*wheeze* I NEED TO GET TOILET PAPER *wheeze*

*wheeze* I NEED TO GET TOILET PAPER *wheeze*

post pictures of the state of your town

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Dudes like that already smell like ass. Last thing we need is them wiping any worse then they already do.

dude doesn't even have a filter

Midwest, baby. Rural fly-over state with small populations are the best in times like these.

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stil better than nothing..
enjoy your viruses

Actually with no filter it's the exact same as having nothing. Its like these paranoid assholes that buy these stupid masks and then leave their nose sticking out.

hahahaha, I've seen 2 workers at walmart doing just that. the mask with their nose out. both were black women.

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yeah and for the other 99% of your life it fucking sucks

Went to get a few perishables last night, it looked like there had been a stampede in there. Almost 50% of the store was gone. Oddly, I was still able to get milk though. Dumb twats waited too long to prepare and then all had a knee jerk reaction at once, human are dumb, simple creatures.

Went to yoink a couple cans of soda at a family dollar, ended up waiting in line for 20 mins

Are you kidding me? That shit will ravage through your communities because you all congregate like sheep into your tiny churches, get misinformation along with your propaganda from fake news which minimizes the severity, and let’s not even talk about how much your incestual activities will spread it.

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Take your TDS and fuck off

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Nothing stupider than a trump bumpkin

Went to Walmart yesterday in my midwest smallish town in a flyover state. Everyone was
1.calmy shopping getting what they could, no one was arguing.
2. Helping each other with things high on the shelves and letting people with smaller purchases go first in line
3. Buying things like rice, pasta, and dry milk in case they have to be stuck inside a long time. The Twinkies, Doritos, colas, and chips we're untouched/fully stocked.
4. Not hoarding the cold and flu meds, leaving some for others.
5. 99.3% White.

I was kinda proud actually.

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He was right though, you are at the bottom of the barrel.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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My town was the same way and it’s not in bumpkinville nor predominantly white. Your points are shitty and invalid and you are a clown.

How bad is your diet that you use an entire roll of to a day? Fuck me,one roll lasts me like 10-14 days

a roll a day a person? Nigga you retarded, stop with that single ply where you have to wipe your ass with half the fucking roll each time. Fucking using peasant paper, may as well be fucking indian and use your hand. jesus christ.

>1 roll per day

You're a pro pooper

it's illegal in my province to sell goods when a time of crisis hits for massive gains

Kim Jong Un checking in. North Korea has outlawed having buttholes and so your western need for TP is laughable to us.

lol being this much of a fuckin moron.... we dont live in 1920 nigger, its 2020.

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1 roll per person per day would be both unsustainable, and not possible to digest by current septic and waste water treatment facilities. Thanks for playing.

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I'm happy for you and your entire statistical oddity of a town. However I never finished clown school so I can't honestly accept your praise. But thank you


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this. my town has a pop of about 16k and just about everyone I've talked to is either convinced corona was a bioweapon, or pissed all the fucking TP and towels are gone, which i honestly am starting to think is manufactured in towns like these. the paper towel shelf was fucking full one day and empty the next and not that many people said they even bought any. the fact that EVERYONE I talk to also has the same opinion as me (why the fuck are people hoarding TP?) seems to support this theory.

Why don't Americans just get a bidet?
You can find them cheap on Amazon for under $50.
They use the same clean water that comes from the faucet.
Most of them run on water pressure.
You aren't clogging up the sewers with toilet paper or wet wipes which you shouldn't even be using.
You aren't putting your hand near your asshole.
Seriously America. Get with the times and quit being so backwards.

Sorry, you’re absolutely right.

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Top quality b8.

I saw someone on social media driving their car with gloves on.

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Bidet's shoot water up your ass, creating a mist, carrying fecal bacteria all over your bathroom, and into your lungs.

No fucking way it's better then using toilet paper..

I’m selling cases of toilet paper and water. Text me for prices (678) 607-5658

Maybe he thinks it looks cool. Don’t be a judgmental asshole.

this is all fucking gay. with some training, coffee and nicotine, anyone can immaculate shit. last time I bought sphincter paper? 2002

It has recently been discovered that ingesting fresh semen trains the immune system how to fight off COVID-19. So call me up and I will personally come to your home and give you your medicine.

My Kroger, right now. Dayton Ohio.

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Can we talk about those mini plungers? I feel as though your hands would have to get poopy water on them when you use one of those things.

I think the handle telescopes or something, or it just wasn't meant for toilets.

yeah fairly sure they are meant for sinks and shit like that, unless shitty water is your kink then each to their own (even if you are disgusting)

Meint der trottl des ernst?

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You live in the middle of nowhere, don’t tell me you live in 2020, you have no concept of infrastructure, society or politics that are beyond the 1950s. Hell, you only have modern technology through the grace of modern society. If if wasn’t for major metro areas and the diverse and educated people who work there, you wouldn’t get to have a high speed connection to Breitbart, Stormfront, Gab, Incel.me or get your cuck, tranny and BBC porn from every corner of the world. You would be using dial up to get your fill of hate speech, outdated ideas and dudes with fake tits.

It’s no surprise that you are in a Midwest shithole, spouting off about how civilized your mostly white society is... without a complete education. At this point clown school would be quite a step up for you.

No. Asserting.

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Stop posting. You are a regurgitator and nothing more. Intake noise and output noise without any comprehension of context.

I'm not even going to imply, I'm telling you that you're an idiot. Making fun of people for having TDS obviously means I personally suck off the entire trump family. Go eat your tendies.

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Global Pandemic and homegirl is buying lays potato chips

You seem upset.

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Your originality outshines your intellect, truly.

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it all feels so artificial. can't understand the need for hoarding buttwipe when things like canned veggies and fruits and shelf stable dried goods are still fully in stock for the most part. but lo and behold paper goods are nowhere to be seen. what makes buttwipe so special? 916 sacramento here so i'm not commenting from some backwater forgotten state.

There's only one cure for TDS. Swallow some buckshot.

san diego

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So do you use like 40 squares when you wipe or do you just shit 40 times a day cause user, let me tell you, 1 roll lasts the average person more than a day

Imagine using TDS as an insult lol. Literal soup brain

>TDS intensifies

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This. In Kentucky, people actually bought stuff for each other. A neighbor gave me a new Porsche that I drove all night. Another offered me to live in his mansion and fuck any one of his six dogs.
Wholesome town

Well you're commenting from the faggot capital of the world, so I'd imagine clean buttholes are pretty important yeah?

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I’m sure most of them are offering to fuck their wives too, especially if you got some BBC swinging between your knees.

Oh wow! The right sure can meme!

Philadelphia rocks.
Went to Walmart here yesterday and a guy hugged me and told me that they have saved some tp for me. I put the pallet of tp in back of my truck and tried to pay them but the guy kissed me on cheek and said its okay, drive away my son.
I did. Now we have at least 3 weeks worth of tp

SeattleFag here: Trader Joe's on Queen Anne hill is a mob scene. No pasta. No pasta sauce. The frozen foods aisles are almost totally empty. Oddly enough, the Safeway next door has TP stacked almost to the roof while people are losing their shit at the CostCo up Highway 99.

This wasn’t meant for it was solely for this ginormous faggot

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