Daily reminder:

Daily reminder:
Does not have or support a constitution.
>Democratic Socialism
Supports and uses the constitution.
>Also, neither one is communism

There is most definitely a difference. Thanks for your time.

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Go back to jerking each other off on reddit. Bernie is shit

What's reddit?

>"I have to get the last word."
>Makes thread justifying Socialism, the brother of Communism under Father Marxism.

mUh MiLlIoNaIrEs AnD bIlLiOnAiReS!!

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Could you try to type something in that actually makes sense so that I can respond to it? Because this is like talking to a jabbering ape.

Lol, thanks for demonstrating how stupid people who think like you actually are. You probably think that image is accurate and clever.

So what you're saying is that the Constitution is meaningless. Yeah, good argument.

Democratic Socialism is just Socialism

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Nope, the word Democratic has a very specific meaning. It is not infact just a filler word.

Here is your average Bernie supporter youtube.com/watch?v=OhiFWvJU5eM

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Democratic socialism...lol

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The word Democratic merely implies suicide by socialism instead of murder.

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At least Bernie supporters can actually form their own thoughts and opinions, rather than just link random meaningless videos from youtube.

Ok commie

Nope, it sure doesn't mean that at all. Nice try though.

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Nope, it's just a fuller word

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Nah, I don't support socialism or being poor. Unlike you. I do support Democratic Socialism however, which is a very different thing, unless of course, you cannot comprehend what the constitution says, or that it exsists.

This is an example, I'm sorry you prefer a hyperbolic echo chamber.

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The constitution is a real thing that exsists. Sorry to burst your bubble.

The Constitution states that guns are a right too, doesnt mean the government should be providing them for free.

I have never heard someone ask for a safe space. And I argue politics a lot with people across the entire political spectrum

This is you

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I haven't said one word about a safe space, so your image is completely irrelevant to our discussion, as is everything you have said to this point.

Can you Americans just have a cilvil war and kill yourselves already. So sick and tired of seeing these retarded threads. Honestly just as bad as the blacked/trap spam.

Like big banks?

Once again, I support democratic socialism, not socialism. Maybe it will sink in this time? Or are you simply incapable of reading comprehension?

Your subjective experience doesn't change the fact that universities literally supply leftists who can't handle the truth with literal safe spaces youtube.com/watch?v=HwF9SFaKy6U

What’s unconstitutional about socialism? Does that mean fire departments are unconstitutional?

why is free shit a bad thing? explain it deductively, without memes

Once again, what in the fuck do safe spaces have to do with anything? I am not discussing safe spaces. This thread has nothing to do with safe spaces. You are fucking retarded.

And that means no leftist theory is a superior plan?

As a socialist I actually hope so.

Socialism doesn’t have to have a constitution is the point. It can be done away with, our current constitution stands as long as we remain a republic. If we change to a socialist government rather than a republic. It voids the current constitution. That’s the point

own what your party has created

Nothing is unconstitutional about socialism. Thats the point. The point i am making is that Democratic Socialism specifically states that it supports and uses the constitution, whereas socialism does not state this.

The Soviet Union had a constitution.

You are braindead.

It doesn’t have to is what I said, and what I said is the current one that the USA has only stands as long as we stay a republic. We change from a republic, it voids the current one. Please read and comprehend, I never said the ussr didn’t have one. Just stop

No that means that leftist have started using universities as indoctrination simpletons pay for.
Anyone with half a brain knows Trade schools are the way to go. youtube.com/watch?v=OVuQq-m2ZUM

We are discussing the United States of America and it's constitution, not Russia. Try to keep up.

Said the socialist who wants open borders

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I haven't even mentions open borders. How would you know my thoughts on the matter when you haven't even asked? Oh right, you just go through life making assumptions about things that you have no fucking idea about. Things like Democratic Socialism.

America already offers socialized systems by way of a republic. Social security, Medicare. Public education K-12. The Military. Fire departments. We offer these in a republic. Are you saying we can’t expand these without curb stomping the constitution?

Who’s trying to change from a republic?

Universities have always been liberal nests.

because you guys are a hyperbolic echo chamber, I know you better than you know yourself.
NPC became a thing for a reason youtube.com/watch?v=tqqwTgk8ri0

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Who in America is trying to dismantle the republic? Leftists are trying to empower and invest in the electorate. We’re not trying to make it less of a republic

Nothing is free. If you want "free" college, the teacher, janitors, cafeteria workers,etc., aren't going to work for free. So someone has to pay them. How do we pay them? By increasing taxes. I'm not paying for your shit

Yeah, you have clearly demonstrated your knowledge of the issues in this thread, by saying nothing that even makes sense, and then linking random images and videos.

>Actually being this retarded

If we switched over to a fully socialist government, this is what would happen. This isn’t very hard at all to understand what I said. It’s very very basic
Just saying for the people preaching the want for a socialist government

The irony that You’re the one using hyperbole

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I never said we were. Think you are confusing me for someone else.

Leftists want to get rid of the electoral college, if that happens, we are no longer a republic

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>Democratic Socialism
>Yeah but if we go fully Socialist
>Not understanding the word Democratic

The people who want Bernie Sanders to be president, aren’t trying to weaken the integrity of the republic. We’re trying to protect it. We want reform not replacement. We get flack from the actual commies for that fact

You forgot trump and Biden are both pedophiles

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Nobody in this thread has supported a socialist government yet. You are fucking retarded.

People have supported a DEMOCRATIC socialist government however, and you seem incapable of understanding the difference.

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It’s the senate and house that makes us a republic. Not the electoral college. Ireland is a republic. They don’t have an electoral college.

What does Socialism have to do with the argument we are having? Oh, right, nothing whatsoever.

*Older than 5
*First name starts with A or D

*Older than 5
*First name starts with A or D

Once again, Democratic socialism is not the same thing as socialism. Nice cartoon though!

Relevant videos with many creators who entirely dismantle your arguments.

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