You need to tip NOW. Broke asses need to stay home if you cant afford to tip 20% minimum
You need to tip NOW. Broke asses need to stay home if you cant afford to tip 20% minimum
Other urls found in this thread:
>waitress with a family
I bet her children are mutts
Imagine living in a third world country like that...
Boo fucking hoo, get a real job you fucking crybaby faggot
>thinking that telling people they have to tip even MORE than average now will encourage them to eat out
what a fucking retard
Oh great. Another tipping thread.
Exactly, this bitch is complaining she's broke but she has kids? Who the fuck told her broke ass to have children? Shit is ridiculous
>I still have to feed my family
Fuck someone with an adult job next time, dipshit.
employers need to pay fair
I'm frankly confused as to why so many servers tout the low wage they are paid, while totally ignoring the fact that if they don't make at least federal minimum wage after tips, the employer has to make up the difference. They keep crying shit like, "You need to tip because we only get paid $2.00/hr!"
No, you don't. You get paid at least federal minimum wage and, in reality, you probably make more than that and don't even declare it all in your taxes.
Most places don't honor that though. And if you ask for that they would fire you.
>trusting single moms, illegal immigrants and shitskins to handle your overpriced food
Fuck eating out.
>implying a voluntary transaction is mandatory
You silly Americans. Go back to starting wars over taxes, no one likes you when you're authoritarian
Yeah and where do you live pal? Some craphole no one has heard of?
Then how could one honestly claim the problem is that some people don't tip sometimes? Someone else is literally breaking the law.
Because those people are fucking stupid and/or they know that is the best job they can ever hope to have, so instead of demanding to be treated better by their employers they shift the blame to the customer. As if someone MUST tip you well or even at all. Honesty I'm kinda over it. If you want more money get a better job, period.
Not him, but probably a functioning society where people don't depend on tips.
The USA is a failed state clinging to it's old glory.
>The USA is a failed state clinging to it's old glory.
Then get the fuck out. It's funny how fags like you love complaining but don't wanna leave.
Not doing this is why wages have stopped rising. One of the most crucial elements of a functioning economy is finding new forms of skilled labour as they emerge and providing for them.
We have idiots walking around with 20 years of nothing but "chips to table 3" for experience expecting to feed a family.
Hilariously these people want rich people to pay tax to cover their living costs, but it's the retard's responsibility to find work that provides for SOCIETY. This bottom-up problem is largely unreported.
The US is a failed state. You started out as a constitutional Republic, but your constitutional rights are routinely trampled and you do nothing about it despite being well armed.
You're pathetic, and your lack of effort is what is making the rest of the world lose hope. If the shining beacon of what could be is fucked, there's nothing else.
>Can't tip if the government shut down the bars
So again, where do you live? Are you too embarrassed to say?
>Europleb needs to go to jelly school
20%? Fuck right off. If you want more money, study and get a better paid job.
What pisses me off is how these people have shitty, low paying jobs but they feel like they're somehow in a position to have hoards of kids. Who the hell told you to have kids while you work as a fucking waitress? And likely with some nigger who also has a shitty as fuck job or no job at all, assuming he even raises his fucking kids. Shit is so goddamn ridiculous.
>You're pathetic, and your lack of effort is what is making the rest of the world lose hope.
What? Why don't you do something about whatever shitty state you live in. Get illegal firearms or make weapons and go make a difference. Oh you don't want to get shot up? Yeah me either.
>i didnt take advantage of free public education
>i didnt work hard when it was easy and earn a degree
>i have no interview technique a shitty personality no ambition no skills
>i have nothing to put on a resume
>i can only get entry-level jobs just above minimum wage
>customer service skills are the same flirting I did with my highschool crush right?
I know! I go online and beg for people to pay me more because I've done nothing to deserve it and give poor customer service, but really really want more money.
The fuck do you mean "again" you stupid cunt?
I live in Australia. It's a communist shit hole. Trust me, I can identify the elements of a failed state pretty accurately from all this experience.
Servers, delivery drivers, and any regularly tipped jobs dont deserve.any more than bare minimum wage. The easiest least complex jobs deserve nothing. Stop complaining and start working a better job. I can afford plenty. But i will never give more than 15% purly out of pity. And delivery drivers get nun. You sat in a car smoking cigs and jamming out all day. YOU DIDNT WORK. Fuck servers fuck delivery drivers and fuck tipping lazy bastards.
It's more that they never look for work to enhance the world, only to fill their stomachs. They are cattle.
>I live in Australia
You live in this crap hole and you're talking all this shit? Pathetic
It's like I said, for most of them that's the best they're gonna do. 20 years from now they'll still be doing that job, a job that a literal child can do. Yet they have no problem spreading their fucking legs and having kids. Just to turn around and demand the government and other people pay for all their fucking shit. That's why I don't feel an ounce of pity for any of them, especially in situations like corona virus.
I do this, in legal ways. I'm a member of many liberty focused orgs and attend many rallies to legalise firearms here.
I don't believe in restoring order through disorder.
The people of modern Western nations are pathetic. Prove me wrong, all 98% of you do is perform an objectively useless task a few times a week and expect to have a family of 4. Then when this is untenable you just get the government to steal it for you.
This might not be you personally you sensitive little shit but it sure as hell is all of your neighbours. I don't expect you to change, but I'm still going to tell the truth. I don't give a shit how you feel.
