Hey Yas Forums

Hey Yas Forums

I'm 6.3, muscular and kind of good looking. How come i get absolutely no match on tinder ?

Picture related

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Post profile

sure bud...

you're not a bad looking dude tho, so beats me

>using tinder
i found your problem.

Probably a bad bio

Here you go

Attached: 89676678_193242668767533_2030160684959924224_n.jpg (234x480, 29.77K)

because you have 0 confidence

how do you explain i'm 5,7 and got plenty of dates ?

What does your bio say?

Otherwise, only thing I can think is that you don't smile in any photos. Girls like at least one with a smile.

Because tinder is an app which favours women. Dont waste your time and effort pandering to womens egos with no reward for yourself.

From a girls point of view ...
Get some tattoos .. that’s what girls really like


There's your problem. The only weirdos that consider that a real thing are hippie girls who won't care about your looks.

cause the only redeeming trait you care about is your height.

You gotta buy everthing they sell stupis then you get the girls, also suit up fagt, gurls love guys who can pay premiums

Yeah really . What does that even mean

I’d say slim not muscular. The sapiosexual and intp shit is a turn off. Talk to your friends that have successful bios and have them give you some pointers

You look arab

Hahahahah !

Get rid of sapiosexual
Post a pic smiling to show you’ve got teeth.
Post a pic with some friends to show you’re not a homicidal loner.

I'm french canadian

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because those dating apps are shit, everyone is just writing absolute 10's, even if they dont have a chance,
you are maybe a solid 8.
so get the fuck out of your bed u lazy fuck and hook up with some women in a bar or club.

Hahahah fuck man that's rude

Thanks man i appreciate

No problem b/ro - you’ve got this.

You’re cute!

You look like Robert Downey Jr. And Peter Dinklage's love child


You look like a fag and your shit's probably all retarded


> 6.3 - giraffe - TOO tall for most girls to be ideal
> broadcasting your TOTALLY MEANINGLESS mayrs briggs type
> sapiosexual - yikeseroo didelidoo
> picture appears not muscular at all
Your face is definitely at least 8

Beat me to it

Thank you

Stop looking so British, its feminine.

Damn it looks like you skipped everything at the gym. Lol

what's the point of being sapiosexual if you dumb enough to believe in myers briggs

How do you feel about the fact that the Bruins just won the Cup because if coronavirus, you damn dirty Hab

Try smiling and get a puppy pic

Wow that hurts

Lol Im 6'9 3 fiddy, come suck my dick I'll swipe right

Any chance you could be gay for just a little while?

Try shaving. A lot of women don't dig beards for some reason. Also smile or at least grin. You look like a serial killer. Other than that you seem pretty good.

Nah, im really not into men.

>that description
>that name
>that photo
start over, learn how to take good pictures, learn how to write a good bio and get a namechange and you'll get girls "easily"

Here is a picture of me with Kenzie Reeves

Attached: KenzieReeves.jpg (1151x2048, 250.85K)

Go to places woman are willing to socialize (anywhere day drinking is acceptable was my favorite, but also clubs, meet up, happy hour) and go take swings at any girl you find minutely attractive. The key. As with all thing is practice. Understand you will lose 99 times out of 100. But you're attractive enough to get away with hitting on girls in public.

One you get the confidence to say hello, then you'll start dialing in your reads on women. Cone on strong, or be more passive. When to walk away from a conversation because it's going well, or when to do the same when it's going poorly.

The only answer, as with all things you want to be good at, is practice. Go out there and get swings, understand you'll get turned down most of the time, and also understand it doesn't matter cause you're just looking for 1 yes.

why do you look so awkward here?
while not ideal (could do with a smile), is your best pic ITT by a mile

you didn't put down your job dummy

these aren't good pictures bro. look up a profile pic tutorial or something, like don't fuckin stare into the camera and get some good lightning so your beard doesn't render your chin into a featureless dark blob. and put some shit about biking or hiking or whatever in your profile, something that shows you're athletic but not hung up on one specific sport.

Cause i was editing one of her scene when she came to see me and it felt weird to have her beside me while watching her getting face fucked.

Thanks a lot for the advice guys !

Attached: 10155023931339302.png (700x573, 380.42K)

>I agree
>what is it though?

Here is a pitcure of me training

Attached: 10154836084019302.jpg (843x1401, 109.18K)

Get rid of INTP - some types are probably fine to have in but the one which literally means lazy nerd who doesn't wash? That ain't gonna get you laid

are you sure you're not shadow banned? Swiping on too fast on too many people or deleting and making accounts again with same phone can get you shadow banned.

Bro, have you ever been inside a gym? Be honest. You're certainly not muscular as you think. Look at those dweeb forearms. Tiny, not vascular. If you want bitches you need to get on there gear, and every pose on your profile should be a front double bi vaccum pose. Trust me. Just be a muscular retard. If you're smart, act dumb. Women think they will be able to take advantage of you, but it's you taking advantage of that pussy and on to the next one. So, no book smarts, only few current events, only major stuff that everyone knows, but dont get too detailed like you keep up with it. And in your past, you partied, hung out with the wrong crowd, did lots of drugs, caused trouble. But now the gym is what keeps you straight.

as a fellow intp i want to be offended, but yeah that's pretty accurate. for a me a big part of learning your personality type is learning how to get around your weaknesses, rather than being proud of whatever strengths you supposedly have.

op just put something generic and relatable, like "love the outdoors", or "reading nerd". save the detail for the actual date when you can get a vibe for he person, most girls don't care about your weird personality type or whatever that sexuality means.

