Waifu something breadamajig

Waifu something breadamajig

Previous:Not this time

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Rory-sama claimed

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ah yes

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cringe thread

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Only one more bag change to go

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And also a Junya waiting.

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Have fun getting your intestine un-removed

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a la claim

Attached: Kao9.jpg (850x478, 324.27K)

I want to save her from her broke-ass family

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Is this that one school prez or something girl that has to work in a cafe?

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Chicken a la Kao
National food hmm?

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>he's been poison in every community he was in
which other communities? i know he hung around /trash/ for a while, and some thread on 8ch too. and some discord servers iirc?

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your other national dish

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cute peak

Nice dubs
I'm sorry I don't know what else canadians eat that we don't
What's up

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There are rules now?

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nice winks
nice peek

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love u daddy

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we pretty much eat the same stuff
nothing, just some vidya

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They get sewn together and stuffed back in my body
Oh yes there will be.
Discord servers, Aneki, other groups he weasels into.

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That's just rory's thing desu
I think they're pretty reasonable
Actually same. Playing smash with the bros
That's a mood

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My house had its value increase by $32000 compared to last year!

A golden age has come to an end.
Is poutine even good?

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_meron_fly__sample-1c1444bbee759fb1bfea92b94cb95e8d.jpg (850x478, 75.51K)


Nobody calls me chicken

Attached: Kao15.jpg (500x707, 55.86K)

Whaddaya gonna do about it

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I'ma b(eat) your ass

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Am not gaj
How 'bout some chicken instead

Attached: EwYVkf9.jpg (1920x1080, 107.71K)

I am also not gaj

I will accept the chicken

Attached: Kao11.png (500x758, 369.13K)

Nice lower bar
Kung Kao Chicken

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Also yes poutine is okay


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Take my rights i take your life

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Hello, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm slep

Take my rights I take my life

Attached: Kao6.jpg (816x736, 84.4K)

Both of you are not going to do it. You both dont have what it takes

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Rip in pepperonis
Near's a fed

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Thankfully gun control will be just about as effective as the war on drugs or probation of the past. Also it would only take one percent of the American population to theoretically defeat a tyrannical government which mind you would have little native support.
Maybe that will swing either way.

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Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

It would actually take about 3% of the population

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ice cream hair

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That is why kira failed. He used the death note on crimanals. Not politishons

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And libertypilled
That's the one
What's up?

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not me for much longer

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That tomboy dyke is Rally Vincent and probably at least moderately tight since the slut role is given to another character. I haven't gotten far enough in the Mango where I know everything. I'll probably go back to reading it more this week.
Girl on the left is the cannon roasty.

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What's the difference? Aside from personal wealth of course.

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I want to cuddle the Jill

Some fancy papers that say they can do what they want and the people who voted for them to be able to do that

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>Some fancy papers that say they can do what they want and the people who voted for them to be able to do that
That's why we're a constitutional republic well minus the 'constitutional' over the last couple decades. Direct democracy would be a nightmare because we Americans are over overwhelmingly fucking stupid.

It works for the Swiss because their people are well educated, 90% of the native population are reserve soldiers so they have a sense of nationalism that the EUSSR states don't, and it's a loosely formed confederation so the provinces are more independent. This of course triggers imperialistic faggots like Macon of France and Globalist like Merkel but fuck them and their feelings.

Anyway unjust laws shouldn't be obeyed nor enforced. That's my opinion anyway.

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Okay TL;DR
>fuck Amerimutts
>fuk da police
>fuck DemocRAT's
>fuck Repugnantcans
>fuck Globalists
>fuck France

The Swiss mountain jews are alright though.

Attached: Swiss flag, subject to citizen.jpg (542x542, 89.06K)

what are globalists

Are the swiss mountain jews your waifu?

That is the difrence. That is my point

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Doomed are the poor
Doomed are the peaceful
Doomed are the meek
Doomed are the merciful

For the word is now death
And the word is now without light

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Well I'm gonna go to sleep now, g'night anons.

For one don't get them mixed with internationalists. Nothing wrong with peaceful diplomacy and trade and sheeit.
Globalists basically want to control all countries with a single unified government or even outright erase national borders entirely. Some have good intentions but are delusional thinking it will better the world. Plus a centralized power that big would inevitably be corrupted and abused should their dream ever become a reality. It's just human nature abuse is inevitably.

TL;DR, they're a bunch of busy bodies who can't leave people the fuck alone.

No I just like the country.

Oh okay, I mean globalist in the literal sense. Not just some yapping buzzword terms. President of France Macron is very much a globalist and a imperialist so I don't like him.

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Wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha