How many times have countries been locked down in the past. All seems.... Strange to me...

How many times have countries been locked down in the past. All seems.... Strange to me. I can't find any information on it.

I mean swine flu was just "stay in your home if you are sick". But this... SHIIIIIIT I mean cancer kills 9.5 million people a year. This shit has a death rate of 4%

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>This shit has a death rate of 4%
For who?

This shit grows exponentially and could affect the entire human population in a year. 4% of everyone is a lot.

4% of 7 billion is 280 million possible deaths, you retarded deep shit

I think that's an average. Like, 0.1% of young people and 8-10% of old people

it’s not about deaths retard, but sick people not showing to work affecting services and the health system of countries not being designed or intended to manage a big chunk of the population getting sick

Glad someone understands

>How many times have countries been locked down in the past. All seems.... Strange to me. I can't find any information on it.
You've lived through a lot of pandemics have you? Fucking moron, this thing doesn't happen all that frequently.

Old folk and people with fucked immune systems.

The actual average as of right now is 7.14%

Well when the dust settles there'd better be less traffic.

Tbqh, i tried several times to slip this in COVID19 themed threads and i never got replies from anyone which kinda irritates me since i expected atleast one troll or anti conspiracy skeptic to call me a faggot but here goes:
The elite has tried to implement their NWO and depopulation agenda for over 20 years and this pandemic seems to stir the course of events in favor of what i mentioned above

Yeah i know that it’s way blown out of proportion but i can’t shake the feeling off me that every year or 2, there’s always a new biological threat, whether it’s those strains of flus(H1N1, ebola, bird flu, swine flu, etc...), new “super viruses”/bacterias/viruses becoming immune to antibiotics, any other anomaly in shipments of food that could present a health hazard

I’m seriously starting to think that something big is around the corner and it’s just a matter of time before shit hits the fan

Yeah I think that's true. It's been holding steady between 6.5% and 7.5% all week though.


Well in first world countries it's a lot less, in Australia there have been 3 deaths with 249 cases, so that's like 1% so far

Norway was locked down in WW2, probably the only time.

Please elaborate why i’m a retard

you dickhead OP where are you getting your stats?? 4%....
theres been 500k deaths in the past 2 months from this flu.... we should all be VERY concerned!

>gonna eat radium to get superpowers
>Please elaborate why i’m a retard


Jokes on you, you’re the one who sounds like a retard
Projecting much? I was expecting someone to have an argument with substance but ad hominems aren’t arguments


ok retard. just wash your hands and don’t panic

Cancer is not contagious unless you are a koala. That might have something to do with it OP.

Not to mention it can mutate and reinfect people, while at the same time suppressing people's immune system each time. It is quite obviously a bioweapon, released by one of the superpowers, either on accident or on purpose.

ok retard

It’s not about the death rate you fucking idiot. Imagine your entire country is off sick for two weeks. What happens to the economy?

Time will prove me right.

ok retard

It came from bats, no wait, pangolins, no wait, we aren't sure, no wait, it was the US, no wait it was China, no wait, it's Russia!! no wait!!!! it's just a hoax!!!


ok retard

I don't think it's some illuminati conspiracy, I think it's simply the result of overpopulation and global travel. Something like this in Wuhan 200 years would have killed 200k people and never had a chance to leave the region. Nowadays some chink eats a live salamander dipped in frogs blood at his grandma's house in Guangdong and after a 20 hour flight he's back in the US at a state university lecture hall coughing up purple phlegm. That's factor number one, factor number two is because 7 billion humans - there is a 100% chance that right now some idiot in Xinjaing is licking bats and pangolins. It's Asia, we know it's true. This shit happens every few years, and it's increasing. I think we can expect a new one every year until China stops being assholes with animals.
Protip: Bats are known to be carriers of over 100 different coronaviruses. Only 4 have become contagious to humans. All they require is a mutation and an opportunity to make the cross-species leap, or an intermediary to help the leap along, pic related.

Attached: pangolin.jpg (1280x720, 291.25K)

It is about deaths. Get smarts.

pretty much

ok retard


Absolute Rubbish. Get an education.

