What are some cheap hobbies for mid 20's guys? I kind of want to get into short wave radio

What are some cheap hobbies for mid 20's guys? I kind of want to get into short wave radio.

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index-of.es/Lockpicking/CIA Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual.pdf

I've really enjoyed metal detecting. It isn't very expensive.

Attached: 1552759539660.webm (660x372, 458.5K)

Ever find something good?

Learn to shoot accurately from cover and on the move.

Lockpicking is fun. And might come in handy soon


Nothing worth a lot of money yet. But I have found some coins over 100 years old. It's very interesting so see what has been in your yard and you never knew.

That moment I realized I have literally picked up every single one of these hobbies. Only thing missing is microelectronics and repair.

Websdr .org, if you haven't found it yet