This whole coronavirus is like Cloverfield irl
You know it's coming, you know it's there, and nobody really knows wtf it is or what it will do, it's literally invisible and it's got us all shitting our pants
This whole coronavirus is like Cloverfield irl
You know it's coming, you know it's there, and nobody really knows wtf it is or what it will do, it's literally invisible and it's got us all shitting our pants
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I'm just glad it'll soon finally all be over.
Is a good way to an hero without having to think of ways to make it look like an accident so it doesn't hurt my parents.
I can't wait for shit like riots and marshall law to start though.
Why would you do that? Wait until the virus has fucked off and you'll have a new outlook on life. Trust me, you will value every day
Luckily I'm not in USA so our citizens here don't have guns. There will be riots but the police/army will always have the upper hand on those who decide to disobey the restrictions
Britbong here. I'm just hoping for something like the start of The Walking Dead. I would fare pretty well in a post apocolyptic world I think.
If you're an American who's in denial over the gravity of the virus situation, and you haven't stocked up by now - it's too late for you.
Nah, I’m fine and so is everyone else I know. You’d just love it if we all had to wear diapers like you though, wouldn’t you, faggot?
Really? Weird! Because we got groceries last fucking night and they still had everything we were looking for, you faggot ass small time fear-mongerer.
So you WERE stockpiling? Good work user. You got there just in time- last night. I guarantee you it's not civilized in there today.
>soon finally all be over.
It's just started. You have no idea how bad it's about to be.
Apparently not that bad bc Wuhan is already going back to work with less than 100 new cases per day and dropping fast. Sorry user, this was and isn’t a big deal. Cross your fingers for the next outbreak
Just went to the store today.. same as normal.
protip - buy an toilet roll quick
Theres some truth to this whole stores being emptied out situation. I'm guessing it's not like this everywhere but people are really shitting it.
Walmart today
>It's just started.
It was identified in January.
All of you scare mongering fucks are relegated to comic relief.
What a stupid take, you moron. We know what it is: a highly communicable respiratory virus that’s origins come from exotic animal consumption. People know exactly what to do: stay out of public places if possible and increase personal hygiene precautions.
Go REeEeEeee our elsewhere.
5000 people have died since January.
That's how many people die in car accidents every single day around the world.
>Marshall Law
Every fucking time
SARS-Cov-2's nearest relative is SARS-CoV-1, which went from November 2002 to Mid-July 2003. SARS-CoV-2 which was identified in January 2020 will probably continue until mid-to-late August 2020.
>5000 people have died since January.
If you're dumb enough to believe the Chinese Communist Party official death figures, you're dumb enough to believe Covid-19 is just da flu.
At least 2 million have been infected in China and 100,000+ have died.
Correct. It's nothing to worry about. Go on about your life like nothing has changed. Don't wash your hands and give your grandmother a kiss for me.
Why would that happen here when it hasn't happened anywhere else? Do you have a need for exaggeration?
The coronavirus is an imaginary virus, created by Jews of course.
If all Jews died until 1945, that would never happen.
yes Sears was ravaged as well
Don’t encourage a faggot who can’t even spell martial law
I'm stockpiling toilets.
that's hongcouver isn't it? those people are savages.
Best look at your parents' life insurance policies.
kek..yes 2011
>Apparently not that bad bc Wuhan is already going back to work with less than 100 new cases per day and dropping fast.
How long was their seclusion period? Like a week or two? These fucking morons bought like a year's worth of TP and milk
Trump did say the virus was a hoax. Is he working WITH the jooz or AGAINST them? I can never tell.
You evil genius.
I'm not shitting my pants. It's a fucking flu virus, jackass, not the black plague.
Protip: The people who are stockpiling TP are also stockpiling food and everything else. How do I know this? A friend told me...
because no tp or pasta
if i gotta kill somebody so my family can buy food to eat rather than starve then you better believe any mother fucker that gets in my way gon get murked
It’s weird because I know that I’ll survive it but the toll it will take on the world will be unprecedented.
It’s like I’m not actually sure what I’m scared of it for, but I know that it’s for a good reason.
Good, they can enjoy throwing most of it out when it expires.
What's scary is we share a planet with people like this . . . we drive on the same roads as people who have this idiotic, sheep-like mind state; that's scary
America isn't "anywhere" else
Australians come close in terms of how obnoxious they are but Amerifats really take things to the next level
The National Guard firing live rounds would end uprisings very quickly. All the assholes with guns would run back into their houses trembling in fear.
>National Guard firing live rounds
being this stupid-
Why wouldn't they, mong?
>until they kill a none white
That's when shit will get really hairy
donald trump will wait until november to do it so he can exploit his way into staying president
>so our citizens dont have guns
so what your saying is,the muslims will have the upper hand because they are already throwing acid in your faces and cutting your heads off in the middle of the street?
this is if coronavirus doesnt kill you before they do
know nothing about the military, huh? Carry on with your delusions. Anybody who would post crap such as that is too stupid to reply.
Go ask a guardsman.
Explain it to me. If we're under martial law, why would they not shoot? You talk a lot and say nothing.
actually they do,you clearly wernt paying attention to katrina wernt you
I'm the one saying they would shoot. Ah, fuck this. We need IDs.
Still waiting for answer.
Nobody, no citizen to my knowledge has fear of the military. I would extend that to all rational people.
No need to discuss anything as I could not care less what you people believe.
I have seen martial law.
You're clearly an idiot
The world is full of those who have and those who do not have. Preppers and stockpilers are now the HAVES. Ignoramuses and deniers are now the HAVE NOT'S.
This is EXACTLY as it's supposed to be, this is evolution at work. RIP in Piece, virus deniers!
I'm pretty sure we know how this ends. The only way to stop a virus is a vaccine and we dont have it.
This guys an idiot because he’s not a drunken redneck wannabe militia member who thinks the gubmint is coming to get them at any moment? Sure Cletus.
Whoever wrote that notice has a lot of esteem issues, and might be a manlet.
there's more but i cba to screenshot the rest of the pages. they just break these pages down further anyhow
I'm waiting to see what happens to Tom Hanks. He's 63 with diabetes and according to 'experts', he should be a goner.
lets see if this is any better
slide 1
slide 2
slide 3
time limit hitting me now