>complaining that she gets paid to sit around and do nothing most of the day
Take a telemarketing job and do 2 things at once.
Yep I am. Stop taxing the shit out of your citizens and allowing so called republicans to implement gun control you gigantic faggot
I'm working on over here.
It's time for you to shut up pal. You don't even know what the fuck it is you are talking about. I suspect, given this retardation, you may have corona virus.
>insults Australian
>Australian self describes Australia worse than this "insult"
Yanks gonna yank lmao basically Canadian at this stage
What are you gonna do faggot, carpet bomb me with big macs? lmao
Enjoy your thousands of corona cases
>all 98% of you do is perform an objectively useless task a few times a week and expect to have a family of 4
Because for the longest time this was a feasible life choice. I'd like to see a raise in wages because it makes breeding chimps like this less likely to rob and steal.
>shut up pal
Oooh the Canadian is getting angry
It was never feasible you stupid cunt. That was propaganda.
Buddy, you have corona virus. It is confirmed. Now shut up.
Yeah and where do you live buddy? Some shithole like that other guy?
I'm not Canadian, pal. You lost?
>tfw have a good job and a ton of savings
>I could last easily 6 months with no job and not really make a dent in my savings
living paycheque to paycheque is the ultimate self-cucking
Wrong, these people must die off like burning away necrotic flesh so the person may live.
>doesn't save
>claims to be tight on budget but always throwing down hundreds of dollars per month on cosmetics and clothes
>eats out and probably 'travels'
seriously fuck these retards, they deserve everything that comes to them. After being a poorfaggot for years around recession time I feel uncomfortable if I don't have enough liquid assets to get by for year.
Ur mom's house
Cry some more bitch it ain't my fault your employer won't pay you right and lets be honest you make much more off of tips than hourly if you're not making fat tips youre a bad waitress
How can you imply i need to use my firearms to combat my rights being trampled, then at the same time tell me you don't believe in restoring order though disorder? Fuck yourself my government my like to play world police and be some shining beacon but im not and I dont give a shit about you or your shitty country. Have fun doing nothing with your guns when you get them.
You definitely are Canadian. Look at what a pussy you are.
Why is it societies problem they CHOSE to work shit jobs?
>second amendment to bear arms
>legal right to armed rebellion
>how can I possibly do anything this is just like your communist country omg so hard gib welfare
Euthanise yourself, faggot
Imagine being an adult and working as a waiter in non high end restaurants
>It was never feasible you stupid cunt. That was propaganda.
Yes goyim, you keep thinking that and fall back into wage cuckery
Faggots want free handouts and know there's strength in numbers. Unfortunately they don't care about the economics,just muh gibmedats
Oh look it's THIS picture again
>Wrong, these people must die off like burning away necrotic flesh so the person may live.
Society won't let that happen unfortunately, and someone needs to do the menial tasks so that actual human beings can keep pushing the world forward with meaningful inventions.
>people need to educate themselves and find skilled work because society can't run on everyone flipping burgers
>JQ bullshit
You Euthanise yourself too polgbt
>Said the NEET
>people need to educate themselves and find skilled work because society can't run on everyone flipping burgers
Where did I say this?
Bottom feeders are a necessary part of society so that actual productive workers can do meaningful things. If the supply of cheap third world labour dries up, who is going to clean my house?
Society won't get a choice. Economically, the West is less than 50yrs from total collapse. When that happens, the overwhelming majority of people being allowed to be totally and utterly useless up to that point will present a very real threat to civilisation as a whole.
>boasts about being a member of 'liberty' focused orgs
>thinks Australia is 'communist'
>calls other people pathetic
I'm truly sorry that nature gave you a micropenis, but that doesn't give you the right to shoot up a school or whatever other rampage your diseased brain is fantasising about committing.
Libertarians should be exterminated - narcissistic psychopaths who have somehow concluded that their dysfunctional psyches make them superior, and that everyone else should be forced into being like them.
Fuck off to Somalia.
I said it you absolute fucking troglodyte
Shouldn't be surprised you go for that BLAME OTHERS FOR OWN PROBLEMS shit with a brain like that
If society collapses, it's not the bottom feeding monkeys who are going to die off, they have the advantage of numbers.
They can chimp out and lose half their numbers in a revolution and still come out on top.
So working people too poor to get a better job than table waiting = good
But working people even poorer who can’t afford to support random strangers = bad?
If you actually believe it's "legal" you need to euthanize yourself, how skewed is your view? Also nice job going to strawmen. Im sure if it said on some paper that you could rebel you would oh wait you wouldn't. It isnt the fucking wild west over here you retard
>Shouldn't be surprised you go for that BLAME OTHERS FOR OWN PROBLEMS shit with a brain like that
Where am I blaming others for their problems? They do it to themselves, but they can be used to serve a purpose even if they are too retarded to realise it.
Although I'd say you fall into that category as well, hence your seething impotent rage as you hate looking in that mirror.
> Every tipping thread
> Literally every fucking tipping thread
> Your restaurants don't pay waiters enough
> YOU have to pay because waiters are poor because they don't get paid enough
> If you don't give them money for free you are greedy or poor
If everybody would stop tipping the problem would be solved. But you americucks are getting tricked into doing employers job and paying extra.