how long will this last?
How long will this last?
Forever. There hasn't been a working vaccine for SARS or MERS in almost 2 decades. They can't even get normal flu shots to 100% work because they're basically gambling due to all the strains that are in circulation, but also their effectiveness isn't that great either. And unlike other viruses, this thing spreads asymptomatically. You feel fine, great even, yet you can be infected, incubating the virus and spreading it unknowingly. It's practically decimating the boomers, so if you have old parents or if your grandparents are still kicking, it's time to say goodbye. Also, China's numbers are fake. 1.4 billion people and only 80k infected, 3k dead after 3 months? Yeah right. Italy has a population of 60 million, currently over 20k infected and almost 2k dead, all of this in just under 1 month. Does this make sense to you? If you want more info, go on Yas Forums and join the /cvg/ thread.
>you want more info, go on Yas Forums and join the /cvg/ thread.
Kek. Retard.
Then it’s seasonal.
imagine going on Yas Forums hoping to get any kind of information
Until all of the toilet paper companies have made 1 trillion dollars.
until cancer doesn’t exist anymore
About tree fiddy.
>Yas Forums
Kek'd. Autism, the post.
until God wills it