Alright faggots, we're shopping. What do you buy to survive the normie panic of super hoarding?

Alright faggots, we're shopping. What do you buy to survive the normie panic of super hoarding?

(toilet paper and bottled water is already gone)

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Dog and cat food. Everyone’s gonna go for normal food, but that will run out eventually. Get your tastebuds accumulated, try new recipes. Enjoy having a shot at finding food you can still get after all the stores are empty from panicking hordes of fatties that go through the supermarkets supplies in 2-3 months.

Bottled water

Toilet paper

TP and H20

Condoms so I don't have to clean up all the cum with toilet paper

Sweep all the tuna off the shelves until the cart is full.
That's it.
If we get 2 carts, then the second cart is all canned veggies.

Fuck TP, I can use my hand.

Is this thread from last week? I went shopping today and everything is sold out except carrots.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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Fuck all your bitch shit, go to the booze isle.

Beer and wine can't be sold until 8am under state law. Ask me how I know.

what store did you go to?

See those cans on the right, grab a shitload of the ones you like. And grab some picante sauce too.

No booze aisle here - christcucks have had that banned since forever.
Gotta go to to Dan Murphys for that.

All of whatever dumb rich bitches love. When these hoes find they can't buy their rich vices they will fucking fall apart and lulz will be had.

Nobody is buying canned food and buying retarded shit like milk.

Meat could go be good to grab and put in the freezer before the tards get em. Same with canned fruits/nuts/ dry chilli's.

already did. theres plenty of booze available. i bought 60 beers just for the discount. people with carts full of mac n chz and sugar thought i was crazy

at my store all the sandwich bread and eggs were gone.most of the canned veggies were also gone.

Or we could just wash the shit off of our asses instead of giving in to the corporate jew and their army of panicky faggots

Lol my store is out of eggs, ramen and every canned food left on the shelves. Milk is ehh. Dunno why retards are hoarding eggs but sure why not is my guess.

Hit the spices and meats, get the cuts people aren't grabbing and learn to make new shit.

i did. all the chicken breast and ground beef was gone because its the easiest to make. there were plenty of pork ribs and beef roasts. i grabbed a few of each. people dont want to buy shit they dont have the patience to cook

its one of the basics on everyones shopping list. i dont understand whe bread was gone. shit is only good for a week. people dont think clearly when they panic shop.

Don't forget to print this out, it will come in handy when food doesn't really run out if you know what I mean.

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saw someone with 6-8 jugs of milk. the common man is a fool

Buy some candy!~

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Yeah I'm honestly pissed that all these faggots wiped out my canned chicken. I make some bomb ass chicken salad and I was craving it today

There is a restaurant called 'yotsuba' near me. I should go just for the lulz, but might get some nice sushi while there. I will post back some day if i do go. most niggers are scared of mexicanvirus, so may be small wait time.

R.i.p. chicken salad

this virus has made all wait times at restaurants non existent, it's fucking kino

I'm gonna be hyped as heck for your future posts!!!

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traffic is way better in my city since a lot of peeps are temp working from home.


doritos and mountain dew, just like every day.

How am I going to wipe my ass with a beer bottle?

Pour beer on ass and clean it that way

>canned chicken

In Perth WA, the traffic is heavier as people are avoiding public transport :D

Soggy mmmmmmm

I'm mainly pissed about the cans. Like I dn't mind other people buying canned foods, I'm an advocate, but I actually eat canned foods so when this shit happens it mildly irritates me but I haven't had to go without yet.

based and tunapilled. all i need is some canned tuna, canned chili and green beans, and a few months worth of booze

Subway dance party!?!!!1111~

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>Toilet paper


Open 3 and use the caps like you would seashells

A ROLL A DAY? You got Colon cancer my guy


>one roll per day
Wtf man how big is your asshole

Who in the fuck uses 1 toilet paper roll a day?


Hey be a man.

what the fuck do you wana do with bottled water? they are not shutting down the Water pipes you are an idiot!

MAybe he's on his period?

uhm you know you can put bread in the freezer

i just make mines from wheat

takes up too much real estate and gets freezer burnt too quickly. id rather do meats and veggies.

this. i don't understand the bottled water hype. it's much more cost efficient to buy a filtered container for your fridge or just boil tap water and chill it. unless the tap gets shut off because this is all a planned operation unfolding itself. hmmm

Nothing bulldoze store, burn everything.

hitler already tried to poison us with floride

I'm genuinely confused how liquid are your shits you need a whole roll every day?

Bullets. Start looting as soon as shit goes south.

hitler did something wrong?

Just walk down the isles with your arm out and see what falls in

nah i bet he is a jew, jews are geneticaly allergic to floride

Toilet paper because I think with my ass, obviously.

Fluoride you niggers

Are you kidding me? That stubborn fuck made tons of tactical mistakes, and then doubled down on his failure instead of admitting he was wrong.

I really don't know.

I call if floride because I don't want to confuse it with flour

4get the tp get the Depends...won't have to wipe just shower after

>tactical mistakes
>still talking about him almost 100 years later
ok boomer

Buy sauerkraut and cabbage, then threaten to shit all over the normie's porch and car until they surrender their TP and bottled water.


another (you)

who is the dood with the gun tho.

unless i have the shits, i use two to three sheets per wipe. who the fuck taught you guys to wipe your asses?

I bought like 3 costco toilet papers and I dont regret it at all because it will get used eventually.
I got mine like a month ago before all the panic buying.
I bought 2 fifty pound bags of dog food also and its not like my dogs are just going to stop eating because I didnt need it it will get used.
I think its dumb when you buy 50 cans of beans that you dont like the taste of just because its shelf stable.
buy stuff you do like.

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I want a bidet because then I think I would only have to dab a bit untill then it's better safe than sorry.

Alright . . . WHat about disinfecting wipes?