This asshole is responsible for every american death from covid-19...

This asshole is responsible for every american death from covid-19. His lies and totally inadequate response to his first crisis are killing americans. Demented Donald and his fellow crooks are trying to blame anyone else, Europe, the press, democrats, anything to place the blame anywhere except where it belongs. This sad, lying bunch of republicunt assholes is completely to blame. I hope they all die. To all you republicunts with your heads planted firmly up your assholes in denial of the truth, DIE!

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I wouldn't say every death, just the ones after he said "it's going to have a very good ending for us"

KAG, troll.

Hey look theres a new flu going around, better shut down the country.

Nigga I'm pretty sure this bug was going around last year.

Bezos just paid cnn to sensationalize it for prime subs. Probably.

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President daughter-fisting shit rooster

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The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems


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Unfortunately, the virus doesn't discriminate between (R) and (D), nor rich or poor, nor black or white, nor slave nor free. It's sort of like ideal Christianity that way.

You can't stop a pandemic after it's actually a threat. If we panic now at least we can stop it. If we wait until too many are infected it's going to wind up like the spanish flu.

imagine being this upset at the propaganda you make yourself watch because, "it's the only legitimate news source out there"
>op is a faggot

*meme flu

>a pandemic
Corona started almost 6 months ago. It spreads way too slowly to pandemic levels. It's basically over and every day we get closer to the realization that corona is nothing but another meme virus.

The meme virus attacks only the weak minded. Actual human are completely unaffected by it.

>Actual human are completely unaffected by it.
Go get yourself infected then, and prove that you're actually human.

>*meme flu
still wrong
>Corona started almost 6 months ago
i think you need to redo your math.


>Actual human are completely unaffected by it.
So Trump does this for fun?

>Corona started almost 6 months ago. It spreads way too slowly to pandemic levels. It's basically over and every day we get closer to the realization that corona is nothing but another meme virus.
People actually believe this. Countries dont shut down over meme viruses open your eyes retard

Are you a scientist?

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Trump is a dick. I hope american people understand that.

>Countries dont shut down over meme viruses open your eyes retard
Except they do. Plenty of countries closed their borders and restricted trade and travel during the hayday of ebola-chan. Turns out it was fucking nothing, but imaginary, potential scenarios are always scarier than real ones. Always.

Meanwhile, back here in reality and away from TDS, the United States is doing FAR better than other countries.

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No but neither are you at least user can provide sources and isnt being a ignorant bloomer like everyone else

John Daly is a long knocker

Because they arent testing here RETARD

I get it... Bernie's campaign collapsed and you're MAD

PROTIP- massive public testing hasn't started. It hasn't in most of the countries listed. These are cases hospitals tested...which is a thing... Just like every other country listed.

Idgaf about your trash can politicians

>9.5 deaths out of 1 million
lol what a joke

South Korea is testing 10,000 a week. America did 70 tests a week. Retard america is going to get fucked hardly then Italy did.

holy shit look at that gut hang the fat fuck

Alex, "What is Photoshop?"

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Death rate is currently at 3.4% how does it feel being retarded?

ITT: Trump Derangement Syndrome so hard assholes are praying to die of flu just so President Trump looks a little bad.

This shit is hyped up nothing by a desperate MSM.

Suck it up and prepare for 4 more years.

ivanposting detected

It only took one question to make the whole problem of this presidency visible. Why he had dissolved the White House pandemic staff after taking office, a journalist wanted to know from Donald Trump. Would he take responsibility for this? "That is a vile question," Trump replied. "I know nothing about it. I could ask in my administration. They do that sometimes, they let people go."

That was just wrong. Trump had defended his decision to fire the International Health team on the National Security Council several times in the past few days. Many experts believe that the decision contributed to the delayed US response to the coronavirus. Trump should have admitted his mistake. Instead, he chose to lie.

Translated with (free version) from SPIEGEL Online

if i wear baggy clothes no one will realize I've got tits.

Yes and Obama was responsible for H1N1, Ebola and SARS right? All of which killed and infected a 1000x more people. Do you even hear the words coming out of your stupid mouth?

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kek Obama didn't shut down the orgs that fight it topmind, and it's still ongoing you know that right faggot?

fucking trumpcuck soys

being so desperate you blame the president for a virus outbreak.....

there is literally no shame in the libtard game.

