is it just me who's finding this corona virus exciting. Finally something interest is happening, I've been bored since 9/11
Is it just me who's finding this corona virus exciting. Finally something interest is happening...
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In a weird way, yes, it is kind of exciting.
I'm also not real old or real young, so even if I get it I'll probably survive.
where abouts are you from? I'm a britbong, so our government is doing absolutely nothing
It kinda is but also i'm running out of toilet paper and for some reason that's the first thing people stock up on
Absolutely the same for me. I hope the world changes.
It really gets me going Sempi
Of course it's not just you. People love a good happening. If it were Ebola or MERS, people would just be scared out of their minds, but Chingchong-19 causes nothing more than minor cold-like symptoms in about 85% of people and mainly just kills the sick and elderly.
It is very exciting. I hope it kills us all, or at least 50-60%
virus movies all weekend
why is it being so over exadurarted by the media, when more people are killed from influenza every year
Me. Its fun to see people panicking and shit, wish the death toll and rate published were higher. As long as the fire doesn't touch me i wanna watch the world burn
Isn't the mortality rate like 2 percent? Doubt that would happen
let's wait for the revolution
I'm hoping it will be a post post apocalyptic world desu, I will finally be able to fuck any women as I please with no consequences
Kill yourself, incel faggot.
congrats on being a sniveling cowardly piece of shit
i hope your grandma dies a painful death
currently yea, but its the beggining of the age of the super virus!
You were probably 4 when 9/11 happened.
Because the case fatality rate of the flu is about .1%, whereas filthychinks-19 is estimated to be anywhere from 1% to 3.4. That means bateaters-19 is at least 10 times deadlier than the flu.
Joe Rogan Experience #1439 - Michael Osterholm
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology.
Me and GF was actually talking about this earlier tonight. Like, good. It might get difficult, but that just puts us in a position to be inventive. We're aware that we're just excited because we're not in any serious risk, but still. Yeah, a bit exciting to be honest.
The problems of corona isn't its lethality, even though retarded people keep pushing that as the argument for why it's not a problem.
I live in NY state.
Supposedly the US government was slow to respond at first but now they are really ramping things up (I haven't followed it very close because I already have enough things in my life to stress about).
I will piss on your grave when you die. Just kill yourself.
Doubt it, I'm pretty sure it comes from the same strain as mers and sars so anybody healthy really wont be effected by it. As long as its treated
It's more like 3,5 or higher when the hospitals start to get saturated
You're fat fucking arse wouldn't dare leave the comfort of your parents basement to get anywhere close enough to my grave.
Shit probably won’t get crazy till antibiotic-resistant bacteria becomes common. Then we’re goin back to the stone age, mother fuckers
If and when the hospitals become full im sure it will rise a lot
Bitch, I'll rape your ass. You're gay now. Sit the fuck down now, faggot.
your info is fucked. Italy only has 3400 closed cases out of 21,000. a little more than half are released and a little less than half are dead.
You limey cunt. Fuck your third world UK. Europoors are scumbags.
this is such a moronic take
this is only the start of the pandemic so of course the flu has infected more people
but covid-19 has a much much higher mortality rate and is way more deadly than the flu
once its all settled down covid-19 will have killed way more people than the flu this year.
estimates are 3 to 6%
but this is because they are mostly only testing serious cases.
in places like South Korea where testing in more widespread, more minor cases are confirmed, and the mortality rate is lowered to 0.7%
with the way its currently going its going to end up being the new flu
then well get another.
and another
and another
>Italy only has 3400 closed cases out of 21,000. a little more than half are released and a little less than half are dead.
1. It's not "my info". This is coming from the CDC and WHO.
2. You need to take into consideration multiple factors when assessing the case fatality rate: a) average ages of the Italians infected and b) the percentage of serious/critical patients who've been able to receive treatment.
Italy's healthcare system was grossly underprepared for this.
