Im in uk and have tested positive for corono virus ama

Im in uk and have tested positive for corono virus ama
>been told to self isolate for 7 days by doctor

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Other urls found in this thread:

where from ?

>7 days


go cough on some boomers, and you shall earn my respect

was in hospital full of ill people for couple days
returned home and within 9 days i had a temputare and shortness of breath

call your doctor and ask how long to isolate for then dumb ass

Go fuck shit up in the ghetto parts of your city.


I'm from Britain too, I expect there are loads more infected, we'll see an explosion of cases in the next week or so. Hope you get thru it ok.

Stay home for a week and only go on Yas Forums?
no work? no school? no dating?

>oh, thats every week for you

thanks man its tough to sleep generally not so bad its abit weird kinda goes and comes back weird

If you've tested positive, you're asked to self isolate for 14 days. If you suspect you have it and haven't been tested, you're asked to self isolate for 7 day.

Good idea,you will save that area

because after seven days you still have it but are no longer spreadable thats what my doctor has advised anyway i am self isolating haven't left the house in 4 days

be sure to find some migrants to sneeze on, I've had a recurring cold since december, I would't notice if I got an extra virus.

i haven't sneezed

coughing or breathing near others works too.

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complete horseshit

clearly don't live in the uk

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no such thing as a UK Edition of COVID-19

not the same thing, 14 days is standard

tard knows more than a doctor

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Most cases are only mild symptoms. Is that the case for you? If not, what's bothering you most?

Also, are you a smoker?

don’t feed the troll, it’s fake

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

i actually quit smoking 3 weeks ago and honestly
the worst is the shortness of breath ofcourse

its weird as it comes and goes from bad to normal and its hard to sleep but not worry some feels like im struggling to breath sometimes kinda like how you go for a run and are outta breath bad cough no sneezing blocked nose not runny just feels blocked off weird random hot flushes and i have the shits for some reason get sweaty alot pretty much it atm

if I tested positive, I would go to the local lodge here because it's full of old people. Then, I'd spend most days walking around town and visiting antique shops which is full of old people. This town used to be so great, until it for whatever reason was invaded with fucking old people.

I have a friend who live in Contra Costa county in California. Two weeks ago, he visited Seattle for a couple of days and came back feeling ill. Two days later, he has a hacking cough and a fever. He went to his doctor and the doctor said he probably has the virus and to get tested. County health said they wouldn't test him because they don't have enough kits and they're saving the ones they do have for people over the age of 65.

If this is happening other places, I wonder what the real count of infected people actually is.

There's no way a certified doctor told you "Yeah man just go on back home and get some rest" while you're sick with a highly communicable virus we haven't cured and that can kill people. Is that just how shitty the UK medical system is? I'll take my expensive amerifat health care over that any day. Cheers bruv pip pip

Good for you for quitting. I'm actually "in the middle of quitting" myself, but it's tough as I'm sure you know. What were your earliest warning symptoms?

pretty much anyone who gets it here has to stay home for 7 days minimum if it gets worse you goto hospital

I live in a small town. The doctor's and hospital here have no clue how to even test for it. They recommend going to a city (Ohio) which is ultimately outside of most people's insurance networks so it won't be covered, meaning you won't be able to get a test anyways.

Then, you have to factor in how many people are knowingly sick but aren't saying anything because most companies won't give sick leave or pay for it and no one can afford to take unpaid sick leave, especially for 2 weeks.

well i quit with a vape e cig really good.
Well i noticed aches and tiredness first like really tired cba moving ect. then was shortness of breath with temp its hard to even go shop ect so i just stay home like i been told

again, not the same thing

Easy to know more than a fake doctor

its from you absolute tard

I just had something similar to that this week. Never had a “flu” like it before. Felt like when I used to smoke, when I’d be partying and smoke a lot, and then my lungs would hurt in the morning except I felt it all day. Got an abuterol sulfate inhaler which made it feel better and it cleared up after 3-4 days. I keep wondering if that was the covid and I just had it and lost it already.

>I live in a small town. The doctor's and hospital here have no clue how to even test for it. They recommend going to a city (Ohio) which is ultimately outside of most people's insurance networks so it won't be covered, meaning you won't be able to get a test anyways.
>Then, you have to factor in how many people are knowingly sick but aren't saying anything because most companies won't give sick leave or pay for it and no one can afford to take unpaid sick leave, especially for 2 weeks.

I feel ya, user. I actually work for the largest health insurer in WA state and they're fighting tooth-and-nail not to have to pay for any of this shit.

i mean im feeling better 5 days into it now but still short of breath feels like having a panic attack and you get short of breath

Sucks to be you guys, glad we're separated by a couple thousand miles of treacherous ocean and have a few new travel bans coming up, including you bruvs. Enjoy your immigrants!

Hope you'll get better, user.

you are so screwed


western authorities are intentionally spreading it

thanks user
i just hope it doesn't get worse tbh
seem to be getting better but heard it gets better then worse so i hoping not

>i just hope it doesn't get worse tbh
>seem to be getting better but heard it gets better then worse so i hoping not

You're gonna be ok, user, because you have Yas Forumsros on your side and we can defeat anything! (Except Furry, which keeps spreading unchecked despite our best efforts.)

Your young and over 59k people have recovered easily, don't worry mate. Eat oranges, and pickles for immune system and garlic helps lungs so eat loads of garlic

I recommend to stay healthy, just eat vegetables. Clean your hands everyday and just isolate yourself, the medical nibbas will get over to you to give you some supplies I think and all of that shit.

or just go here:

Just stay healthy broski.

thanks fellow user you are right
thanks man i been eating alot of fruit and taking vit C tablets

i mean i did order food online and told the driver to just leave it outside my door so i got food lol

lad, can you do me a favour?
can you put some of this corona in an envelope and ship it?

No problem man good luck x

Well, it's okay if you eat pizza like once a week. But just don't eat too much junk food. Balance it.

The only good thing to happen when coronavirus is spreading is that schools would close (mine did, for like two weeks.) lol

Fucking retarded Chinese do that spitting in elevator buttons user people and door knobs I seen videos on YouTube about it fucking subhumans

nice quads

Trips you have to do it.

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You people are subhuman animals wanting to spread disease and kill people.

There are too many people.
This a part of the natural cycle.

even thoe i have it i haven't left my house i don't really wana infect people to be honest isn't nice
if it gets worse i can see myself going to hospital

Just let the oldies death get to em'
They'll die pretty quick from old age.

Not Chinese and I wash my hands constantly have to when you work foodservice nice try though

Not just the old people, the people rampantly breeding.
Sustainability is hitting a wall.

Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I was referring the people that you metioned with that image lmao.

>7 days.


Seattle here, you don't have a timeline on how long to isolate. only when the tests start coming back negative. KYS in the meantime :)