

>unfair capitalist judgement
You know you can get the fuck out right? Nobody's forcing you to stay here. I'm sick of you commie faggots complaining about capitalism but you refuse to leave.

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>Why do the democrats want open borders?
you already made this thread today you hopeless loner

>They don't
Just like they don't want to ban firearms?
>"Oh you can have your muskets"
>Somebody gets rekt with a musket
>Yeah, we're going to be taking those too. Not like you could stop a tyrannical government with them anyway, right?

Because it would give them more voters

Why leave? It will make america a better place to live for everyone. I don't see why I would need to leave. If anything if you want to keep living in an unfair country maybe you're the one that should leave.

I found the faggot commie who thinks they're better because of their fucked up ideology

1/10 troll

Usually when someone get's hired there's an interview, showing proof of ID and turning in a resume. Apparently you were unaware of this process "buddy"?

Ass bait. More relevant question, why are you a cunt?

1. more voters
2. cheaper labour
the latter being what the extreme rich people really want. more mexicans and indians. they're sick of paying for benefits and minimum wages
3. wipe out white people

what's "fucked-up" about living in a more faire place? You'd rather have people keep being poor and suffer while the rich live the easy life off their back like leeches?

No I didn't, retard. Try taking your fucking meds.

This is what I'm saying, they don't want open borders but they want to disband ICE and have no more deportations for illegals. That's fucking open borders.

You should leave because people like you are a fucking drain on soceity. You blame capitalism for why your life is a fucked up mess, likely as you work at Burger King if you even have a fucking job at all. So why don't you move to Cuba or China or some other communist country if it's so much better? No one will fucking miss you.

So just to be clear, you are saying Trump personally hired all of these people, knowing they were illegals? They told him, Trump to his face, they are illegals? This is the story you're sticking with?

Uncontrolled mass illegal immigration, into all white countries, is the one true platform of the left.

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you think your life will improve if you just enable the government to steal more money from the rich? you know, that government that is seeped so much in corruption and stealing money? you want them to have more money? awesome dude.

The idea of people coming here for a chance at a better life isn’t new, so if you don’t like it, you can get the fuck out. Democrats don’t even want open borders, you’re an uneducated idiot if you think so, but mischaracterizing democratic principles is your only shot at winning the upcoming election. Have you seen Trump talking about the virus? What a fucking joke, the retard can’t even sentence.

thats an unrealistic standard. This is why the democratic party can never convince me. Too many of their policy are based on empathy/emotions and nothing else. How many people in the world do you suppose live in developing countries? How many do you suppose want to not live there? It doesn't make sense to open your country to all of them.

>what's "fucked-up"
And yes, that was already the filename.

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for votes and power

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Why do you post that exact same thread every day ?

>You should leave because people like you are a fucking drain on soceity
Because you are not a drain to society letting the rich do as they please and as they drain the money out of the poor to always get richer? They don't care about any of us. They will never need that much wealth and it's about time they learn to share what they earn off the back of their fellow americans.

if every poor fucking person came here for 'a better life' then everyones lives would be shit, as they continue to as our population and illegal immigration continues to rise

Like joe Biden or Bernie Sanders cant hold a sentence?

They don't. Who said they did?

Yes, it was built with the idea that people come here LEGALLY and make their own way in life. Not this retarded bullshit that any dumbass monkey can just crawl their ass across the border illegally, and not only be protected by your team but given welfare and other benefits they have no right to receive. As we have thousands of people in the fucking street with no homes. It's so goddamn ridiculous we have to build a fucking wall to begin with because you people refuse to tell your spanish speaking slaves to follow our fucking laws.

That same corruption come from the rich themselves. Just stop having candidates founded by the rich and have them be founded by the people. Then you will have way less troubles. Plus this system sucks because of how capitalism has been corrupting it. It needs to change.

Ironic that a racist like you uses a black guy to counteract an argument.

free votes.

if they're the party that allow illegal immigrants to vote, then the immigrants will not actually have any option but to vote for the democrats because otherwise they'll just lose the ability to vote.

Well maybe it they wouldn't want to come here if we didn't keep draining their resources and making war with them. Give them a chance to live.