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Do you see how russian and republican responses are the same? Deny the truth, lie about everything.

kek wut is pecs. twump things muscle definition is fake news

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Those are manboobs, you TDS faggot

kek reee tds. cope you landwhale loving faggot XD

There must be tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people who have been in direct or indirect contact with someone who was infected. To die from the meme virus you have to get infected first!

>Bezos paid CNN to sensationalize it
>Every country in the world is taking measures

I think you overestimate your country's influence.

Everybody you don't like is Russian?

How convenient.

You do not die from mild symptoms. You die from being old with serious underlying health issues. But the media doesn't want to say that. If it bleeds,it leads.

>This asshole is responsible for every american death from covid-19
This asshole is responsible for every american death from H1N1

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post literally doesn't say that at all.

trumpcucks can't fucking read kek, hopefully suicide when the orange whale gets corona, he aint surviving

Interesting how much money Amazon is making...selling off every scrap of toilet paper, every disinfectant wipe, every bottle of hand sanitizer. Someone is clearly profiting here.

>Who owns Amazon, by the way?

FUCK ALL ALT RIGHTER pieces of shit who actually want more right wing shit in this country

Trump is far right and has fucked up everything is DIRECTLY killing Americans and yet the Alt Right says we should go farther right because "muh borders"?


We need free healthcare and open borders

They have that in Italy. Why haven't you gone there?

Anyone who supports this lying asshole is not American but is a traitor to America.

55 million infected and 12k dead, helped cdc whole way kek.

oh trumptards

How is the US doing compared to Euro countries?

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And aids is still rampant, but you kikes are still enforcing faggotism full force.

honestly trumptards are going to die so this is good, they can't afford shit and will think it's a dem hoax until they're rotting.

fucking love it, bye soys.

>12k dead
Obama killed them all.

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Dont speak logic

love seeing the cope cant wait for trump to die of corona

>snowflake detected
>trump derangement syndrome

seek help peanut brain

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Um did america shutdown its borders and schools for Ebola?no. Did Italy enforce a lockdown from Ebola? No

Imagine being so mentally retarded that you unironically say things like "keep america great", implying as if there is anything great that needs to be kept under this fuckstain presidency.

Why the fuck would anyone want 4 more years of this?

I don't give a fuck if the last president was a nigger, at least he knew how to do the job.

Niggers are better people than Trump supporters. Trump supporters are whiteniggers, the lowest class of people.

ok libtard

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At some point the talking heads at FOX realized that covid-19 is going to kill off their entire demographic. Old frail republicans living in close proximity to each other, watching FOX and voting (R) - as they are told. With any amount of luck this virus will take out Lindsey (sickly, likely homo), the turtle and his wife, most of the Cabinet Secretaries(Acting), Mama's Boy, and tangerine hitler.

Dismantling the CDC pandemic response team was quintessential Trump - almost as if he's doing exactly what Putin asked.

Speaking of whom. I wonder how many cases there are in Russia? They are getting hit from the east (China and Korea) from the south (Iran, et al) and from the west (Euro borders). Zero? Not fucking likely.

We all gonna die? No. But you better stop licking your friend's ass.

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>I wonder how many cases there are in Russia?

WHO reports 34 cases in Russia, imported only. Since WHO is only re-reporting nationally-provided numbers, make of that what you will. My very easy bet is that they're lying, meaning they'll get hit very hard when reality intrudes on the all the lies.

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34 cases?!!?!?! That's half a holocaust.

I actually do remember the media freaking out about swine flu. imagine being this retarded.

You sure seem excited about trying to blame Trump for this virus, and anything else you can.

Surely this is what will lose him the election.

Shame this couldn't wait until October huh?

This will be over and forgotten by then, and Biden will still be running.

Hang your head and cry.

the majority of americans are people with financial problems

Anyone who supports the President of the United States of America is a traitor to America?

Dem logic.

Not getting everything you want on a silver platter isn't treason, time to grow up little Jimmy!

Would those b self-induced problems?

the bait trolls on trump are boring as now.. we get it his gonna be president again for another 4 years.. which means more vids to laugh libtards