Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread
Theatre Edition
First 24

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Richard Rawlings

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Jesus Fucking Christ

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Fuck, I

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Kizuna AI

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Dorothy Haze

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jew monkey

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the commando

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Bully Eyelash

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Home dragonmaid

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the child

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quick question: is this theatre edition as in Broadway or Shakespere?

Ghost of Stonewall Jackson

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Hull Kogan

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the shaman

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the infected

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Currently @ 21 with

Dlanor A. Knox

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Winston Churchill

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the corrupted

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I said 24 right? let's roll

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always ready!

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Let's do this

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this will be easy

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Damn. Reznov missed the ban wagon

Let's roll

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time to take the stage!

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looks good! lets go

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Playing Nioh 2, won't be too active.

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Nah, he made it in time

The shaman and I shall banish you for good!

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Nothing new here.

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Ah, I see Drills is in the revival of Miss Julie

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you made me shit my pants

not likely.
you still dont even have monkey jesus

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>>Churchill is a phantom

I mean. You ain't wrong

How does that fit in your pants?!

But I have Jesu Jesus, right?

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>Hogan buried

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thanks, youre all too kind

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Liz won a Tony for playing Megumi?

Dang, dead already

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Amen, brother. Fuck that shit flinger.

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>> Jew Monkey dies in the incinerator
My sides

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only friendly ghost ive heard of since casper

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Hold on to ya panties, an arena event!


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Damn. That is Hardcore Rookie

Where the fuck is Sherman's pyro ass?

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Hey Dorothy, need a lighter?

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if shes fucking dead

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i mean i'd watch a movie about churchhill having to defeat slenderman

when did god hit the gym?

i...i think ill have to start going too...

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Gotta say, I look pretty good.

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On the one hand, that had to hurt,

On the other...golden drills

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No, not for now at least
How about if its a musical?

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Liz, what would you do with 2000 years and nothing to do but watch boring people do monotonous tasks?

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Reznov: *Sreams
Rookie: ...

And so, tonight's showing "Mamzer Monkey Murder" is about to end, so I give you, the audience, the moment to bet on our diva!

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Someone here is a Father Ted fan

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still in the running!

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i could also try and learn to read

doremy even has a music name

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fuck. Churchill slays Slenderman and is taken down for talking?! Harsh!

RIP the three best contenders.

Fear! The might of stop motion!

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oh shit

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I mean, there's fapping to mortals in the shower, but that gets old.

Bud, I died several slides ago.

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that was a quick game. congrats dorothy

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I must say, our diva looks good in red

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Curtain call, clap for all!

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Congrats, Dot.

'preciate the game, Mr. Rigs.

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thanks for the game

i dont know what to say about that

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GG Dorothy.
Thanks for hosting OP

Thanks for hosting man

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Shit, that looks cool as hell! thanks, mate!

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