Rekt thread, because the last one failed

Rekt thread, because the last one failed

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Other urls found in this thread:

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You know society is fucked when a nigger doesn't even need a weapon to rob someone

Attached: 1584116180833.webm (610x360, 1.93M)

Attached: 1571510705711.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

Attached: 1571620022376.webm (704x362, 1.93M)

Attached: niggers rekt.webm (640x360, 1.92M)

>Rekt thread, because the last one failed
This fails too

It's not just that, white people seem to be too weak to fight them or even do anything about it. They just take the beating.

It failed because it lacked of niggers being niggers

Rekt thread niggers' shopping edition

Could anyone get away with that? I mean the store owner he basically dropped a whole clip in the nig

Attached: 10-5-701x701.jpg (701x701, 101.72K)

Imagine thinking white privelage is real, Jesus fucking monkeys

Kek, I had to find something new to contribute to the niggers shopping thread

Attached: shopping.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

I think partially it's from people being too afraid to be labeled rasict or convicted of a hate crime and partially due to the means to defend themselves.

I feel like there is a huge overlap between rekt threads and nigger hate threads.

damn why are niggers such niggers

Yeah I mean there's a huge disconnect from like 120 to 60 IQ, you're right. Most niggers don't have developed brains so


great another nigger spam thread
can we get some actual rekt videos in here


It's almost always Niggers. Then the Spics, Whites and Asians in descending order.

I know right? I'm really trying to find good content but all I can find is niggers

Attached: stealing.webm (400x300, 1.91M)

Wtf is this?

These men are such fucking pussies when that tiny ass girl is the hero wow she really gave it to that nigger, fuck dude

where do arabs fit in? obviously above whites and asians, but before or after spics?

lool where hte fuck does she come from

Dude got serious prison time for the mag dump. If he had just shot him the one time and left it at that he would have walked away a free man

Piece of shit, but all in all im glad he didnt hit her... That wouldve got me..


Wrong. No charges were filed against the employee:



Source on this shit

Kek. The owner was ready to draw when he saw the nigger.

Attached: lol.gif (490x377, 831.48K)

Attached: wtf.gif (640x480, 1.65M)

look at that

Could have sworn he got prison time but apparently I stand corrected

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have you seen spics bombing shit? theres your answer

>I think
Nice cope

Attached: 1517540849648.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

Arabs are part of the caucasoid race, as are Indians. But obviously they are fundamentally different from the european races and eachother in many genetic and cultural ways. They probably commit crime at a level that is similar to whites, and I'm going to assume Indians commit crimes at levels more consistent with east asians but probably below them.

So higher iq means bigger pussy?
White ppl are so fucking embarrassing

>So higher iq means being more prudent?

Attached: 1559720671173.webm (198x360, 1.91M)

If you're just an employee, you're not gonna fight back. Unless it's my business and my livelihood on the line, I'm not going to fight hoodlums.

>blacks and dogs

Attached: poster_mcdonalds_niggers.jpg (4000x2250, 628.36K)

Savages, absolute monsters who have no humanity

Attached: 1536668326_r7X0nrP-1.png (533x523, 319.5K)

It's the angle. She was in the far aisle near the coolers. The bottles that appear to be on top are actually farther away and behind glass.

I swear niggers are worse than the chinks... most chinks will ignore a victim when they're dying. Nigs will outright rob them of whatever's left


Involving your child in your liquor store robbery, pathetic.

You're suppose to mag dump. You don't know if the threat is neutralized after 1-2 shots. And immediately after, he left the location just in case the perp can still get the drop on him. This is what they train CCW holders to do.

Didnt you see the cunt had a gun either?

Human brain is the smartest weapon on this planet, and you're lucky I'm even responding. People like you don't deserve a time or day

Niggers always talk about how theyre mistreated and deserve more respect, but ive never seen bands of whites rob a store like this. Niggers suck, die niggers.

I feel like leaving the store was a bad idea. The robber could have very easily had homies waiting outside. I would've locked myself in the store. The robber was clearly dead.

Attached: 1572741118874.webm (352x240, 1.89M)

Saw it but the nig basically died after the first shot and then he continued to drop the mag just curious not 'murican like ya'll

It is difficult for white people to understand the switch flip savagery and be ready for it but you always have to keep your attention up

I mean, to be fair and all, ghetto trash white people who want to be niggers will act like niggers too. They just do it a whole lot less than actual niggers, who are essentially just animals who wear human clothes and speak some mangled approximation of human language while ooking, eeking, and grunting while fondling their dicks