Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

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It depends where they're raised, if they're raised in the ghetto than ye prolly.

What he said

What is the cutoff for "ghetto"?


No, not even close. Even those who live in shit neighborhoods haven't devolved to nigger status. We're lucky that Mexico is is our biggest problem where borders are concerned, as opposed to a spear chucker or dune coon nation.

It depends if you know they are Mexican or one of the other 30 different kinds of Latin Americans. Girl pictured looks Dominican.

Lol she doesn't look Dominican at all
T. New Yorker

But I have sympathy for black people at least.
When Hispanics in the US copy the worst aspects of black culture on purpose, it's just stupid


Mexicans are FILTH, here and in mexico. Hispanics with their lowriders and gangs, FILTH!!!!



regardless, they all think they're gangsters and come from terrible lands where heads are cut off. they don't belong in the US. naturalized or not, they need to go back. their kind don't *fit* in here.

Nigger-tier education at it's best everyone. Next you will say japs, mongs, chinese, koreans are the same or even that germans, scott's, brits, irish are the same. Good job falling into the melting pot.

No, she's Mexican.
She looks like a Mexican chick that does her makeup like a black chick

Not him but there is a pan-Hispanic identity. They all speak the same language and listen to the same music.

Girl pictured is Mexican I’m sure she grew up in the the hood and with niggas

You dont travel the world much do you. Define they. The cartels were brought over by Hondurians and Columbians backed by former Salvedorian soldiers for muscle. Then they drugged and kidnapped local kids and enticed them to fight for them like they do in Africa with child soldiers. Mexico has a border to its south for a reason. Stop taking the jew education pill. Travel the world and open a book.

I wonder what that cracker behind her did to get accepted in their circle

She does a good job at hiding it.

It doesn't matter, Narco culture is worshipped in Mexico.
Their president is even pro cartel

I mean most people without college degrees act "black" to a certain extent.

Why do you keep posting this like there's a bunch of this demographic hanging around here that's going to get all offended? Try harder, faggot.

The pan-Hispanic identity was created by U.S. Jews attempting to melt the pot with the "Brown Pride" movement. It didnt take because of racism in Meso and Southern Americas. It'd be tantamount to calling a Irishman british because they speak english. See if your teeth don't get knocked out.

White rednecks act black?
I do agree that it's very education dependent for Hispanics, though. Hispanics who go to college usually don't act black unless it's one of those "13th grade" type of places.

>implying I'm trying to offend anyone
Not everyone here is an edgelord, this isn't Yas Forums

If it ain't white
It ain't right


Corruption is never worshipped. And Narco culture is celebrated by nigger tier """hispanics""" posing as Mexicans. The country is heavily Roman Rite Catholic. Drugs, rape, murder, homosexuality ect are extremely frowned upon.

If you go into the country and see who roles 4-deep or more then you know where the blood lines are drawn.

You're really claiming that Narcos aren't worshipped in Mexico? That's a goddamn lie, El Mencho would have a mile long line of women waiting to suck his cartel penis if he gave them the chance.
And Catholicism allows for forgiveness. Which is bad in the case of Latin America

When did this change take place?
Were Mexicans in East LA acting black even 5 years ago?

Catholicism isn't Christianity. You need to repent and work towards penance. No such thing as turning the other cheek. Secondly El Mencho, Pablo Escobar ect will have followers just as much as Jim Jones because they had money and charisma. They would buy the town and it's people by playing the saints. Chicago tower gangs do the same. They terrorize other neighborhoods while paying for their own peoples bills, groceries, school supplies ect. so they dont get sold out. Netflix Narcos isn't a reality, it's a show.

Lol, what you describe is literally like a Netflix or FX show
So you do agree that tons of Mexicans love that degenerate shit?

Stop posting this fucking thread.

And retardards stop replying to it

Why the fuck does she have "alfredo" tatted on her?

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Probably her BFs name

Depends on the locale. I'm half Mexican and most of the ones I know are nice and don't act like hood rats.

First mexican hood rat I've seen in a long time was actually my brother in law's ex girlfriend. She was feisty and talked like a thug even though she was 5 ft nothing.

>Do most Mexican-American man under 30 act gay?

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Basically everyone wants to be a nigger now, it’s like a reverse slavery thing kinda sorta in a faggot way. Like it’s been fairly cool to want to be dark skinned and rap and do negro things meanwhile all the jokes about white people popping up.

And I admit it’s very tame, such as making fun of them for not knowing how to spice food or dance or whatever but if you notice a lot of young people are like shit talking their own race and talking like a goddamn mumble rapper.

nope most are loud but they aren't ratchet

The hell is "mexican-american"? Mexico is not that far away as nigger land to call them that names.

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Lol no. My point completely flew over your head but I expected that. So by your argument you must worship meth dealers since Breaking Bad is popular, Do me a favor and call yourself white. Everytime you do you destroy your family history and heritage. And I don't know anyone that would watch that nigger-tier shit, people around me have atleast 2 brain cells to rub together.

Someone born in the US of Mexican heritage

You were dodging my point. Cartels are worshipped by a large chunk of Mexico, I'm not talking about TV shows.
You basically admitted this too

Where do you live?


Whoosh. There you go again. No one worships cartels in Mexico and I've given absolutely no evidence to the contrary. How about you back up your statements that they are worshipped other than referencing tv.

Same with Canadian natives. They act black because fetal alcohol syndrome and rap music.

No. You prob work or live in the ghetto if you are surrounded by these types of Mexican-Americans

Narcocorridos, their social media filled with fans, the fact that Mexico elected a pro cartel leader, etc.
Also, there are a lot of Mexican descent people here in the US, and many of them worship cartels too. Those people were mighty butthurt when El Chapo was caught.

And where do most Mexican-Americans live?

The fact that any Mexicans in Oklahoma act black is ridiculous
Like bro you're from fucking Oklahoma

Corruption exists everywhere even here in the U.S. Narcocorridos are only played by coke heads so I wouldn't call it popular like say trap/rap about lean and cutting coke. And trash begets trash. People around the world dont see the U.S. as swamp people like duck dynasty because they have the brains to know it is a very veeeery small subset of people living in the U.S. It's cute that you can make generalizations. Whoosh in 3...2...1...

If cartels weren't well liked in Mexico, they wouldn't exist

Like gangs in the U.S. or the KKK or Biker gangs or pedo rings. Oh wait wait wait woooooooooooossssssshhhhhhhhhhh

The gangs in the US (including the cartels) don't even get away with 1/10th of the shit they would in Mexico.
Brayan in Texas knows that he'll get his brains blown out by Cletus or Jamal if he were to try that Narco shit on them

LOL. Now who is lying. Oh man you live in a bubble.

Having both parents

It's obvious, you retard. Our cops would never let 1/10th of that shit happen.
I meant like neighborhood wise

Great question Malcom, and thank you for sending it into the list serve.

Actually most black girls (we call the nigga be atches) act Mexican as in their community (everything community with the coloreds) as the blacks think that's like being sophisticated. If you find a Mexican-American (I really have no idea what that means) bitches that act black then it indicates they are retarded and you should stay away!


Depends where they are raise or how they are influenced when younger. I live in San Antonio the Southside, and every mexican American girls are either really fucking ratchet hoodlums, or they're just average girls you would see from anywhere else. The ratchet hoodlums are the worse, usually just single parent moms later on in life and their kids are gonna be the same. The rest either go to school and get their careers or just have a family at a young age with some guy and they live their lives.

Niggers first