Yas Forumsros, how many times did you see your sisters naked? What happened? How did they react?

Yas Forumsros, how many times did you see your sisters naked? What happened? How did they react?

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Couple times.. she would shake it off like “eh whatever” but to like 13 yo me shook me up :/

Once, I told her I was leaving for class but stood in another room and waited for her to get out of the shower. She went into the living room naked and I walked in acting as if I forgot something. One of the hottest moments of my life.

loads of times. she didnt react because i secretly recorded her pissing in the toilet

Loads. Not in a sexual way but I've seen her naked since we were young growing up. She doesn't know it but I still fap hard to memories of her pussy

Many times. Nudity was never a taboo in my family.

let us see the vids

Never had sexual feelings for my older sister before, then, age 12, saw her butt naked for about 5 seconds as she was walking from the bathroom to her bedroom. Have been absolutely obsessed with fucking my sister ever since. I’m 29 years old, she is 32, I know I will never fuck her and it feels so bad. I wish I had never seen her naked, slightly still wet ass :(

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went on a cruise when I was 19 and shared a room with my sister who was 17. Parents were paranoid and wanted us to stay together most of the time, which was cool because we get along really well by this point.
the first two nights she would try to cover up her tits when putting on a swimsuit or changing or whatever but after I saw them the first time she kinda stopped stopped caring and by the last night we were having full conversations with her tits out
never saw them again though unfortunately

I'd do something similar. Would say I'm leaving and hide under my bed with the door open with a view of the kitchen. She'd walk across naked.

Thats how it was for me usually seeing her around after her shower. I didnt think she was hot but that wet 16 yo bubble ass and small perky tits gave me a teen fetish for life or some shit i love that body yupe

Fucking disgusting. Prolly why I'm a gay faggot

given our living situation, we were always pretty comfy

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You mean after puberty?


Once I believe. Only her boobs.

Seen real sister twice.
Mom once or twice (nice big tits).
Step sisters (2) naked a couple times each.
Step mom just her tits in a wet white
shirt (Water fight and wasn't thinking.)
One step sister, allowed me to take it all in.

i once walked on my sister (16) shaving her pussy , full spread eagle and leg on sink , that shit jump started my puberty (13) from neutral to 3rd gear , i stood shocked and she did the same for a moment , then started screeming and threw a bottle at my , hit me in the face and broke my nose a little , had to go to ER to get it fix , we told our parents i slipped and fell face first , being the joke of the family ever since but it was worth it.

I did try to spy on her many more times , sometimes succesful others not so much , but she could tell on me because she had broken my nose before. We usually slept together during vacation so i took full advantage of that , she would get angry but since i never "crossed the line" she usually attributed to me being high on hormones. (she had a crush on our older brother when little and maybe never forgot about that ?)


Moar details about the time the one let you take it all in plz.


I'm not kidding, I would eat my sister's poop

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We were going on a family trip to Cancun.
I was a goob at 17, didn't know what to expect.
Time for over all tan.
I walked around naked in front of her for hours.
She was at first stunned, and got a little uncomfortable.
Eventually, she became used to seeing me naked.
She refused to take off her bikini (tits were too big for her bikini, but I wasn't complaining).
She said she was going to take a shower.
Figured I had exposed myself for nothing, and will make our existance shitty forever.
She chimes from the shared bathroom, she did get some sun, and opened the door to let me see her entire red glowing body.
Her big one year younger tits were on full display to me. And she was looking at her body with me. And turning around.
Her brown bush looked great.
And then she realized I was really creeping hard on her.
She said "thats enough" and shooed me out the edoor.
While she took her shower, I came buckets.

girls dont poop
pretty sure shes a fucking dude

See below

holy shit (no pun intended) is that really her?!

my little sister (26 at this point) only when she was a child i guess
my older sister (31 at this point) several times. she really has a thing with not closing/locking doors. i walked in on her changing, just standing naked in front of the mirror, sitting on the shitter.

if you think it's hot, think again, because she's an absolutely terrible person and i'd rather not see her at all.

No wait, I'm 31, my sister is 34. Old hag.

Not quite the same but I saw my gran naked every day for over 10 years. I lived with her after my parents were killed and she was a naturist.


>I'm not kidding, I would
I always thought I'd be turned on by this, I used to like to go into the bathroom after she was done using it and her poopy smell would turn me on, but one time, she forgot to flush and honestly, to my surprise, it was a huge turn off. It was curled around like a snake.

yes, I have a hidden camera set up

did you watch from outside or did she let you come in to the bathroom with her?

