Rekt thread: OP doesnt contribute edition
Rekt thread: OP doesnt contribute edition
I don't know if that was removed postmortem, but the agony that person lived in must have been unbelievable.
Are those kidney stones? How is this possible?
No, it's corn
That dude must have rattled as he walked.
Diet with to much salt, and to little water.
Those actually look like calcium stones.
>I've had kidney stones several times
you know how tonsil stones are super stinky if you squish them open, i wonder what these smell like if you squish them
Nah, you've got no worldly idea what you're on about. It was a hereditary condition coupled with the side effects of a couple medications on top of drinking hard water for decades.
This is what corona-chan does to your penis head when you get it.
They don't really stink. It's just minerals.
Why would said person be in agony?
>Jesus Christ, Marie!
Hard water is hard because of dissolved salts
hard stones in squishy organs = pain
Yep this thread is dead
I have no clue what that shit is but that's pretty damn serious. How the fuck did this persons lungs get so bad? What were they smoking/breathing in for that to happen?
Ikr? Fucking pussies.
that get
Can you just vacuum the stones out?
I had that once when I was a young fighter. Painful as fuck.
Hi :)
crash man's origin story
Rats with oversized tails
You can rescue this squirrel by draping a choroform rag over the fence where the squirrel is until it stops struggling, then pry the slats apart and allow the squirrel to fall to the ground below. It will wake up and run off.
I went squirrel hunting as a kid. One time I tried to cut their testicles open, when I was skinning one. My knife never cut through them. Ridiculous hard.
Well of course I have cloroform isn't that normal?
the dumbassery in here is pathetic. it's a gall bladder, not a kidney, not a lung. you guys are fuckinm morons.
nothings changed here in 10 years
I had this shit too when i was 15-16. Most painful thing i've ever experienced
fuck off newfag
kidney stones are worse than birth pains apparently, I wonder if this patient took his life.
Who the fuck gets out of their car in the middle of the highway
in fact not, I've done enough choles to know you foolish gibbon. chirp gibbon, chirp, soon you'll be in our medical lab, you red-assed fool.
>What are calcium salts?
Not that guy anymore.
The people in the video, obviously.
More free shoes!!
I know, those things taste as horrible as they smell too.
I use to get them a lot as a kid but not so much anymore.
Ewwww you tasted them?? I'd save them and put them on people I hated while they looked away.
Ching Chang Rang Ring
Well how much corn did this nigga eat!?! Damn! Barnie Fife!
And that kid grew up to be. Kim Jung Un.
Even negros hate negros!
Its Corona Virus you dumb fucking sluts.
This is what it looks like inside the body
They smell like piss.
Underrated comment.
It's more fun to light him on fire.
that look like its voluntary.
The guy released it with a stick
thats a kidney not a ball
Surprising he survived
nice... a new one.
kids are squishy and flexible like gummy bears. Nature knew kids are too stupid not to be falling all over the place.
I have so many questions.
Why do you do this?
How much they pay you?
What does her husband think? We know shes a married whore.
Nightmare fuel engaged.