Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?
Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?
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$0 tip on any order unless it's exceptional service.
I travel a lot for business.
If I'm in my hometown, I will tip 20% every time. I plan to go back to those restaurants. THE ONLY REASON to tip is because there is a chance they might fuck with your food next time if you don't.
When I travel for business, I never tip. The chances I'll go back to that restaurant are almost zero. If I do, it will probably be years later and there will be different servants working.
Tipping is just a way to get people not to fuck with your food. Only tip if you plan on going back to that restaurant anytime soon.
Otherwise, there is literally zero reason.
depends on how good the service was. Maybe she sucked. Maybe drinks sat empty, maybe their food was dlivered late and cold. Maybe she was rude. Or maybe she was great and the person tipping could only afford a 5$ tip. Or maybe the person thought a 5$ tip was actually a good tip. Or maybe the person tipped her 5$, then redistributed her tip to other waitresses in good ol socialist fashion. Or maybether person was a jerk. But who cares. you take the risk of this happening when you work in the restaurant world. No matter the reason, I still want to see her nudes.
anything i give you outside the bill is a tip. im not going out to pay for your shitty college degree or rent im going out to eat. now if youre cool i might hook up 5-10% but thats rare cause most of you bum ass bitches give me bare minimum service. one time a waiter refused to toss my salad for me. you think that dumb psychology bitch got a tip from me? no. stupid bitch
Who the fuck care ? Why do I see this thread every day ? Get a hobby your worthless fag.
sup nerd, welcome back.
you never answered me, how much do you get payed to post this shit?
You don't tip the chef so why the fuck would you tip the retard who failed high school?
>they might fuck with your food next time if you don't.
Or just don't eat nigger prepared food
1. No one cares (but)
2. How much was alcohol? Tipping15-20% is shit anyway, tipping that on beer or alcohol prices is retarded.
3. What was bill price before tax?
4. Did they sit at the bar? Lower tip off the bat if so.
5. Don’t know the quality of service.
$5 could in fact be generous, let alone acceptable, on $65.
why does something post this autistic thread everyday
how can you guys be so retarded
OP you gotta find better ways to entertain yourself man this got old the 2nd time you posted it
who the fuck would not accept a tip?
Considering that it requires the same amount of work as a 10 dollar meal, to bring a 65 dollar meal to a table; Yes 5 is fair. I won't give someone more just because I spent more.
To those offended by this; Cry me a river.
not offended, but the tip goes to the waiter not the cook, just so you know
Always as much as I can, the tip and all 8 inches.
Easy there Yosef Goldberg try not to poke an eye out with that nose while you’re trying to penny pinch on a tip
So how exactly did you interpret "bring to the table" to be about the cook? Of course I was talking about the waiter.
Well if I do, I'll use the money I don't waste to buy a nice eye patch.
Says the nigger trying to stiff on the tip
I have to assume OP is a waiter, and got burned by some old fart to whom OP was rude.
This copypasta is one of those
>every fucking day
Is tipping just an american thing? Im an eurofag and Ive never tipped in my life, not at the pizza delivery guy, not at restraunts not ever. Why should I tip? We already agreed on a price when I looked at the menu and ordered a meal, theres nothing extra to pay.
Yeah, It's because waiters don't get paid anything here, so it's up to us to pay their salary on top of paying for the fucking food. It's a massive joke.
>Considering that it requires the same amount of work as a 10 dollar meal
bc the server neither sets the price nor does the work in the kitchen
By that logic, you shouldn’t be going out to eat at all. It’s all just a waste when you could cook matzo and gefilte fish at home for a fraction of the price
It's an atheist thing. They know that the universe hates them and they think that tipping everything would change that.
because you're busy paying taxes
I wouldn't tip her anything, because she's attractive and thus lives life on easy mode.
>Considering that it requires the same amount of work as a 10 dollar meal, to bring a 65 dollar meal to a table;
Try reading the whole thing, moron.
You do realize you would be paying far more for food to make up the cost if tipping wasn’t a thing? Yet you now have the discretion to decide what the service was worth, as well as give incentive to have a hard working staff. What kind of special fucking retard doesn’t understand that? My guess is you don’t like tipping because it uses simple math and you just aren’t capable enough of understanding what percents are.
