What are some cheap hobbies for mid 20's guys? I kind of want to get into short wave radio

What are some cheap hobbies for mid 20's guys? I kind of want to get into short wave radio.

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Other urls found in this thread:

index-of.es/Lockpicking/CIA Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual.pdf

I've really enjoyed metal detecting. It isn't very expensive.

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Ever find something good?

Learn to shoot accurately from cover and on the move.

Lockpicking is fun. And might come in handy soon


Nothing worth a lot of money yet. But I have found some coins over 100 years old. It's very interesting so see what has been in your yard and you never knew.

That moment I realized I have literally picked up every single one of these hobbies. Only thing missing is microelectronics and repair.

Websdr .org, if you haven't found it yet

Learn how to draw. Learn an instrument. Learn how to solder (eventually buy a bunch of broken electronics, fix them, then sell it for profit)

I've been enjoying a digital trunking scanner. Picking up local police, fire, emt, air traffic, all sorts of weird stuff.

If you want to get into shortwave just but yourself a guide book. It doesn't even have to be recent; the older books from a couple decades ago are still relevant.
Study the shit out of that book and you can join your nearest club and fly through the exams.

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Bump for potential

Growing things. Dirt's literally dirt cheap, seeds are affordable.

Fishing's also a ton of fun and isn't super expensive for a basic set up.

Cooking's also a fantastic hobby.

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Ham is dirt cheap. Can get one off amazon like $30 and a license for $10-20. Studying there is a free app for that.

What's a good way to start to get into lockpicking?


Rubiks cube
a language

its a good trade and from what i hear its pretty much a licence to print money

I was thinking of getting into leather working... if I get good I could do custom orders, high quality shoe repair, stuff like that

I was thinking of this too once I saw what can be done with ostritch or paiche (arapaima) leather. Fuck that shit beautiful.

Software Defined Radio, get a cheap RTL, or an Airspy

There are a few good youtube channels. BosnianBill has some good instructional videos. I'd suggest lockpickinglawyer, but he's just doing " lol opened this lock with a fork " videos now.

You can make basic picks and tension tools out of stuff people throw out.


I suggest downloading the CIA guide to lockpicking

It's free:
index-of.es/Lockpicking/CIA Lock Picking Field Operative Training Manual.pdf

Lmao fuck the license. I troll you boys all day.

I actually went to a class for furniture repair, and part of it was leather repair. You can make a fortune doing that if you get really good. I did work for car dealerships for a while. Repairing seats where some moron dropped his cigarette lighter, got in, sat on his keys and punched a hole in the leather.. Regardless to say, I was charging $150 per hour.. And this was 15 years ago.

Brewing beer.

Pricey Uniden or a couple chinese SDR dongles and software? I'm poorfag so I have 2 dingles just never enough time to play with it.


Amazing site. Back when I was in my early teens in the mid 90's, I had a cd player/tape player/radio that I used to tune to the far edge of the FM band, would hear two way conversations there.
I had a scanner in the late 90's, could hear the police, taxi's, analogue mobile phone convo's and other shit you can't pick up on a domestic radio.
CB radio in the UK got me my first fuck.
Amazing happy times.

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Double gay

Make knifes it's cheap an easy

Triple gay

hello $100k fine
>what is telemetry

this. pulling images from weather satellites is fun

>ham radios
>pussy repellant
literally a million other hobbies that you can pick up that are useful and won't disbar you from ever getting laid.

murder. costs literally nothing

Yeah you've been saying that since the 2000s and I haven't had anyone show up yet.

Yeah I found a gas line and blew up my street and died

lifting weights/bodyweight stuff (a second hand barbell and some plates will last an age and can be had pretty cheap)
hiking/cycling nature is good, and/or camping out in season

Sadly, the NOAA satellites are slowly dying off.

im into faggit detecting, its grown to more than a hobby, in fact its a full time proposition

And your hobby of sucking random dicks on grindr isn't gay? Come on

I model, you can get plastic in sheet for at hobby stores and then just some plastic tubes, glue, and a knife, boom, make anything. Priming and painting is fun too. Also, you can get into brewing easy too, 100% fruit juice, simple baking yeast, some other fruits, and a weeks time.

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ME TOO! For some reason your post set off my radar. Weird.

