Depression general
What's got you down Yas Forums?
Depression general
What's got you down Yas Forums?
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Gravity literally has got me down
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Nothing in particular. I actually had a pretty good day today.
I am dreading work on Monday and know I'll wake up tomorrow feeling like I wanna die
I usually jerk off to fucked up shit but I've stopped beating my dick to mush and now when I look at porn I used to like it's just disgusting now and I don't know why
Not depressed, but I would love to know who makes these.
Medicine? My gf is a RN at a nursing home and she's about to lose it.
No, luckily not medicine. I couldn't imagine doing their job right now. Much respect to your gf
My virus is less lethal than my tests indicated.
Yas Forums ignoring you, Gunjy?
Thanks, user. I'll actually pass that on, she will appreciate it.
We are the island of lost toys. All are welcome under our dark skies.
Had to put my dog down yesterday.
I'm so sorry user. Your dog was happy to have lived with you
/w/ anime wallpapers would have the artist for you
My story is way too long to even post about it. Which itself is depressing. But everything's fucked
the fact im a NEET
im going to have a very shit job within 2 weeks though so its not all bad
Started doing threesomes with my wife with the pretense of both guy and girl. Can’t find a girl that will fuck me. I actually hooked us up with a couple at our place, made food, had a great time, but as it turns out, being bi actually means being gay. Now we’re friends, and my wife and the girl fuck around when we hang out, and I watch angrily.
I like to think I’m good looking, interesting, good in bed.
I do have maj depresso tho which I might let come out unintentionally.
been depressed/suicidal my whole life but had to pretend to be the happy idiot my whole life.
Haven't snap'd yet and still amazed I haven't keep reading on what caused them to go and that wasn't enough for me.
My secret is i just don't care anymore.
I've became shallow in the way I am.
I hate the way I look and I don't understand what other people see in me.
I post lewds on here in the hope of getting compliments that I feel are more than likely will never come.
because you are a disgusting tranny, you people are fucked in the head
Virtual hug King you will get through this
I'm a hostage to my mind.
Billions of years of evolution has encouraged humans to chase status and power in order to become an acceptable mating choice.
I always feel like I'm chasing gold at the end of a rainbow...Or carrot and stick might be a better analogy.
We're designed to be unfulfilled to keep us working.
People are shallow (including me) it's all about self preservation really.
No true altruism.
People will fuck you over whenever it becomes convenient to do so.
A mix of:
A)Wanting to be a lot more attractive as a bottom, meaning more effeminate, lighter skin, shorter, thinner, and more things that are out of my control (except for the weight I guess)
B) Wanting to be a normal person who is just happy with who he is instead of internally stressing about how little I look like a woman of all the things I could be stressing about
Are you a man trying to become a woman or just a guyish woman?
Sorry for the late reply anons, I fell asleep, had a nap.
Who? I haven't been to Yas Forums in years. Last time I was there it was being flooded with roasties looking for beta orbiter paypigs.
Sorry to hear that user. How long did you hay him? I had a dog I raised from a pup for 7 years. He loved getting loose and runny around. Unfortunately he got run over eventually, one morning when I was leaving for work. This was years ago now. Never had another dog.
Sounds like an empty existence. Stop doing it, and stop watching so much porn.
Of course user, it is life.
Stop overthinking it. If you keep looking at yourself with a magnifying glass you're always going to find flaws.
I'm a gay man, I just want to be a trap. I guess it's a fetish but I want that to just be me in general, not just dressing up for sex.
Nothing has me down. The bitch I used to cry about is my worst enemy.
I'm out of most substances that make me feel better So I'm pissed off at the world, not sad or depressed at all.
I feel metaphorically speaking, so damn good I could just build a metaphorical bomb and metaphorically speaking send it right to every governmnet agency there is.
Was hoping for tomboy/autist girl.
I miss heaven..
Hasn't gone the way I wanted and I'm 23.
I'm very defeatist I think, and I don't have the strength to pull myself back up and try to do the things that I wanted to do in the past - to pull myself out of this hole. Or else, I have the strength, but I'm scared. I think it's a little bit of both - perhaps I have more strength than I think I do in my darkest moments, but I'm certainly scared of the trials of the climb to get out of the hole. Scared of falling on the way.
The only advantage of being where I'm at is that there are, occasionally, moments of intense peace where I stop fighting to get out of the hole or beating myself up for being in it still.
Even that however is simply finding contentment in a bad place. A useful skill to learn, I suppose. So I've got that out of this experience.
But I'd like to be out now.
I fear that the hole is my life itself. As you grow up your mind and psyche are changed by your experiences. One could say those changes are in a sense irreversible. Thus my chance to have the life I wanted, in a mind I wanted, are truly gone.
I can only hope that there is another path to take my mind to a place that is close to what it felt like before.
It won't be the exact same; I'll still be scarred by my experiences. But it'd be better than nothing, no? Perhaps it would give me an alright quality of life.
The knowledge that the scar would still be there hurts me though.
Time heals all, I suppose.
Excellent choice goy!! you should consider transition seriously, go to your doctor and demand a gender dysphoria diagnosis, otherwise tell him hes a bigot and will lose his license.
-Dr Shekelstein
What are you talking about? Please be clearer, not just vomiting on the keyboard. You're depressed and you feel like you're in a hole? Why are you depressed?