Actually I do most of my own cooking and rarely eat out. But when I do I'm not spending more than I need to.
Also not Jewish, but thanks for the laugh.
You'd better not come back after not tipping. Servers remember faces pretty well, and if I recognized you as someone who doesn't tip, you'd barely get service. Hope you don't like refills, bud.
ok fine, understood. next time try leaving pointless racist comments on the receipt while you're at it.
why would I do that? I'm not racist.
It's not that I don't believe in tipping. I Just don't believe in this percentage bullshit. Why should I tip more on a large bill when my server is puting in the same amount of work as the low bill table?
A plate is a plate and a drink is a drink.
you should travel outside of the US atleast once in your life
why not?
I support local places I go to time to time and. Find thay do remember me and I get better service over others one of the places tends to give me a free random appetizer as well I like this place a lot and go thare more than any other place to food is all so realy good for the pice ... if im out of town I never go over what the standard is and some times a bit lower based on my experience and the food as well .. I don't go out to eat all thay much so it's not a hard hit to me to be nice
I like to play with my dick a bit after I eat in my car and just think about how much of a failure my host is and that thay love my dick to bless them with my cum
In not retarded countries, no tip is acceptable.
>they might fuck with your food next time if you don't.
This is when you contact their superior.
You get a tip for service, not for fucking up. Fucking up is not the default, service is. GOOD SERVICE is what makes the tips flow.
Fucking up is unacceptable, being a waiter or a delivery boy is not a complex job and it is the minimum expectation. I don't go to my job as a mechanical engineer to fuck up if the customer doesn't pay extra for every little extra thing I do and I expect this from attitude from serving staff too.
I'd gladly tip people for good service but I'd fucking punish them for fucking up, not just leave them without a tip. I have SOME basic expectations.
yes it is obviously a fine tip
Hello daily information-gathering, AI thread. Go fuck a refrigerator.
>when you're young enough to think the server is the only one getting money from tips.
They get minimum wage
The only time the employer can pay them less than minimum wage is if you tip them, then he deducts that amount from the minimum wage
You are actually tipping the owner
No, it would only increase costs by a small amount. Tips are paid per table, employees are paid per hour.
The difference to make minimum wage, divided by tables served per hour, is less than $2 a table
Divide that by average heads per table, it's fuck all
Fucking mutts and their retarded tipping culture. How demanding a non-shit wage you retarded faggots.
I don't know where you are talking about but I have worked in a few different restaurants and tips don't go to the owner or management at all, they might be split between servers and server assistants and busses and ever hosts maybe but it's also underreported cash income which can be pretty good depending where you work
The owner has to pay you minimum wage. If you make $5 in tips, he deducts that from the minimum wage he is required to pay you
If you make zero tips, you get paid minimum wage
You can only be paid less because you receive tips
Imagine being from amerifat and not having the choice, not to tip? Hahahahahhaha
Minimum wage is $12.75/hr
Unless you're a 'traditionally tipped position' and then minimum wage is $4.95/hr
Tips need to make up the difference, or the wait staff aren't even making minimum wage.
No, minimum wage is guaranteed.
You can only be paid below because you receive tips
Don't argue something when you don't know what you're talking about
Again I don't know what you are talking about it sounds like you have never worked in a restaurant before. The owner or mgmt in any place I have ever worked doesn't know what the tips being made are so they aren't deducting anything like you are saying.
Yes it is common practice in America in service industry jobs that you can be paid the federal min wage (~7USD or some cuck shit) instead of paying the state min wage. But that is again paid to the servers, cooks in the back still get paid a min wage consistent with the state 10-12 or whatever
You fucking potato
If that were true, then the owner would have to be paying every employee minimum wage
You're either making shit up, or you're just retarded
I got a tip for you, get a better job.
I'm seriously asking, is it autism or ass burgers that makes you post the same thread over and over? What is going on in your brain that makes you do this?
Unless you were being paid minimum wage directly by the employer, then yes, they were deducting something
Being ignorant of something happening does not mean that it isn't happening
I always send a bit extra to the back for the sheff
I think 50% is fair
The question should be rephrased as, "Is tipping $5 for someone taking your order and bringing that order to your table acceptable?"