Why is Trump allowing COVID-19 to spread like wildfire? I know he hates America, but does he seriously hate it enough to see millions of Americans die from this disease. Is he hoping it kills liberal voters so he gets a small chance of winning in November? Plan backfired, Trump is infected now.
Why is Trump allowing COVID-19 to spread like wildfire? I know he hates America...
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Don't forget to sage
Death to the left!
Okay, I will.
But if you let the disease spread you’ll die, too!
Liberal shills are hitting hard, this is the most shameless attempt at throwing shit at the wall against trump hoping it would stick. Just like Russia, Kavanaugh, etc. it isn’t working so they’re freaking out overtime style
It's the dem that want the COVID-19 to spread like wildfire so that the america economy tank and trump would not be elected.
You’re letting millions die just to spite liberals?
Democrats have been telling Trump to declare a national emergency for weeks! But he refused until he got infected!
Fuck off shlomo shekelstein
>COVID-19 to spread like wildfire?
because the rats can travel faster and farther than ever nowadays to poison the wells
>this is the most shameless attempt at throwing shit at the wall
OH REALLY NOW?!?!?!?!?!
have you ever gone to Yas Forums to see how much sit is thrown against the wall to make anyone who is not a conservative look bad?
get a clue jew boy
Occam's Razor would say he's just incompetent.
Dude, I am only stating facts. Trump has sentenced literally millions of Americans to death from COVID-19. Just want to know why.
EpiPens cost $350. The same thing in Mexico costs fifty fucking cents.
It's all about the Benjamins.
What's he supposed to do about it? It's not something you can prevent from spreading with wishes and dreams, kiddo. I also happen to think orange man bad but you gotta quit acting like a fucking retard and realize that it's out of humanity's control at this point. Also don't overreact, millions aren't going to die, but it'll probably be somewhere in the half a million range or something.
And your eyes tell you he's a fucking moron.
Mike Pence and his advisors held hands in a circle and prayed for the virus to go away.
What more can we do?
>Trump has sentenced literally millions of Americans to death from COVID-19
No. Stop lying.
Even Congress's own physician expects one hundred fifty million Americans will be infected with Covid-19. MAGA!
Trump doesn't hate America or Americans. He's just indifferent to them.
The only human being he cares about is himself, so he can only view the pandemic through the lens of how it affects his popularity.
Lockdown. Trump has corona
No, it’s a fact that a dumb, blind chimp with no nuts could have done a better job of preparing for this pandemic just by pressing random buttons and levers. For things to get this bad this fast, Trump was acting intentionally.
Where do you think Trump's derangement syndrome came from?
He's hoping for a miracle and early vaccine that works, he would obviously like this before the elections so he can take credit for irradiating a deadly pathogen and guarantee him another four years
Dere's gold in dem-dere sick folks.
Vaccines, when they work, only work before exposure.
Ooops, too late!
That webm is old he legit has it just watch burger
That dog looks and is acting exactly like Trump!
has anyone else noticed that trump can't seem to spell very well?
It is very important to vaccinate everybody immediately, because only those will be infected who get the vaccine.
Yea, but who wants to be as miserable and cynical as /pol
It's just depressing
point still stands, he will still use a vaccine as him eradicating covid19 (Because of me we will never again have to sit in our homes in fear of coronavirus, because of me it will never again kill tens of thousands of Americans), his followers will bow down and worship at his Imperial feet.
The wall stops viruses too!
The presence of Covid-19 in Wuhan was announced back in October, but where did it come from in the first place? Did it even occur naturally?
Is this some bizarre form of samefagging?
Vaccinating a patient after exposure can kill the patient even faster.
>50 dead in country of 360 million
'58 and '18 pandemics killed tens of millions, faggot. Thank Trump for keeping it way below that.
First case didnt happen until late November. It travels slow but effectively viruses have always been trying to kill us they might finally succeed
Note that coincidentally, your vaccine contains the virus, and as a side effect, it kills brain cells, and other things, because it contains mercury and formaldehyde.
I'll take "exponential growth" for four hundred million, please, Alex.
Fun fact: Walking also kills brain cells.
Weren't predominantly liberal activists talking about how if you wear a face mask to protect yourself against the virus it's an act of racism, as well as not eating bat soup?
Declared state of emergency after one death while obama waited for 1000 with h1n1. Try harder next time.
Weak bait
It's not just the American economy. Worldwide recession is on its way
Yay!!!!!!!! Can't fucking wait.
Whoa! We'd better not take any chances, then. Call me a golf cart.
It'll kill off his core voter base
Yeah, i am sure that kills the most brain cells, that is why you are so smart, and fat.
Well, there is this theory, you know, that the virus was made in a Bloomberg lab and targeted to kill off more trumpkins than anyone else. They don't call it the Boomer Eraser for nothing.
You mean rapid decay?
>3K dead in China in country of 1.6 billion, and reducing
Give it 30 days you ignorant nigger.
bullshit. as long as you wear your maga hat you're immune to that foreign crap.
He's been trying to lock down the borders for three years...all you libs had to do was let him delay some air travel for a few weeks
No, that was another Trump lie.
I hope this is true
GEOTUS is also selling magical underwear.
Depends on how responsible the particular government is to the problem.
>millions of Americans die
You do know that not everyone dies from it right? In fact, to most people it will be like a cold. That's IF you get infected.
Oh say can you see, by the shills lazy slight, Dems in retreat, fading into the night? One thousand years, the fourth Reich will stand, while progressives sob and pound their dicks in the sand. Round up the Jews, the gays and the nogs, gas them like Badgers and immolate them like logs. And the flag that we love will fly ever proud, o'er the home of the brave and the land of the free.
>30 days after crisis starts in China, number of cases starts to decline
ok, faggot
Millions of people are not going to die from fucking corona virus. Take your meds you dipshit.
If you do get infected theres a 3.4 chance death rate so millions could die if it spreads
U faggots are always WRONG stay mad soyboy
Also I love how you retards aren't saying a fucking word about China despite the fucking virus coming from there. So why aren't you fucking pussies demanding to close our borders from there? Oh right, when Trump suggested that you retards were crying and saying it wasn't necessary.
The United States estimated population 330,149,796 as of December 16, 2019.
Covid-19 fatality rate approximately 2.9%
Thus 9,574,344 dead
You should have learned this in elementary school. What happened?
The liberals are so mad Bernie's not going to get the nomination that they're starting Operation Fear early.
Since most liberals are gay, most have HIV and compromised immune systems and thus more likely to die from covid-19. Seems like a sound strategy to me
>developing country (China) stops virus from spreading after 30 days, total of 80K infected in country of 1.6 billion
>first-world countries unable to contain it, exponential growth with 150 millions infected out of country of 360 million
makes sense, idiot
Gayness is a GOP problem. That's where the G comes from.