Corona is not the virus, Capitalism is

Corona is not the virus, Capitalism is

Capitalism is feeding the buying frenzy that is emptying shelves.Capitalism is enticing hoarders and price gougers to stockpile. Supply and demand will cause violence not competitive selling. Profit based pharma companies have no incentive to cure only to create dependencies. Capitalism based governments are fully unprepared to handle an epidemic. We are living and experiencing the failures of capitalism. Shill tactics will break when raiders are at your door. Everything is not okay.

(((They))) lied to everyone, the shelves are empty and capitalism is to blame.

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If we had socialism, we'd have empty shelves to begin with.

Better than starving to death before a panic.

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Your hypothetical are weak to the empty shelves we have now, shill

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>implying socialism is somehow better....

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How utterly profound but wait, how do you explain china's empty shelves, they're communist.

>chinks are buying up all the gold
>chinks started this virus
>chinks are crashing stock markets
>chinks are owed a shit load of money
coincidence? i think not.

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Why do they all need tires?

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have you noticed that the poorer and less educated a store's typical shoppers tend to be, the more empty their shelves are?

Basically, the poor and the idiots are doing most of the panic buying.

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when people should stock up for 2 week but instead stock up for 3 month

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I wanna be the 6th guy!

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My and my gf have 2.5 weeks of food and water.
If at week 2 of using those supplies nothing has changed, then it's time to get out of the cities anyways.

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Epidemic + Capitalism = Empty Shelves
By the time the shills realize this they will be out of toilet papers and wiping their asses with leaves

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Commies are just scared.
In a full on collapse they will receive the treatment they want to do to others, liquidation.

Global pandemic...

'muricas solution:. Buy toilet paper and give the rich a tax break

Fucking land of retards.

Capitalism works then?

Venezuela has had almost no toilet paper for 2 years. Please explain how socialism is better.

die commie

how's bernie working out?


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Why do you hate the men and women that serve in our military?

Fuck you

Lucky youre anonymous. Fucking pyssy

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Does America not have home delivery yet? I just order my groceries online and they turn up at the door next day. Imagine having to push a cart around a warehouse lul

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fix your world problem with toilet paper you don't learn

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you faggots think not having asswipe is bad, wait until you lose cell phone reception and all internet services.

If you genuinely believe this you should be euthanised along with anyone else who's dumb enough to believe this horseshit

I like how it's liberal cities that have done the entirety of panic buying.

How many of those 43 million hungry people are obese? What do you think that number would be if those folks were actually means tested?
In America, there is an entire system of people who will tell you how to game the system.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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Didn’t ayn rand live on welfare and cuck her husband?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
how many times per day are you shitting? a roll lasts me a week.

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Every supermarket around here has the option for delivery, curbside pickup, or doing your own shopping.

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In socialism/communism there are permanent shortages of everything, so everybody, so no one notices when things get worse.

it's fucking sickening arrogant this is

you faggots can't even self deprecate, you're too insecure

I suppose I'd be in a similar position if I picked my ideology based on which friends it got me in preschool rather than what's provably correct lmao

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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>Quoting Ayn Rand
>Trying to imply Hillary is Socialist.
user, wherever you are getting your memes from is trash, or ironically being trash and you can't tell its satire.

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We could have had just another run of an average president that history would soon forget. But their blind hatred will immortalize him. Who else can say they were so hated that that the leaders of a country destroyed their own country and its people just to spite him.

hurr durr the shelves are empty for one day its worse than communism.
when they bake more bread then the shelves will be full again dumbass how can you be this dense.

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I like how it's the uneducated that have politicized everything..

Hey, just curious, what college did you attend?

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Something struck a nerve with you kek

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Found the uneducated nigger

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??? ???