People survive and go back to work... it is very much about the death rate. Get your head out of your ass.

I think it's more about keeping the infection rate as low as possible, so the hospitals won't get overrun

>death rate of 4%
7%, in the FIRST WAVE. Spanish flu had .1% death rate on the first wave, 3% after it mutated... this thing didn't even mutate yet and its at 7%

>being this brain dead
ok retard

it may have been pigs. they’re known for passing diseases to humans. bat poops over pig pen, pig eats it mixed in its food and chink retard doesn’t washes their hands. that easy

ok retard

in the early 1900s intercontinental flights didn’t exist so

I'm loving the opinions of the racists. Because we all know how smart racists usually are.

hospitals get overrun and the main priority is keeping people from getting sick, normal disease? sorry no time for you. broken leg? go home you're gonna end up a cripple. this starts to be a numbers game of how many can be saved long run and you're other medical conditions dont matter for now

Pangolins are pretty cute I gotta say

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That’s not what happens at all, businesses cannot run for two weeks without staff. Or did Mr TV man tell you something different?

bats represent a large portion of asymptomatic mammalian virus carriers though, and they are a considerable reservoir of pathogens. then there's pigs, birds, rats, bamboo rats, mice (hantavirus), gerbils, hansters, guinea pigs,civets, pangolins ... mix them all up and see what pops out

nothing to do with racism. bats carry many strains of coronavirus and pigs are known for passing animal diseases to humans. since both rural pig farms and bats are in the area where all this started is a real possibility. and a potential retard who accidentally starts a pandemic deserves to be called retard

this fucking thread shows me the remnants of 4 chan users are 99.5 straight reddit fagoots

mix what? i dont get it

>not racist

Pick one.

Facts and knowledge can be confusing to someone such as yourself.

Bats > Horses > Humans

Google Hendra Virus. It makes Cov19 look like a mild rash

the death rate has gone up to 8% in lombardi and it's killed 1000s of people in a few months and anyone can get it and it spreads extremely quickly and we don't know shit about it and it affects people of every age. you can't compare this to any other disease. this is unprecedented.

kek. it may have been other animals like mice but pork meat moves fast enough to kinda make sense with how many cases popped up initially

im sorry but hes right, read into it
flee now if you can

Dumb nigger spotted.

not to mention that it puts people in ICU for a whole month. it's overwhelming hospitals and people are exploding out into the hallways. im sorry dude thats not normal.

ok samefagging retard

>it is very much about the death rate.
The mortality rate is tied directly to the transmission rate. It's a simple equation, the two are inseparable. A disease with a 100% mortality rate that only infects 1 person only kills 1 person. 100% mortality rate does not equal an epidemic. A true killer pandemic has a high transmission rate, a slow incubation period while contagious, carriers with no symptoms and a long period between infection and death. Giving everyone a chance to get infected and pass it on to their grandparents. Anything that fits that criteria will eventually have a high mortality rate. If, by bad luck, it has an inherently high mortality rate then we've entered into the 'zombie' apocalypse. This one isn't that, but they are closing down countries ... pretending it's a nothingburger makes you a danger to your own family and friends.

It's a bioweapon. Too many coincidences. If you actually stop and think about it, there's no other explanation.

>Starts in the middle of the most populated nation
>Hard to detect
>False negatives
>Highly infectious
>Already multiple strains, one much worse than the other
>Possible reinfections
>Suppresses Immune system
>Harms reproduction

The list goes on and on.

>Google Hendra Virus. It makes Cov19 look like a mild rash
It killed a few horses and like 5 people?


yeah, you racist

Numb digger spotted.

ok retard

ok retard

Wow, do you think the flu is a bioweapon too? cause it shares those same characteristics.

I just meant there's 10,000 ways for the next virus to escape into the human populations. There's too many people fucking around with too many animals. And these people get on planes and fly all over the world. It's not 1900 anymore, nothing stays in it's own region and just dies out... This shit is going to happen every year until a real killer hits the population.

Bum dinggers potted