Am I racist for avoiding asians due to the corona virus? Whenever i am at a burger king or something and see an asian...

Am I racist for avoiding asians due to the corona virus? Whenever i am at a burger king or something and see an asian... I take a few steps back.

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No, just dumb. That is better, right?

Xenophobic actually

Why dumb... Because I am avoiding a person who is at a statistically much higher chance of having the virus, than say, a white person?

OK China man

nigga. i just got chinese food. it was delicious. im stuffed. but i got an egg roll left

statistically, you should be avoiding Italians and other wogs.

don be scared huwite boy give us kiss

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Yes, but not in a bad way.

Just like not letting fat people into the 100m final at the Olympics - it's discrimination but also a good idea.

>Because I am avoiding a person who is at a statistically much higher chance of having the virus, than say, a white person?
If you actually believe that, then yes, you are dumb.

Yes, and a stupid one at that. You think random kid at Burger King just busted out of quarantine in China, got smuggled over here, and infiltrated our society just so they can work or hang out at fucking Burger King? You’re retarded.

Tell us how the corona is, when the symptoms start showing in 5 days.

Italy has a couple thousand cases. China has a LOT of tens of thousands of cases.

Lasted three days for me, very mild, but a bit of a persistent cough.
But fuck it. I should be immune for a while now.

Pretty sure Burger King doesn’t import their Asians in direct from China. They’re Americans just like you dumbfuck.

Go back to China, China man. We don't want your disease you peice of filth.

Are you in China though?
Most of the people with corona around the world right now are pretty fucking white.

Well, he probably had family visit from his country to come here... Or maybe he visited in the Chinese new year and came back here, like many do. Sorry but I think he has a MUCH higher chance of having that disease Cuz he asian

It’s spreading domestically at this point.

Holy fuck, you really are as thick as mince.

Italy cases: 24,000

China cases: 90,000.

It's only racism if they're black or brown

I hope for your sake you’re just another troll, because if you’re really this stupid you’re not going to last long

Outside that the Asians in country couldn't of came back in earlier then 2 months ago, yes. You're a lemming. Plus all but 3 people with kung flu aids are non Asian.

Are you in one of those countries?

No just an idiot you should be doing that 4 every1

Population of Italy: 60.5 million

Population of China: 1.4 billion

because you're a fucking moron unless you have an immune deficiency, pregnant or just old you're more likely to be affected by it

>Am I racist
You're on Yas Forums, so odds are...

That proves nothing other than it is spreading faster in Italy.

Listen here dumbfuck. This disease originated from thier filthy China man market... Where they eat cats, dogs, and bats. If it wasn't for those Chinese bastards, we would not have this disease.

Reported cases, most will have mild symptoms or be A-symptomatic.

>Whenever i am at a burger king
How often do you go to burger king? It sounds like the lard is clogging up your brain

The virus is airborne so taking a few steps back isn't going to do anything

Prolly not racist, but a complete idiot. Please, do us all a favor and get corona virus so you don’t reproduce. Every race is eligible to have it dumdum

no you're based.

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Alright. You overplayed it. You’re definitely just a trollfag. Fuck off loser.

They're only statistically higher to have it if they've recently visited China

That's only an example. Whenever I am anywhere and see and Asian really. Train, bus etc. Especially if they sneeze or cough. I want out that bitch asap.

Are what? Anonymous is gender less and faceless. All you new fags don’t know about the days when neonazis got hacked and brought their websites down. So, please don’t imply those who come on Yas Forums are racist because chances are you will look like a newfag who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about

If you are 6 feet from an infected, it is very low chance you will inhale it. Unless you are outside and the wind is blowing the particles directly at you.

Just hold your carers hand for reassurance until you get home for tendies and a juice box.
Be strong, my special friend.

You are retarded as fuck bro. By this logic you should only hang out with niggers. Everywhere in Europe has this virus.

Unless you're over 40, even if they are infected and you get it, you only have a 0.2% chance of dying from it. You are much more likely to be killed by a nigger.

This is the dumbest take on the spread of airborne viruses

If you are indoors standing 6 feet away from someone with an airborne virus, you have it

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How can you be xenophobic against another citizen of your country?

Dude, he is just trolling. Nobody can be that dumb.

Not racist, just stupid/ignorant/uneducated.

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So why aren't you complaining about all the white people who have corona virus? You fucking moron

>no racism on Yas Forums
Who's the newfag?

I mean yeah but more importantly you're fucking dumb.

Ehhh, shut uppa you face you ehstupid bastad!

It proves you are 7 times more likely to have it if you live in italy than if you live in china.

Listen here dumbfuck who gives a shit where it started if you're dying of it thousands of miles away. Why don't you move to Italy.

Not even reading the comments
No you're not racist just a fucking moron. Simple. The virus is being circulated by everyone not just Asians. You're more at risk of catching COVID by stepping 3 steps back onto a white person than an Asian.

This guy dies... hopefully the rest of the human race that lacks any form of intelligence or common sense

>who gives a shit where it started
What a retarded take. So it doesn't matter that it came from China? Would you say this bullshit if it had started in the USA?

If you pay attention most new cases in China are from people who traveled to Europe.... your off your timeline by about 6 weeks

Found the first newfag, tomorrows school best get back to bed

yes you are but youre here so chances are you were racist to begin with

>implying Yas Forums hasn't always been racist

Thank God for Yas Forums

I fully agree, but

>actually believing the numbers coming out of China

Clearly don’t know peeps like happy nigger, mad Thad, storm raids all things that were anti racist

Should be closing all schools... Canada has and only a little over 300 cases...

Meh.... not drafting a paper

>Thank god for a pol
Yup nothing shows superior genes like a couple of fat fucks sitting around on an image board supported by nonwhites talking about how whites do everything and nonwhites don’t

You fucking retarded sperg

Also think its bad now wait till all the expats get back from Europe

Just back away from the BK counter, gutto. Also, Mayo on burgers is root of all evil.

The only virus you have is terminal homosexuality.

> 2.519 infected by March 1st, 2020
> 866 deaths
> in 7 years

> over 150.000 infected
> 3.700 dead
> within 3 months

Just wait for Ramadan.

Nah dude its a perfectly reasonable move to make. Stay toasty and look out.

Never change, Yas Forums

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