King you got this. The hole is irrelevancy, the mediocrity of life itself. Normies are comfortable in it, others try and fail to get out, but we all want out. You are still you. We all miss out on stuff and wish we did shit differently. Fucking up is the default state of humanity.
So you and the guy don't fool around??
Click on the small arrow after the post number. Click on image search. Click on google. Find out.
Chemical imbalance in my brain. SSRI fixed it for over a year and I was feeling incredible. Completely turned my life around. But recent side effects forced me to stop, and the current meds don't do shit.
On second thought everything has me down. Same shit different day. Can't take anyone seriously anymore. Its getting worse, with only little bits left of caring and believing in anyones shit.
Normies are predictable and deceitful, its true. Investing enough energy in giving a fuck about someone else in this day and age is becoming increasingly hard
I'm sorry my friend. I mostly wrote this for myself, it helped clarify how I was feeling. I'm sorry if I have clogged up the thread with keyboard vomit.
I'll probably just go and make some coffee now and leave the thread for others, especially as I don't have major depressy. Just been a lil down for a long while.
But if you must know, I wanted to set out on travelling the world at the same time as earning money, learning in my spare time and getting fitter and healing a stressed mind - that's what I wanted at 18.
Instead I ended up at a high pressure college (this is the UK, so just before university) for a year, and having a nervous breakdown at university. My mind has been on high alert since. (diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder). Life with this is pretty shitty sometimes, and I still haven't managed to move myself forward that much in doing those things I wanted to do at 18.
Dudes, get your d vitamin levels checked.i know we all sit in most of the day, and some of us don't eat as we should. Get them checked, because it can bring you down like nothing else. I tried anti depressants, therapy etc. It really only worked after the 5th doctor tested my vitamin levels, after I got a high daily dosage of D vitamin, it was like a stone got lifted off of my shoulders.
Do yourself that favor, and get checked.
Not saying it's gonna work, but for some of you it will.
kikes in all seats of power and niggers in all public places
in our own fucking nation
What were the side effects?
Never believe anyone, dta as the old rattle snake said.
This, it's so simple nowadays. People will still defend spoon-feeding though. Even though it ruined the site.
This is true.
It's okay man. Take it easy. Everybody is welcome to post. You sound really highly wound up. Just relax, stop the coffee and the caffeine. If anything have a drink.
Happy for you user. But I've been to a few doctor's, none of them brought up vitamin D. I've had plenty of vitamin D milk. Never felt any better.
is vitamin D a pill you take, do I need a prescription
IDK man, inability possibly? I see the world in a totally different view than any of my peers, I realize that the name of the game is technological progression and thus technological acquisition, I come from a town that is on the verge of massive change in the middle of the worlds largest port hub and my mind is filled with electric vehicles that would enhance daily life without even needing autonomy although that is slowly becoming reality and the progress is open sourced which me being a genius of some sort seems very possible to implement. I realize battery production is what is holding back the revolution which is why its obvious to me that Mexico and Chile need a trade agreement over their lithium so it can start moving in the cheapest production market in the world, which just happens to converge right at my doorstep. All I want to do is build the future for me and those who surround me yet I find myself in a pool of inability with a lack of resources.
>my mind is filled with electric vehicles that would enhance daily life
>me being a genius of some sort
go read a book zoomer, you dont know shit about anything
Severe mood swings. One moment I'd be on the floor laughing like a madman over a stupid joke. A few minutes later I'd be crying uncontrollably over something that happened 20 years ago.
It got so bad I was almost committed. Fortunately my doctor recognized what was happening and stopped the meds. But now I'm struggling every moment.
I could say from a point of view from me, that it might do good to unhand the future; as to say drop the pretenses of seeing or grasping through the fog of the future better than the person who works or lives next to you. People who make all the money in the world worked hard throughout their lives to have to ability to be able to plan about a year ahead of there life. A side note to this could be to also lower the magnitude at which you live and base your life off of.
To speak more on changing as a person and being afraid of change could be conditioned to you riding your bike for the first time. You scrape your knee and drop any shortcomings on how to NOT ride a bike, you lose touch with the dead wood in your mind and let it burn off. If you were to plunge straight into hell at this moment you would fundamentally be the same, yet it’s staying in the said environment of hell that restructures your mind and adapts the way you think, which is all dependent on ones will to find the contentment of life, not the happiness and knowing that ‘Life = Suffering’
I'm stuck living with my NEET step-brother. All he does all day is play video games as soon as he wakes up for hours on end. He is 24 and has only worked ONE job that lasted less than a month. He smokes a half pack of cigarettes a day and watches niggers on Youtube and shit tier anime. I don't know what to do with him anymore.
Why are you living with your brother? How old are you?
4 gets in a row and nobody checks them
Don't know if what i have is depression. But I've been depressed- like for maybe 4 years? Suicidal thoughts, cutting and honestly being a dick to my family.
Dude youre so cringe why do you keep sending your recordings
Maybe family is the problem.
Independence is what you seek.
not feeling down, but look at this picture i made in blender.
31, he got kicked out of our dad's place for assault & battery. I let him stay here while he gets his shit together but obviously he ran with it and now I have to decide to either kick him out or give him an ultimatum.
As do I.
You sound like an asshole. Why kick him out? You're going to turn your back on your brother for being a neet?
Fellow NEET here, he wont change, trust me. Hes not blood related anyway
Everything that's going wrong is out of my control to prevent