Well I mean...it’s shit bro

advantage of transparent shower drove me crazy during puberty

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were you discrete when checking her out or did she know you were looking at them?

damn, lucky angle too haha

We masturbated each other//played doctor when we were kids, a few times. Otherwise she was proud of her breast and let me see them a cop a small feel when she got implants. Didnt go further.

Please tell me you have more..
Your sis is hot.
I would love to be her toilet and eat her shit.

Once and never again

My sister has really bad backne. I desperately want to squeeze some of those cysts, and she would probably let me, just not sure how to ask her about it, she's very self conscience about it

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I was at the door way.
For a moment, I thought she was going to let me watch her take a shower.

>I would love to be her toilet and eat her shit.
Eat your own sister's shit dude, this is my sister!

I would rather eat your sisters shit.
She is such a fucking whore.

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how long did she let you look at her?

I want to rub her shit all over her back!

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I feel the tension

I lived together with my sister for about 3 years. I would work different shifts, so when she was out I started sneaking into her room and checking out her shit.

Began by sniffing her panties and then jerking off into them. Then managed to get into her laptop and found some sex videos and topless pics of her. Kept some copies for a while on my pc but got paranoid/guilty and deleted them.

One house we lived in (we moved several times) had a bathroom door with a crack in it and I was able to just about peak through it (on tip toes) and see her in the shower for a minute or two before it would steam up, then watch her dry off when she got out of the shower.

Then when she got pregnant I was able to find some new pics she'd taken of herself. Her tits got huge.

I never saw her naked with her knowing though. Always wished we lived in a world where it would have been acceptable for us to fuck as there was quite some time when we were both single and it would have been nice.

Felt like eternity.
My eyes were just wide open and taking her all in
I knew this was my one chance.

It probably lasted 10 seconds, at most.
BUT...time froze for me.

> found some sex videos and topless pics of her. Kept some copies for a while on my pc but got paranoid/guilty and deleted them.
If I found sex pics of my sister they would be my most treasured possession. Can't believe you would delete them

Noob, should just have kept it secret and do it

more times than would be worth trying to estimate
with any degree of accuracy, but in the order of a few thousand, I guess.

If that is one of the hottest moments of your life, then, dude, you need to get out of the fucking house

It was just the paranoia really. When I was with someone (girlfriend) I'd forget about the pictures, then remember again, then forget again.

Don't get me wrong, my heart has never beaten faster than when I saw her naked. But it's not like you look at these pictures every day. Even nude pics of your sis get old after a few years.

So I became worried that I was going to forget about them and/or someone would somehow just stumble across them.

The consequences would just be too severe. So they had to go to give me peace of mind. I do regret it of course, I'd love to check those tits out again. Still, it's a nice feeling when I remember them and she's there in the room. She has no idea how much of her body I've seen.

Kik redfred1122 to talk about my sis

I used to bribe my little sister to show me stuff. Even got her to let me put my pinky inside her once. Tried to get her to do stuff to my dick but she always said it was gross. Never got caught.

I've never seen my sister named, but I'd always set things up so that she woulds see me naked. Like I would be named in the bathroom with door unlocked with a huge erection and she would walk in on me thinking the bathroom was empty. Or i'd walk around the house naked and then say i was sorry, i thought i was in the house alone. I was always trying to pique her curiosity but I guess I never did :(

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I bet she looked smoking hot. When sisters let you look at them naked, that shit is hot

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Dude, I've had plenty of girlfriends, plenty of sex. If you can't realize how intense a feeling it is to experience such a taboo moment, then I don't know what to tell you, faggot.

only when we were really young
we'd play a game where she'd chase me and my brother and try to pinch our wieners, and we marveled at her lack of penis and stretched our nutsacks up over our little kid dicks to mimic it and called it a "ball-gina"

good times

Man that’s hot - Kik?

A few times.

Haha haa you're fuckin mental man

Got to see my sister nude a few times growing up, but that's also cause we screwed around for a few years.
Seen my mom a lot growing up. She used to get out of the shower as a kid and walk around the house naked while she got ready for the day.

breh that's called being a molester

yeah , bitches have some serious boundaries issues , divorced parents and i live with mom and 3 older sisters , as you might imagine , non of my sisters felt even slighly treaten or detered by my manly precense (i dont think they even saw me as a man) so they always walked around braless or towel only , didnt shut doors (walked on them shaving , way to often) or wear pants , no defenses at all.

As you might imagine , i almost rip my dick from all the fapping and it give me major sister complex + fetishes

They have moved to University already , but still come in vacations.


need higher quality of that pic.. and more of her please

Eejit. Should've just made a burner email address, then just mailed them from that account, to that account. Could've had them for life, with no real risk

Hi Connor!