Cuckold here, since 4 years ago, questions?

Cuckold here, since 4 years ago, questions?

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>ofcourse pic related

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still no life Tenda?

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Guess my question..

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Yeah, what's your favourite kind of sandwich?

do you have suicidal thoughts?


The one your mom makes for me every morning.

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Imagine admitting to being a cuck and still thinking you can pull out 'your mom' jokes.

Must suck to be you, son.

How did it affect your relationship

Not at all, actually improved, a lot of communication is needed.


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Do you want your wife to get pregnant from another man?

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how many fat nigger dicks has she fucked and please post pictures

What do you get out of LARPing on Yas Forums?

Your mom.

Not really

Not BBC by now, but she is interested

If you say so

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All of this is larp and no one believes you. You should mend your ways, user.

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More details on the relationship?
Do you watch them fuck? Do you/are you allowed to jerk off?

Do you lick her clean after she's been with her lover?

Most of the time I only see and document (pic related), I can masturbate whenever I want

Not, she take showers

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Do you all live together?
If so sleeping arrangements?
Do you ever spend time just you and her?
Other kinks?

How did you two get into the cuckolding lifestyle, what kind of guys is she into and where does she find them.

This is the guy that posts nigger porn all night. He's a lying subversive cunt. Nobody willingly lets other men fuck their women, that's insane.

You'd be surprised how many guys are that bored lol

we live together she and me only

We discussed it and talked for many months until it happened (its no easy)

We meet random people in a bar, mostly.

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No, I wouldn't be. I've been is a couple fist fights over guys putting moves on my women. It's primal instinct to protect your mate. Kike subversion will never change that.

>Thats insane

>You need to turn off Fortnite and grow up

I'm 45 and have 4 kids. I don't want people like you out here fucking with their heads. You are scum and deserve a slow death.

How do you two pick up guys in a bar?

Any vids? Your wife knows about this thread?

My wifes udders. Kik: MisterE_1313

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It is very easy, there are always guys who invite her for a drink, when that happens it is easier for it to happen.

Yes, got vids but not in webm format, so i cant post em

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Would you dump them in a vola? Or chatpic

She explains to them that you're her cuckold and that you like to watch?

Its possible

Actually I am in charge of making the "arrangements", I am the one who speaks directly with them.

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What would you do if she developed feelings for a guy?

To tell the truth, I see it difficult for that to happen, because of the communication we have between ourselves and because we don't spend much time with the guys

I mean we do it and we go, we don't go out for breakfast or spend more time together. just what we are going and ready.

Moving to this vola, but please, delete this post, i dont want a lot of people in there


Can confirm this exists. I was approached by a guy asking me to fuck his girl. I said no cos it felt weird and they were a 4/10 couple

omg thats not fair, i missed the vola room

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why delete so fast (((

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Op here, it was for lurkers user, im sorry, but you can keep asking to post more pics

I will post the same as vola but without videos

Do you participate?
I do I get so fucking hard when my girl rides the bull reverse cowgirl and I can lick her clit and his shaft at the same time

Do you go in for sloppy seconds and fuck her cum filled cunt or does the bull have to use a condom?

Sometimes i do, and you should

Sometimes they used, sometimes not

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but im the lurker ((

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What do you think of the idea of you getting fucked hard and dominated by a guy in front of her?

I love the silky feel when penetrating my girl after she has been creamed. So much smoother than her own juices alone

vola or imig pls

Not wanna try


Not now

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Is she doing anal with the bulls?

show us more

Besides chucking, do you have a normal sex life in your relationship?

She latina?

The thought of sharing my girl has been quite intense for me the last couple of months



Not, she is from Texas

if no vola, show more ass

Are you cockshy or do you get in there up close like dp and double cock suck from her so that sometimes cocks touch
What about friendly fire when you get hit by shooting cum

I'm not OP but I once got hit in the eye from friendly fire and it stings like hell made my eye red for days

good for you OP..... enjoy it..... i like my cuckold relationship ..... i am a Cuckold and proud that i can say that

Please more bikini and swimsuit pics

did you immediatly start with couckold or did it develop from 3somes?