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but to me as a distributist it's realizing great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few leads to democracy being destroyed. That's why I favor a market economy made up of co-operatives and small businesses. There's a great quote to go along with this: "“We may have a democracy or we may have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.” - Louis D. Brandeis, former Supreme Court judge

Oh yeah, here comes the boo hoo the rich are stealing from the poor argument. Even though those poor people you wanna cry a fucking river for, have hoards of fucking kids and buy lottery tickets and cigarettes every fucking day. Why are they having kids and buying cigarettes if they're so fucking poor? Of course you bring that up fags like you wanna play stupid all of a sudden, acting like you don't know what the fuck we're talking about. Or you just parade around like a fucking faggot, saying hur dur don't pay attention to what my pets are buying these days. Give me a fucking break with this goddamn bullshit.

So you think unless an illegal tells a hiring manager to his face they're illegal there is no way of stopping them? God you are retarded.

That looks like complete bullshit tbh. Also, white peoples brought the problem, so maybe it's time they leave space for the others for a little bit.

So you're not gonna answer my questions huh? Do questions frighten you?

>Too many of their policy are based on empathy/emotions and nothing else.
That is only how they are sold to the weak minded hippie types, that have zero critical thinking ability and are all told the flowery things they want to hear to allow subversion to reign. Even their masters have no end game, they just see votes and cheap labor. They never consider what will happen to them once the demographics are so fucked, that the illegals start voting themselves into their positions and we suddenly have pockets of government that are third worlders, running a third world, within our borders.

>That looks like complete bullshit tbh
It is 100% bullshit. Yeah black and brown people really "love" each other, even though they commit massive amounts of violence against each other everywhere they fucking live. We're not suppose to pay attention to that part though.

I want the democracy, that's why I try to aim Democrats.

They have space, they just don't do anything with it, except burn it to the ground. Which is exactly what they do here, where given space. Ghetto builders will never be welcome in the West.

>do I think the illegals that work for trump were interviewed by trump himself and told them they were illegal?

No dumbfuck. But I already answered this by saying a business is supposed to have controls in place to keep illegals from being hired. If a business legitimately did not want to hire illegals they won't. The only way of knowing if someone is illegal isn't if "they say to your face they're illegal." Rolflmao that you are naive enough to think that.

Stupid, unrealistic and gay

They have kids because they hope their kids will allow them to live better. They play the lottery because they want to dream, and they smoke because they fill like shit for the life they live. They need help, not judgement.

So the USA is responsible for EVERY developing nations problems... every single one?

If/when that happens, which is possible it'll happen in the next 10-20 years if not sooner, this country will literally become 3rd world. You can call it racist all you want, till the cows come home. But the reality is that spics have shown zero capacity or even desire to run any country that is 1st world status.

Right, so you admit what you said was bullshit. Thanks for letting us know. You can go now.

I'll take a democracy/republic over an oligarchy any day. And what do you mean by "aim" democrats.

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So you're saying the only way a business owner can know if someone is illegal is if they say to their face they are?

They love eachother to death until one breaks the unwritten rules of ghetto thug life. Nice quads.

The US definitely didn't help it really. Would already be a good start if we stopped making it worst at least.

No they have kids because they're fucking stupid. With fags like you parading around and making bullshit excuses for them. As you demand I pay more fucking taxes so I can pay for some dumbass chimp's fucking daycare, just for that dumb nigger to grow up and join a fucking gang anyway. You point that out fags like you wanna say boo hoo my pets need more money. So donate your own fucking paycheck if you wanna be so fucking generous. I'm sick of this goddamn bullshit where fags like you are real fucking generous as long as you're not the one who's paying.

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

You are what makes this quote true.

"If you bring up my pets or poor people having hoards of kids that everyone else MUST pay for, I will parade around like a faggot on pride day"

You are what makes this quote true.

I fully expect a Mexican governor in California within the next few elections. They already have their first Mexican sheriff, IN THE HISTORY OF THE STATE. Nobody finds this alarming on the left, it's fine... Anyone that thinks it's fine, look up what this fine sheriff did to LA County laws. Just about every crime is a slap on the wrist now, no matter how bad they are.

