America WILL defend this

America WILL defend this

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Free market. Euros wouldn't understand, they never experienced freedom before.

fucking hell people are stupid

it's a 3rd world country, they still haven't discovered bidets and washing your ass

No, really. Why are people stockpiling Toilet paper?

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I just want to meet one of them and ask why the fuck they think they need this. I know the answer is doomsday prepper shit but fuck

brain washing. I understand now.

Why do they all dress like kids?

>video games

I've asked everyone I know and no one knows why

>Tyre Centre

go back nigel

even so, i'd stockpile food. Why toilet paper?

Shitty decisions.

>Tyre Centre
Wait a minute, that's not American spelling...

I get it.

What video game are they stockpiling?

They don't know what a bidet is.

nice try.

>tyre centre

Y'all niggas realize that isn't America right?

People shit a lot more when they're panicked.

based mods


Let me guess, a typical Yas Forums thread was moved here?
no wonder everyone consider your board the shittiest on the site of shit.


Mods doing some good for once.

How do they prepare it? With sauce?

I shopped weeks ago already, but didn't give a moment's thought about tp as I have a shower.

America WILL defend this

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Mass hysteria.
Thinking they'll never leave the house for several months.
Supermarkets also don't stock up on much toilet paper routinely so it just compounds their paranoia.

genuinely only boomers are doing this and its been the same every time theres a scare of any kind

If it snows even just a tiny bit in the south the same thing happens, although to a slightly lesser degree, all the tp, milk, and bread is gonna be out of stock for a while.


Now whipe ya ass cunt

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The answer is simple: The more TP you stockpile the more immune you are to death.

no they wont. you dont live here, you just wish you did. ive never started a thread bitching about another country out of jealousy because theyre all shit compared to ours.

You can use TP to mummify yourself

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Because the shit tickets you make from them will be the newage currency, kinda like fallout and nukacola caps

This isn’t even the US?
We call them Tires here not Tyres. Poor EuroPoor b8z


Funny, but not even remotely true. Every dumb cunt i saw grabbing toilet paper was in ther mid 40s or late 30s, gen X types. Still doesnt explain why tp is a necessity over food, water, and medicines. Bunch of absolute dipshits.

>countries that "have" been under european vontrol does not counteract anons statement about never feeling freedom as all those countries no longer under European rule are part of free trade systems and democracies. Try understanding context faggot.

You must tire for explaining the reason Americans call tyres... tire

>dun do spilling much good

you spell it tires? That’s so retarded

your conflating two different situations. being snowed in is way different than being afraid of going outside in fear of a virus. all people stock up for winter in places that has heavy snow. you're a fucking moron

It's dual purpose. If your face turns into a snot machine while your ass simultaneously turns into a shower, one item can cover both bases... literally

I think the snot requires more paper and bog roll is half the cost of tissues

I got plenty for myself and my family before I couldn't get enough for myself and my family. I also gave a 24 pack to my shut-in old man neighbor who asked me why all the TP was sold out. I gave him the basic virus news report and we told him not to go out where there's lots of people. Then my wife went out food shopping for him and loaded him up for two weeks, we didn't even ask for money but he insisted. That's just the absolute state of America today - if I don't know you then fuck you, you can die painfully. If you're my neighbor and we like each other then I'll help you out however I can.

It's either UK or Australia, what a surprise.

History prof mentioned China had apparently run low awhile back when they first shut stuff down and as a result the whole herd mentality thing kicked in and people worried that we would run out too. Still don't understand the excessive panic but oh well.

I wish we had the TP mania. Today there was no cheap meat left in the market, and i'm not paying 35 bucks a kilo

Australia even has its own bog roll plant, so I don't know why we're buying it out of stock.

Could have something to do with Holden closing down and most of our country being sold to the Chinese.

Shut the FUCK up nerd, i'm in charge here!

>it's a 3rd world country
Not even that advanced. The likelihood that Covid-19 will wipe out millions of them means that will collapse and the rest of the world will be far better off.

Because they watch Faux Nooz and are convinced the USA government is going to go into nationwide lockdown, and they won't be allowed to leave their homes for months.

I just came back from the grocery and i was dumbfounded by the amount of people lining up to pay their shit
There was literally a line that started at the other end of the store starting from the cold orange juice section cornering the beginning of the frozen section going down the lane and back to all cash registers(i know it might sound weird but in other words there was probably a long ass line up of over 100s of people with shopping cart filled to the brim with shit

The toilet paper section was completely empty and the worst of all this was that i don’t even live in the USA and only got 19 cases here so far so nothing alarming

People are truly fucking mindless it’s crazy

stupid americans confusing corona and diarrhea

"tyre" not America dummy

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I'm not afraid of dying from COVID-19/Chink Flu. I'm scared of the possible crippling medical debt if I have to go to the hospital

>stupid americans
You could have just left it at that.

they will defend it though


>The likelihood that Covid-19 will wipe out millions of them means that will collapse and the rest of the world will be far better off.

