During Trump's 2nd Term, much of it will be finally spent jailing longheld opposition. Hillary, Biden...

During Trump's 2nd Term, much of it will be finally spent jailing longheld opposition. Hillary, Biden, Pelosi and even Sanders could be imprisoned by early 2021 along with hundreds if not thousands of Democrats.

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America needs to put on a United Front as we fight Politicization and Socialism. We can't do this with avid Socialists attempting to vie control of our Government.

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This is what the jews actually want us to believe

There won't be a second, you dumb ass!. And he'll be in jail soon after losing.


ok you could be on the list of Democrats to be jailed if you keep this up. We need to hold the center together and not let our enemies break our National Unity at a time like this ok?

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More jew posters

But Trump loves kikes

Sounds pretty hard to do considering every republican will get executed for treason by the end of the year. The pile of bodies will be visible from space.
Say goodbye to your family, you're running out of time.

Zionists would want Trump in power you dumbass frogposter. Suck your own cock.


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Ok larper

No jews want a divide in population and express opposing sides to themselves as if they were actually holding either opinion

so you mean Putin

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>During Trump's 2nd Term

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>get a load of this guy.jpg

Satan has spoken and thus it is so.

But seriously though, Trump is such a kike cock gobbler that he makes GW Bush swoon.

Trap threads brought too many of you tumblr cuck faggots over here, for real

OP not so faggoty today. Your post made me hard as diamonds. These enemies of America neeed to do time

If anyone wants to talk about politics hit me up 7159370533

if dubs trump will get shot dead next thursday 2 pm.

Been here since 2004 faggot

Nah I'm just lookin for a good time

Nah he's gonna get down with the sickness

If single digits then 3pm?

Stop writing your daddy Trump fanfiction user. He probably will win but he won't do anything except make us look mentally retarded collectively as a nation, just like he has for the last three years.

Whatever you say candy ass roodypoo probably doesnt even know how the pictures get on the compooter

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Ha oops

>bumping for main page
sorry grandpa you must be lost reddit is over there

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Jesus Im drunk as fuck

Why would he jail them when he can quarantine them? Mark my words, political quarantine centers are coming.

Canadian here. I don't have much to gain or lose. I keep up closely with Trump. It's clear that he wants to go after them over corruption, but he didn't know how deep the swamp was (his words). How do you arrest with dirty cops and corrupt judges?

This is such a garbage basement level piece of bait. You are should be ashames of yourselc you stupid illiterate republican. Become a intelligent democrate like I

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Yes m'am. May you buy me a drink?

Can’t even tell which side you’re trying to troll here. You just sound like a moron.

then why are you falling for obvious b8

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>he wants to go after them over corruption
He wants to go after them because they are his political opponents. He doesn't care about corruption. Personal, business and political favors are his priority.

Where did that guy buy that golf shirt?

Only if you respect my decision to vote for who I want for what I want and how I want and when I want and

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Holy shit. I don’t know how your country even stays alive when you all seem to be this fucking stupid


Man, Trump used to donate to the Democrats. He didn't need to go through this shit. A lot of people hate him now. Nigga coulda retired with his hot wife in Florida. When he wins in November, who cares anymore about people who politically oppose him? Hilary deleted tens of thousands of emails after receiving a subpoena. That's destroying evidence, but she got let off. Obama and Clinton paid for a fake dossier to spy in Trump's 2016 campaign to help Hillary win. That's a huge scandal. I'm not denying that they are his political opponents, but there is a clear lack of justice.

We elected a man who wore blackface many times as our Prime Minister.

You wanna actually respond rather than flail and sputter like a distended anus?

You may vote as often as you like. Your vote should count the most.

Go to bed

Republicans don't do vindictiveness. They almost never avenge wrongs done to them. It's actually quite stupid. Democrats go vindictive all the time and it doesn't hurt them one bit with their base. Repubs should try it. Why? Because the ONLY way to stop a bully is to bully him back. Literally the only way.

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I do what I want!

Maybe next election we will have a male prime minister


>He didn't need to go through this shit. A lot of people hate him now.
He has been wanting, or at least musing about, a Presidential run for years, if not decades. He did not do this out of some sense of self-sacrifice. Sure he is likely to win again. And, yes Clinton was deeply flawed with many skeletons in her closet. My point is I don't think Trump cares about actually stopping corruption and unearthing the truth. He cares about what is most politically expedient for him.

He also wore brownface. Don't forget the brownface.

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I don't agree. Trump always hits back. Bernie seems to keep cucking out. In fact, Bernie would do a lot better if he would hit back, and Trump won because he did

Trolls trolling trolls in this thread

I hope so.

>Republicans don't do vindictiveness
All sides do vindictiveness. Right now, Trump is the biggest bully in the schoolyard and it won him the Presidency.

As a Jew I like trump lmfao you think I want to live in hitlers Germany share every or the Russian bullshit. You guys can suck my dick.

>he'll be in jail soon after losing
Wrong. He will proactively self-pardon.

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Well I mean, if going after the corruption of his current and former political rivals (as long as it is real corruption and not made up), regardless of his motives, genuinely gets rid of a portion of the corruption in the government, then more power to him. I'm not talking about Bernie though because I think he's innocent. Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

>live in hitlers Germany share every or the Russian bullshit
I thought jews were supposed to be smart

Uwu I vote as many times as I can. I always say, you can't complain about both voter apathy and election fraud at the same time

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Are you Orthodox?

Ever heard of Mitch McConnell?

And you could learn to read and write properly but there we go

He also culturally appropriated the attire of numerous cultures. I'm surprised that the Liberals elected him. I guess having power is more important than not being a hypocrite.

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb spastic

You can't preemptively pardon someone...

>as long as it is real corruption and not made up
Problem is I see him going after made up corruption. When Trump was first elected, I hoped he could do two things (and I am not a fan of Trump): 1. drain the swamp; and 2. get the US out of foreign wars. I've seen him go after, frankly, bizarre things like voter fraud and sending Giuliani to Ukraine to fabricate dirt. All I'm seeing is him replacing old swamp dwellers with new ones.

>I guess having power is more important than not being a hypocrite
Ding, ding, ding! You with the prize. Have an Avro Arrow.

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Just you wait

We'll see what happens in the end. I do think he has made a tangible difference in your second point already, though. It's why I like him even though I'm not American.

You faggots need to lay off the fox news, conspiracy theories, and stop taking everything Trump says as a 100% truth.

It just makes you look like a god damn fool.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
4 years later and people still claim Trump's "not a politician". This is his greatest con.

He's a step in the right direction, no matter how small. I would like to see someone who is a mixture of Trump and Bernie. The reason why Trump won is because he grabbed the status quo by the pussy.

Oh sure he may try but you literally cannot do it. Someone has to be convicted of a crime BEFORE they are pardoned. A sitting president cannot be charged with a crime apparently is how the rules are now. After a president leaves office all bets are off. How is someone supposed to use their power of office to pardon themselves if they no longer hold that office?