I pay my taxes, and so should you. If we give those kids a future they will not join gangs. The problem right now is that nothing is done to give them a brighter future and we should change that. It's not just about being generous, it's about a collective growth that we can all live from.

>the retard can’t even sentence.
haha biden doesn't even know what day of the week it is. He's got the dementia

Pets? Where am I demanding people's pets be paid for? Or advocating people have hoards of kids that everyone else must pay for? And I'm sure you had just as much outrage when trump just spent 1.5 trillion on wall street.

...really OP?

The world is smack in the middle of a pandemic and America is about one week from Italy in terms of infection numbers.

The American healthcare system is going to crash. Period. Millions that were barely making it to begin with now won't be making it at all. And Trump is (ultimately) still going to take away food assistance. And most of them own guns.

And you can't stop sucking Trumps balls long enough that you're still obsessed with refugees misery.

Gangs aren't as nearly as bad a problem as those on the right make them out to be tbh. I've even asked a cop about problems with gangs in my city and he said there's not one.

underrated post

I think you're just mad because you know if you go to one of those countries that has policies you claim to love, you'll realize you don't have the freedoms you do here. Same reason the hens on the view never moved to canada

The left doesn't care because they view minorities as below them, thinking they will rule over a literal brown hoard as more and more pour into the country. Not understanding that eventually their pets will turn on them, like they always do when they gain enough numbers and positions of power. Outside of that though it is very alarming how the democrats are literally catering to criminals and open border advocates. The same thing is happening in NY and NJ, and pretty much anywhere the dems are in power. Where now minorities are getting special treatment and not being arrested for committing crimes, and even when they do they get released the same fucking day on $1 bail, in some cases after committing violent crimes like robbery or assault. Until people start rejecting this SJW bullshit from the democrats it'll only get worse, as the criminal element is allowed to grow and win.

Then why are they joining gangs now? When I already have to pay for that nigger's K-12. Now you retards want me to pay for his fucking daycare? As if somebody forced your monkey ass to have kids you can't afford. And it's comical you are talking about those kids having a bright future. A lot of those people are doomed from the fucking start. And it's not because of Trump or the "system" or any other boogy man you fags wanna invent, it's because of their retarded fucking 'family' and that's even assuming the nigger father is around. How about you tell your pets to stop having kids at 15 years old, put the fucking basketball and blunt down and learn some fucking math and reading skills, and MAYBE they won't end up in fucking prison or working at a Popeye's their whole life? Otherwise you can suck my dick.

oh there is, but there's nothing they can do about it. Gangs are always going to be there, they're always going to have guns, etc. The police just deal with it. The media also doesn't report when ungabunga kills one of his own kind (I'm thinking about all the black on black crime in gun free Chicago for instance)

We don’t want open borders. Customs would actually get expanded. We just don’t want to criminally prosecute deportations. It could be done cheaper and more effectively as a civil case matter.

The fag who is defending open borders is cancer I hope they contract the virus

Buying votes

>And it's not because of Trump or the "system" or any other boogy man you fags wanna invent, it's because of their retarded fucking 'family' and that's even assuming the nigger father is around. How about you tell your pets to stop having kids at 15 years old, put the fucking basketball and blunt down and learn some fucking math and reading skills, and MAYBE they won't end up in fucking prison or working at a Popeye's their whole life? Otherwise you can suck my dick.
this! There's more to life than ball. Have some fucking realistic goals and start teaching your children how to act from a young age so that Jamal doesn't start stealing by the first grade

Yes pets, that is how you people view them all. As literal pets that do as they are told to do, and it's expect they all stay in the containment zones your team set up. You fags love smiling and laughing as more of your pets cross the border illegally. Soon as one moves in next door you stop smiling.

then why haven't I ever heard this argument from a leftist politician? It's all "oh those poor children" and "they just want a better life" as if the parents don't know what's going to happen if and when they get caught!

>Customs would actually get expanded
Bullshit it would get expanded. I have not seen one fucking suggest anything even remotely like this.