Note: for a while it seemed like the case fatality rate in the US was much higher than other countries because a nursing home was corona-bombed and 25 people died in a short period of time.
not him, but Italy has limited testing so they only use it on serious cases.
It's ~80% of people that get infect have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and never go to a hospital so they never get tested.
This is also way this virus is impossible to contain because there isn't enough tests to test everyone, and asymptomatic people are going around spreading it like wildfire.
in aus weve had 9000 test, 65 infected, and like 3-5 deaths.
still looking like a 2-3 percent range is going to hold true
its all fucking scaremongering. Remember how over exaggerated swine flu and ebola were
their count went up 4000 just today.
thats 65 confirmed cases
the actual infected number is much much higher.
there are a ton of people that never show serious symptoms or any symptoms at all so they never go to a hospital for testing.
>little less than half are dead.
wait italys has like 1500 deaths on 21k infections ??? or am i reading that wrong?
>Italy has limited testing so they only use it on serious cases.
Forgot to mention this. Good call.
>It's ~80% of people that get infect have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and never go to a hospital so they never get tested.
You could say this about people from any country. It is possible that the case fatality rate is much lower than we think, though.
yea true, but its still like 8000+ negative tests.
yes the confirmed cases are going to grow in an S curve, and right now Italy is far from the flattening portion of that curve.
but that doesnt really dispute anything that i said.
It's what they're reporting, but it's misleading because of the aforementioned factors.
Those are people with other illnesses that present like covid-19.
There are still a lot people waking around with extremely mild or no symptoms.
To really get a firm number on the true proportion of people that are infected, you'd need to a completely random selection of the population and test them.
But at this point, they aren't going to waste test kits on that and would rather use them on patients that potentially have the virus.
Looks like warm weather doesn't stop it. It's mid 70s to 80s in Sydney, Australia and they are still quarantining people.
to be honest, as i've gotten older, stuff like that worries me. I mostly think about my family and how it would make me feel if something happened to them.
It's easy when you have no self preservation instinct due to depression, you feel no one likes you and they wouldn't care.
that you can easily discard your worthless existence and that by itself is more interesting.
For real I had to spend almost 15 bucks on the last two packs the store had
>You could say this about people from any country.
of course I meant just for the virus in general.
the mortality rate is definitely lower than we estimate right now.
the 3 to 6% rate really is the mortality rate of people with serious infection, not the mortality of everyone that is infected, we really have no idea what that is at the moment.
good to hear, im hoping it last longer then initial sars outbreak. It's fascinating to follow.
I forget if it was the CDC or WHO, but one of them just came out today to say that it was a hopeless fantasy to think the virus would go away in the warmer months.
buckle up this pandemic is just starting.
>the 3 to 6% rate really is the mortality rate of people with serious infection, not the mortality of everyone that is infected, we really have no idea what that is at the moment.
I'm guessing it's in between the lowest and highest estimate -- somewhere around 1.5%.
SARS infected roughly 4,000 people worldwide.
COVID-19 is passed 150,000 and has no sign of slowing down.
COVID-19 is SARS-CoV-2
Australia doesn't ave a shit load of cases bad comparison, looking at Iran and Spain pushing near 68F
just using some quick rough math
if the mortality of serious cases are 4.5% and the proportion of people infected aren't serious cases and all of them survive...
the "true" mortality rate would be about 0.9%
which is still much higher than seasonal flu
i know
i meant the SARS 2002 to 2004 strain when talking about the 4000 cases.
Doctors and scientists are predicting that 200k to 1.something million could die from the corona
i've always been a germaphobe anyway so i didn't have to change anything about my lifestyle. i have always washed my hands a dozen times a day, have the top of the line 3M anti-microbial wrist pads for keyboard and mouse (about 35 bucks for both), and have been using spray rubbing alcohol to clean everything for decades. i never get the flu.
anyway, i can't wait to see what happens to the places i consider so fucking vile and disgusting i'd never even want to fly over them for fear of having to land like new york or san francisco. i wonder how it will spread during cinco de mayo and juneteenth among dirty, classless fucks.