That’s the only things you cited instead of writing either a short summary about yourself
First of all, i’m an “INTP” and think it’s complete arbitrary bullshit based on speculative interpretations that just isn’t that much accurate therefore you just come across at first as someone gullible and borderline fake that bases his sense of personality around something that doesn’t hold much grounds
About the sapiosexual thing, i really don’t want to have to go over this but basically the only people claiming being sapio that i’ve seen so far are weird ass mentally challenged feminist cunts on fetlife

Ultimately, if you want to swim in poon, just take a bit of time to work on your “presentation”
This way, if you match with a chick, it’s either you start talking to her like some normal being or borderline troll them with silly shit just to see if they’re gonna play along
If you can get a chick to laugh at first then it sets the tone and gives her the impression that you’re a fun and relaxed person to be around

It’s funny cause I don’t even have tinder or any social medias and i make a conscious effort to stay away from chicks and even more from those who send me signals and guess what? They either double down or start acting hostile towards me
Chicks are really hard to please no matter how considerate and pure your intentions are, if you offer yourself to them, they won’t even respect you because they’ll think you’re simply toying with their emotions to get in their pants

Whereas if you act like you got your shit together and don’t acknowledge her, she’ll assume that you already have “better options” than her and that your life must be interesting to the point where you don’t care whether she’s part of your life or not

It might not apply to all chicks but in my corner of the world, it works

With a 5lb weight? STEP IT UP

Pump roids man it's worth it now adays it doesn't make your dick shrink so it's the perfect option


this does work, especially for girls that are looking to just hook up or have recently broken up. i have a (platonic) female friend that got out of a long relationship with a booky nerdy "sensitive" guy, she went on tinder and had 2-3 dates with like 5 muscular idiots with 6 packs and double digits IQs. once she got that out of her system she settled down with another nerdy guy she can actually talk to. basically its a numbers game, you want to aiming for the 90% of women who want to bang a hottie and ignore the 10% trying to treat this hookup app like an actual dating service.

I fucking lost it because i got the reference

Lets get some fat ripply cant-wipe-your-ass muscles going boys

Gros, t’as vraiment l’air d’un soyboy
Sans offense

this is also a bad picture dude, you're not even looking a the camera and using a tiny weight. get someone to snap a picture of you doing a chin up while shirtless and you'd get better results.

post a pic pussy

Putain tu es enfin plus avec ta meuf. On va pouvoir continuer à baiser sans qu'elle se sente ''mal''

Put up a nice bio: funny, descriptive and not too superficial or arrogant.

Put at least one pic having fun with squad, if you have any.

Hide your sweaty ass behind a computer screen with your fat cheeto covered fat rolls and give people workout advice that you got from gay wrestling porn

>every pose on your profile should be a front double bi vaccum

Sapiosexual is pretty 2012 man. It's very pretentious and might be off putting.

this last point is true for people in general i think, even for like friendships or work colleagues. we're drawn to people who are confident and seem to know what they're doing, who seem to know something we don't about the world. being shy and introverted only works in rom-coms or if you happened to be really naturally hot, which is like less than 1% of dudes going by how women judge us. be confident but not arrogant, show interest but stay a million miles away of desperation and neediness. be cool basically

You look like a faggot, sorry bro

Tu le connais ou tu troll?
La dernière affaire que j’voudrais c d’me faire reconnaitre sur Yas Forums

Are you swiping right? You have to swipe right not left to get matches.

Just hadn't been mentioned yet

OP of who you replied to
Thing is i’m far from being attractive and i’m a huge introvert loner
Thing is i’m not mentally soy based like OP seems to come across
Pretty sure he’s a nice guy and everything but from the look of his facial expressions, he seems to be a doormat on the side

You need a cat or dog in your pics. Works wonders for me - a 5 at most if I take 100 selfies and get one good one.



B8 thread, if this was op's real profile he would get matches. Just like men, A lot of women dont even read profiles and as long as you are not repulsive looking( sorry for lack of a better word and to those who are) , and this guy clearly is not, you will get matches. Even if you are lacking in the looks department, there are more qualities that make up a man that women find attractive, but maybe online dating in not the best place to broadcast those attributes.

On a scale of uniqueness of humans.
You are a 0/10. There are 900,000 other dude bros who look exactly like you, and have more to offer.

Je le connais pas personnellement mais son ex (du coup ?) Oui. Je save le thread pour lui montrer

Bro, it's true. Trust me. Just got yolked up and do it. Do all that I said. Never act too smart, or nerdy. Im actually smart, but got pretty jacked after getting tired of being a skinny nerd. I got A+ certified my junior year of high school and was working on networking my senior year, along with a couple plus classes, but even being muscular and myself it wasn't as good with women as just being a muscular retard.

Not OP but can you explain to me how in any fucking way that this would be b8?
Some dude wanting to get chicks on an app? What’s the trolling potential behind that
Please explain cause i have a hard time understanding your reasoning?

T’habite où juste pour le fun?
J’va pas te doxx ou peu importe mais j’vais pouvoir savoir si tu ment

Have you seen /b. Ppl will do anything for attention in this god forsaken thread

1. Pics with girls.
2. If you are moscular, post body while training or some shit that does not involve you like showing off.. Like sleeveless shirt while staining or some beach theme workout..
3. Trim that beard, it looks messy as fuck and it's not appealing.. I do not mean shave, I mean clean it, make it more with structure, to have a life and not look like public hair.
If you don't have a beard fetish, trim it with a machine to look a little cleaner.
4. Edit your profile, change what you write and stuff.
5. Pictures of social life, like someone took your pic while you were socialising
6. Take pictures that you Dont look like a fag.. That pic with blondy you stood like a tree.. Spread your legs to shoulder width, take that chest out to stand firm, look more confident and manly.

You didn’t even explain how this could be in anyways a b8 thread other than being ultra vague
Yes i know people will troll with the most insignificant bullshit but give me a break
Dude is asking for advice and i don’t see in anyways how we’re being b8ed