I don't always shortwave radio, but when I do, I do it in suits tailored in the 1920's.

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Go back to your switch nerd.


Yeah, keep trying to reverse it.

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ITT shitty hobbies. Go hiking, learn to fish and harvest wild plants and mushrooms. Take that shit home and cook it.

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2nd this.

The ARRL handbooks (and like user said don't need to be recent) are a good starting point. your local library might have a copy and if you're lucky, it will have the CD with it so you can just save it to your computer and have it forever

jerk off. Cheapest hobby known to mankind
also you're in the best age range

>says the guy cooking craft beer

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Ever catch more than a 11" Pike?


Guess what faggot, I do no such thing. If you don't want to participate in the thread that's fine, go suck dicks somewhere else.

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Go to bed, Mulholland. You're a tiny loser.

>Pricey Uniden
I started with the dongles & software but I wanted to use it at work instead of a work radio, so I got the handheld. It should be fun when the apocalypse starts in a week or two.

Personally I've been getting into finger boxes lately. Its a fun and rewarding.

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Not the user but that's a chain pickeral user.

Go outside
Not a real thing.

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As someone who has had the radio bug in various forms over the last 20 years, I kind of want to say it's not worth the effort anymore. Shortwave is slowly dying, number stations are only entertaining for about a day or so. And the HAM trolls are very real, and will talk shit if you're lucky, or will just jam frequencies you are trying to use simply because they don't care for new fangled technology.

D&d or magic the gathering is fun if you have frens.

finger boxing is the true gentleman hobby.

I already contributed earlier in the thread. Keep making your craft knives and beer.

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Go swallow some buckshot with that failed forced meme.

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Calling people gay for simply having a hobby you dislike is not contributing. Go swallow some buckshot faggot.

Or live in a country that doesn't have a third world murder rate.

>FiNgErBoX MeMe fRoM 2010

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Keep voting democrat dumbass

Guaranteed to be obese

Sorry but gotta call a spade a spade, and gotta call a faggot like you a fag. I'll send some buckshot your way tho, stop by anytime.

That's a weird way of telling people that you're a fat fuck, but thanks for the heads up I guess.

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Who am I kidding? Your mom would never let you own a firearm, you have to be an adult for that.

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Don't ask newfags, it's full of cancer!

You're not even good at this.

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Being a fat faggot? You're right I'm not good at being that, but you have that taken care of so I don't have to, so thanks for that.

Whatever you say champ. Post your guns.

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I don't think you're good at anything. Please stop embarrassing yourself and drink some water.

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Would if I could, but I don't live in your war zone.

You first, not some random image you stole from another faggot thebarchive.com/b/thread/790636023

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How is free for cheap?


That's an internet shortwave radio. It's a software defined radio (SDR) that you can use to listen to any shortwave frequency.

masturbation is a cheap hobby, get a jar of vaseline so you dont rub blisters on it

This is just what sleeps within arms length.

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Drink some more soy

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And this is about 1/3rd of what I keep in the safe.

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Shortwave can be cool. But having a hot AM radio and mag loop antenna can be a lot of fun at night pulling in distant stations. If you live in an apartment, light summers, or have shit electrical close by, either one will be drowned out by noise. You’d be surprised what’s being broadcasting out there.

I call this the Compensator 3000 Collection

You've never had an original thought in your life. Drink a glass of water. You sound dehydrated.

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yeah you tell that CUCK

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>Small Dick School Shooter Collection.
nobody here is impressed. go back to your retard facebook group because we don't give a shit.

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>Multiple anons post guns

Go back to watching the niggers fuck your mom, adults are talking

You know, for that matter fiberglass repair would be an excellent hobby if you have the space for it.

In theory you can buy fiberglass items like bathtubs and boats for cheap if they're badly damaged. Do you repairs yourself and profit

Sadly this. I’ve been in the hobby for 13 years now. Although DMR is pretty sweet and usually isn’t full of anti anything new crowds like HF.

No. This is the Compensatory 9001 kit. Thanks for thinking it was the 3000. I try.

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nobody cares. we all have guns

How long since you have been able to see your own dicks without a mirror?

It's called " most of these are department issued " :)

ok buddy retard

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This guy cares

>post your guns

Ready to get out now?