hello guys
thats my 1 thread on Yas Forums
im from 2ch(russian Yas Forums)
im Russian and I live in Moscow
ask your questions
Hello guys
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Hello from Argentina Russian friend!
How is it to know that Supreme Emperor Vladimir Putin will be around forever ? Also is St Petersburg worth visiting or it's a scam like Paris ?
what does the picture say and where did u get it
i dont like Vladimir putin,i will militate with my government,BUT THATS AND OFFICIALLY CRIME(Criminal Code Article 319)
I havent been in Paris,but i was in St.Peterburg
I really like this city,but u should visit Moscow too.thats 2 different cities.as far as I know i can compare this with USA,how i know in different states u can meet different people and etc.
alsoThere are more tourists in St.Peterburg
where is the third?
i found it on 2ch
sorry for my bad english
im trying to improve it
Is russia regular starving and chaos or corona virus starving and chaos?
its calmly as allways,because government didnt say anything about corona
but if they will say something that can cause a panic.it will be a chaos at least in Moscow and St.Peterburg
Winter war. What do you think about it?
sorry im not the best at history
if ure taling about Soviet-Finnish War
Ok dude thanks. Gonna check Moscow too. Avoid Paris it's nothing like they want you to believe. Good luck with Putin.
thanks!!appreciate it very much!!!!
i am for world peace
i dont like when countries battles with each other
Thank you for piracy and good games your country gives the world
no problems
thats a russian board lol
Is it hard to adjust to roman characters after living cyrillic land?
Do you write a lot of backwards uppercase N's on accident?
its easy to adjust to roman characters after living cyrillic land
if ure talking about И.nah. the first time I hear such a question
I'm just dyslexic as fuck as it is and could never cope handwriting cyrillic.
thats fine
russian is hard to learn language
oink, oink, oink
ure bad >:(
what are your thoughts on the germans?
пиздyй oбpaтнo нa cocaч, aнoн, Aбy плaчeт
Do you love India?
i like this country
i dont understand,when foreigners think that russians dont like germans
i dont know everything about India
but i know,thats they have bad acological situation
я тoлькo c нeгo
хoчeтcя paзнooбpaзия,пoнимaeшь?
It's because white Americans still haven't been forgiven for slavery or segregation by the niggers.
I drink a very cheap vodka named Kamchatka that's from Kentucky.
Do you know of a brand that's actually made in Kamchatka?
That place is cool.
Russia Stronk !
is it this one?
if so, then it is done in the city of Saransk
i cant find this vodka on russians marketplaces
I can propose thats american exclusive
try to find it here winestyle.ru
click дa
and here perekrestok.ru
No no.
This is made in US.
I want a vodka from real kamchatka!
i cant find anything
most brands of vodka are produced in moscow
i really cant find anything!
everything that i found is вoдкa зaзeнкa
but im not sure about it
btw kamchantka is a deadly place
oh i found something ЭКCTPA OAO
Ever have gay thoughts?
I want to live there, honestly.
where are u from?
Southern Utah.
It's the opposite.
Desert canyons and mountains, old volcanoes, sand, hot, little rain.
Кaкoгo хyя ты здecь зaбыл? A нy быcтpo вepнyлcя в cвoй пeтyшиный aбy-yгoл!
on machatka its allways very cold
thats a village
if u want to live in Russia,u should start from St.Peterburg or Kazan
Not Moscow,beacuse its too expensive for foreigner
ты caм тaм был кoгдa тo,paз тaк гoвopишь
пoчeмy ты мoжeшь cьeбaть,a я нeт?
what is the your country's reaction to the coronaVIRUS?
its calmly as allways,because government didnt say anything about corona
but if they will say something that can cause a panic.it will be a chaos at least in Moscow and St.Peterburg
Do you guys have McDonalds in Moscow?
Is your leader as crazy as he seems or is he just Putin on a show for the world?
Protip: McDonalds is the shadow one-world government. Thats why they're everywhere. McDonalds secretly controls everything. Putin knows.