Canada-fag here...
Who country is shutting down for the next two weeks with limits across the board in travel and gatherings of more than 250 people.
The rate of infection and death is certainly higher for those who are immuno-depressed and the aged. Don't worry about your friends, worry about your parents and grand-parents.
Projected overall infection targets will be 60% of the population by the end of the year.
Re-infection is possible but too early to know what effect a second round will have.
sheeet, they had the 2nd best heslth system in 2000
probably way shitter not, but still keen to see the numbers/hospital clogging once it starts hitting critical mass
That seems very reasonable estimate, that presumes we can get some better care for people with serious cases and lower their mortality.
Some more quick math, a Harvard epidemiologist estimated 40% of people in the world will get the virus, if we use my estimated mortality (0.9%), that would be over 2.5 million dead.
But I think that would really be a worst case scenario, and that we will improve treatment methods for serious cases as time goes on.
>for some reason
non perishable daily essential.
pretty self explanitory
Mortality rate isn't the problem, and never was. The problem is that because we have no natural immunity to corona, its more infectious than influenza. Herd immunity is an important concept, and it's lacking when it comes to corona. On top of that, as opposed to many other viral diseases, it's capable of re-infecting people who have already had the disease. The danger is not the mortality of the virus, but again, the impact it has. If you are injured, but medical personnel are incapacitated or busy due to the virus, who will help you? If you're subject to crime and the police can't respond because they're feverish and/or absent, who will come? Some crimes can be defended against with violence, but a lot of it can't. If your house is on fire and the fire department is taxed due to sickness, who will put it out? We're headed for warmer months now, summer. If the virus is still circulating when wild fires start up, what will you do? Sanitation, food production, industry, a lot of things will have a slower production. With slower production comes greater unemployment, and with greater unemployment comes increases in crime. With an already burdened police force, that will present a problem. There's a lot of things that can go wrong, and mortality is not the main problem. And even if it is, most of us know people who are at risk. Grandparents? At risk. Know someone with asthma? At risk. Know someone with epilepsy? At risk. Know heavy smokers? At risk. List keeps going. Medical community cannot tend to everyone infected, so who gets ignored? Your grandparents? Your friend? You?
It's not an apocalypse or something equally ridiculous, but it's more serious than "2% mortality rate." We've already seen how a pandemic impacts society, and it's not the mortality rate that fucks things up.
>if the mortality of serious cases are 4.5% and the proportion of people infected aren't serious cases and all of them survive
But we don't know how many people have become infected. I've heard estimates ranging from 25,000 to 1 fucking million in the US (and this was coming from an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins), so who the hell knows.
It's fun to speculate. I think you and I are probably in the ballpark with our armchair estimates.
Jesus God there are alot of cringy faggots on this site now. Holy shit
Sars was 2002-2003 ended in July, outbreaks after that were lab accidents. And no doubt this is too.
Critical cases have over 60% fatality rate. You end up in ICU you more likely ded than not. If you live you may as well be ded. Multiple organ damage.
>whats in a label
>severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
"sars" essentially just means it fucks your lungs up. this strain is FAR more virulant and contagious than sars
>But we don't know how many people have become infected.
yes, I've made this exact point to another person.
we have no idea how many are infected and it would be impossible without a massive random selection study.
but at this point i think its easy to trust the experts and assume 100s of thousands of people will die maybe even a million world wide.
hey i'm 11! i'm just happy we get a month off from school
>Multiple organ damage
so like the same thing as any significant bender ?
I'm pretty sure I had it last winter. I don't think Wuhan is ground zero for the virus.
when i said serious, i meant serious enough to get a test done on you to confirm it.
i should have said confirmed cases instead of serious infection, sorry for the confusion.