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Because many people find it amusing to smear feces across their butthole rather than actually washing it with soap and water. It’s a Trumpian level of ignorance.

what you goin' on about m8?

Quints of Truth
>imagine a world without Americans. It's easy if you try.

You guys can thank the news for all this bullshit. Its just a fucking flu, but all of the news is pushing and spamming like its a black plague or zombie virus thats going to wipe out the planet. Never agreed with Trumps hatred towards the news but in this case they should seriously get punished for this crap.

The food hoarding is happening too!

The soap is to make your finger slip in easier right?

That’s proper English etymologically.

I suppose we could throw an extra vowel in there just to try to remain relevant like the britbongs do.

>Its just a fucking flu, but all of the news is pushing and spamming like its a black plague or zombie virus thats going to wipe out the planet.
No, just America. Without healthcare, they are utterly defenseless. Good.

Woah, I'mma tyred.

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The toilet roll is for snot, not poo.

Cov19 turns your lungs and face into a tap for a week. You will use 2 rolls a day

Don't worry lads, Murrica is here to save the day

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No, it is "tyres". Americans are too ignorant to know how to spell properly.
>don't waste you time about their even more ignorant dialect.

Don't even care about what you said, but dem quints are beautiful

Then why isnt kleenex selling out first?

Even with 'mandated' health insurance a lot of Americans cannot afford to go to the doctor.

So whats going to happen is a lot of Americans won't get tested and self quarantine. They'll just pop some aspirin, slug down some cough syrup, eat cough drops all day, and be happy little vectors

The USA stock market is much lower now than it was in the 1980s? You'd think that would get more news coverage than it is already?

niggas just stupid, they think we get everything from china.

we make enough tp for all of australia, yet cunts are scared cuz "DA PRODUCA OF THE WORLD IS SICKS" that and the whole situation feeds itself.

>everyones clearing tp of the shelves.
>might as well get as much as i can incase people keep clearing the shelves.

cunts just need to wake up

Long gone. The idiots are going for the loo rolls now.

Nope, donny fixed it by buying more oil, he is a stable genius...I'm joking of course

"TYRE CENTER" - this isn't America. In America, we spell it "tire".

your fucked cunt

At stores by me TP sells out before kleenex

why not food, canned goods, sanitizers? but toilet paper?

>America WILL defend this

This is Australia you fucking moron

America here. These people are retards.

>corona-chan will claim the lives of countless dumb, fat americans because they are too unhealthy to fight a flu (designed to kill the old and weak)

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sounds pretty facist

>a lot of Americans cannot afford to go to the doctor.
A lot? No, the vast MAJORITY of Americans. Only the rich get to see doctors.

>found the guy that will wiping his ass with leaves next week

Except this picture wasn't taken in America. America spells it "tires", not "tyres".

$100 will get a lot of TP and it gives people some kind of comfort thinking that they're more prepared than those who haven't devoted an entire room to TP

It's no real different to how Venezuela stores stock their entire store with only 3 different products. It makes people "think" there's more there

Hello USA
This toilet seat will clean your ass (and more...)
No toilet paper!!
It only needs water and electricty.

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Facist? What's all this about faces?
>more stupid American spelling

>It only needs water and electricty.
More things most Amerifats can't afford

im assuming this is accounting for inflation

Doesnt mean retards in the US arent buying TP in bulk because of being retards.

There are fewer packages of TP on shelves because they're bulky items. They sell out and then people go nuts thinking they won't be able to get any so they hoard. Supermarket shelves still have plenty of shelf stable food.

White Power: The Infographic

and they lost it.
go back in your coffin

The majority of Americans can see a doctor. They can only afford to on their annual 'check up'. Other than that we cannot afford to.

I find the hysteria funny.
>election boomers invade in large numbers
>A plague that kills boomers comes around

Bog roll is quarter the price and dual use. 24 rolls costs like 10 bucks, Kleenex costs 5 per box. You will need 10 boxes of kleenex or one big pack of bog roll per patient.

Some of the 'hoarders' might have 3 kids... and are just being smart tbh.

Yes you can wash your ass in the shower twice a day, but you blow your nose every 30 seconds with Corona

That doesn't even make any sense.

You don't know anything about the stock market if you think inflation isn't already priced in.