Age restrictions are violations of basic human rights and will be abolished during our lifetime

Age restrictions are violations of basic human rights and will be abolished during our lifetime.

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Just case you post this multiple times doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen


Kys pedo scum

You sound nervous.

>Age restrictions are violations of basic human rights and will be abolished during our lifetime.
Yeah, why should I wait until I'm old to collect retirement benefits?

Phone poster actually

+1 vote for children joining the army AND being allowed to buy a beer rather than have to wait to 21.

Yea and why not give children credit cards and guns and let them drive?

OP is a giant idiot

Age restrictios exist because children are stupid. It's to protect them, not cockblock you.

I guessed that'd be an Asian artist and I was right.
God Asian women love blond men and it's glorious.
t. blond man

age restrictions are essential to prevent disease epidemics
people older than 14 having sex is what causes cancer
outlawing sex with anybody over 14 is the cure for cancer
or maybe just kill all adults with a virus or something

Who is the artist, i cant read the sig


no they aren't you fucking pedophile. neck yourself.

Dream on pedo.

Why would the poor children suffer just because you are a fat fuck that repulses every woman out there.

incel hambeast

Op is right, it’ll become a civil rights issue. They’ll have to go with some hot lesbians to normalize it than the fags will co-sign

It’s the logical progression following gay marriage and pretending traps don’t belong in mental wards

My tulpa's only two years old, bro.

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Ah yes, the Republican civil rights movement.

Ftw I've fucked every child on the planet and most of them are bad lays.

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Based response

Cringe response

Also its funny how most of these fat ass pedos like to imagine themselves as young slender fellas.

Let's be honest even a child will avoid you like the plague.

Age restriction is to try prevent degenracy at an early age and to prevent women getting pregnant at the age of 12, destroying the chilđren's future creating a fucking mishapen society. Also prevent kids from doing stupid shit, like drinking alcohol when they're 10 because it will permanently destroy their growing body creating weak, fragile abominations.
OP is just a a fucking pedo who can't contain his lust like a fucking cretin.

Based on what?

They all look alike, just imagine some gook woman and you'll know

>I get to sniff and cuddle my loli sister every day, she’s very affectionate of me and always wants to “annoy” me
>corona-chan has ensured my spring-break will now last two weeks
>two weeks of gently touching and sniffing her
>she sometimes adjusts herself while she’s sleeping and unconsciously puts her little butt against my crotch
>I have done nothing wrong and am happy
>laws can do nothing

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>our lifetime.
We've got a year, maybe two tops and making CP legal is the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of priories

Go be pedophile somewhere else

heroin should be allowed for my child if he wants to try. it's my responsibility that he gets the good shit and not get scammed by Mexicans

>not getting fine coke
What kind of parent are you?!

monitoring this thread (which means post cp already)

Based dark magician

Just fuck her already and send us the pics


She’s 11, I would never. Not until she realizes that feeling she’s had all this time is the desire to kiss me and grind on my lap.

This is the saddest weeb pedo shit I've ever read. You piece of shit faggot

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Dude, you just put into words how beautiful it feels to babysit my cousins. It’s like heaven being snuggled up to her and playing minecraft together.

Just say you wanna fuck a child you sick fuck

>user seethes because I get to sniff my loli sister’s strawberry scented hair and be happy

>tor browser

Ugh you self-hating pedos are the worst.

Retirement benefits are socialism, change my mind.

I didn’t even notice it was Tor, top kek, that makes it even better

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You’re lucky, it’s slightly less looked down upon when it comes to incestual relations

t. libertarian scum

thx, i just died inside.

Ok pedo

Sense you have the contact info, please forward this meme for me.

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Hahahaha op is destined to a life of temptation to rape a little girl , then when we finnally gives In and rapes a little girl( ruining her life ) he will also ruin his and be sent to jail where he will be sodomized to death in prison by murderers and thiefs who find your crime to be the most immoral crime of them all and those criminals will instate justice upon you HAHAHAHA this is the case for all pedo and loli loving fags .... Just wait it will happen to you all

you can spell cousin without "sin".

Why tho? Look at Iceland. Around the 2nd and 3rd cousin mark you actually see more positive, beneficial genes in the inbreeding.

If cousin love is wrong, then I don't want to be right...

I could stand to hear more.....

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made me chuckle

OP, this picture is showing a small asian woman hugging a tall white male.
If there's a age difference in this picture, it's no more than 2 years.
Next time you try to defend something, at least get the image right faggot

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the coronavirus of Yas Forums, spam threads.


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Man these FBI jokes never get old. Top jej.

Nice fanfic copypasta nigger

Raping a child is a violation of human rights and soon it'll be legalised because a vast swatch of the population are completely amoral virtue signalling scum who dance to the will of child fucking psychopaths.
i welcome the lynchings that follow.

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