Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

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looks bretty comfy tbh

>Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

Yea, it's depressing as fuck. Ok.

Furniture/rent/food/car etc. is all quite expensive. Go out of your mums basement and try for yourself fuckwit.

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Only issue I see is that gross ass carpet you gringos love to put on your floors.

High speed internet, check. Gaming rig, check. Comfy chair, check. Dyson fan. I'd add a couch for multiplayer friends, more visible snacks. Two good pieces of art. They have a C place.

Ugh, that carpet must go. Otherwise that's a good start.

I don't understand, this is normal

My apartment is majestically adorned in ponies. Everywhere you look, 100% cute, 100% ponies. Everything is soft and some things are fuckable.

Its called minimalistic you wouldn't understand.

Yea it's not that hard because half of that is not that expensive if you have any kind of job.

cause I like the simple things in life

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my nigga

mine is like a mixture of thicc anime bitches, squids and ponies

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lol cause fucking cunts are superficial as fuck and if they can’t have a man in their lives who is filthy rich to spoil them with unnecessary and asinine bullshit then there’s clearly something wrong with said man
Fucking cunts, earn your goddamn living instead of leeching off men and eventually legally stealing their hard earned belongings by either divorce or false rape accusations

>Be me
>Live in California
>Payed &16/he
>Rent is $1,300 a month
>Car insurance is another $180 because I'm 22
>Internet is $60
>Electric bill is around $75 a month
>My paychecks look like $950-1050 every two weeks after taxes, 401k, medical, dental, and vision.
Go fuck yourself you homeless motherfucker.

Bitches must throw themselves at you.

It's not depressing at all. Check out those closed blinds. You don't need clothes here. Look at all that space. Imagine rolling around nude on that carpet. If anything I'd ditch the chair.

>live laugh love
i’m not mgtow faggot but i’m sincerly fed up with how everyone is pussyfied/pussy whipped in this day and age

>can't even cable manage
what a disgrace


I have seen this all my life as I grew up with rich parents who had rich friends, all the wives don't have a job and pay maids to clean for them, including my mother.
How should I kill myself

>How should I kill myself
By living your life to the fullest and telling all cunts to fucking earn their living since they’re so fanatic about equality

stop living in california fucker

K well the half I spoke of was food and furniture, which is really not that expensive if you're not a moron. But ok, sorry. I spoke too broadly. I should have also said with the exception of apparently living in California beyond your means.

I'm in a 2500 sq ft house and my house is empty except for the kitchen and the bedroom. The cats use more of the house than I do. I don't care to waste my money on useless live laugh love bullshit.

filthy casual console peasant

My apartment isnt this desolate but I dont have that much shit and i dont have decorations and shit hung up like some faggot.


i totaly live like that except i dont have a playstation but i have a roombah

if not for the fucked up cables and a cum stained carpet and trash on the counter
you could call it that

My parents moved to California and now I can't leave because I can't save enough to live anywhere else. You're fuckin stupid. And living beyond my means lol. I live in a crack pit. This place is a literal hell hole.

Agreed but I'm not the type to push ideals onto others. For myself, I'll only date a girl that has worked in a customer service role where you have to take shit, and she gotta be independent. Hopefully this type of natural selection will phase out the lazy gold diggers.

>decorations like some faggot

it's called making a home user. humans have done it for thousands of years. humans far more industrious than you most likely. but they were all faggots apparently.

Send me a few grand to move out. Otherwise you have nothing valuable to add to this conversation.

yeah ok BUT....
what if i do it ironically?

lmao look at all the shit everywhere
>live laugh love
in everyone elses home i go to

>a literal hell hole

no. I don't think you have been in a literal hell hole, so please don't compare. also don't say you can't live anywhere else when you haven't lived anywhere else.

niggas like you is what's the problem

why aren't you filthy rich?
why aren't you successful?
and if you could (which you can't) you would probably do the same thing too.

Its called being a minimalist

What do you think the problem with it is?

I mean that's now how I personally want to live, but I don't see what's wrong with someone who does.

You aren't.

Same, except I've set up a spring gun at the door in case of reptilians.

I see a typical American problem: floor mat.

why would you work if you don't have to is beyond me.
especially if you don't like cleaning or cooking.

Almost all furniture in my house cost me

What i meant is to just do what you gotta do and fuck bitches
Don’t settle for anyone even if you think she’s the “one”
Because as soon as you let your guards down, it will only be a matter of time before she metaphorically gapes your anus
At this point you do you but you’ve been warned
This world is so much crazy that even tho there’s near 8 billions of fucking parasites on this planet, not one of them seem to live in the same world because most people are so much plugged into the system from their mindwash conditioning that everyone thinks they know shit better than the person next to them when they’re simply unable to see beyond their mental shackles

I just told you that if you don't have enough money to live in the middle of a big city maybe you shouldn't.
That's something you clearly didn't know before.Learn to count your money you retard.

I’m the OP you replied to, i’ll repeat what the other guy said
>you aren’t
You’re just delusional and i don’t even mean to insult you or be condescending

if you don't need a big house then sell it and invest the money

The epitome of alpha manliness is, naturally, feeling that any sort of disapproved behavior immediately tanks tur very core of your being to the point of rage even if others are doing it.

You are exactly who the world needs in a crisis.

>success = brain dead retard who chased superficial bullshit because the powers that be brainwashed you into thinking into this optic so much that you can’t even see beyond your conditioning
Just become an hero already you retarded fuck, you’re unironically WHAT’S really wrong with the society
You fucking docile and blindly obedient spineless piece of shit

The TV is 6 inches too low. Needs to be at eye level when sitting

>tradition=the best way to do stuff and shouldn't be challenged or changed
is that what you're saying?

What's the problem? he's got all he wants

That's pretty fucking bare. I'd at least add another chair and a coffee table.

My cats like it so I probably won't even though you're right

yup. you gotta problem with how other people live their lives?

Show pictures that establish the crack pit status for pur edification and entertainment? Plz

What's the issue?

Lived in Nevada, Utah, Texas, Oregon, California, Colorado, and Arizona but ok sure. Both my parents were meth heads and my dad sold my ass to his druggie buddies for meth. We lived in an abandoned house and shit in a closet, starved, dehydrated, and had a myriad of health problems. Mentally from the rape and physically from the abuse. Maybe not hell but I know what that feels like. Then my dad went to prison, my mom got clean and married my step dad. Things did turn around I guess.

>>Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
>Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

>all that blank wall space
>uses tiny tv instead of projector
That guy's an moran.

Until you pay for my stuff, STFU Nigger


I don't live in a big city, I live in a small meth infested and hooker ridden area outside of a relatively small City compared to that of L.A. and San Francisco but it's upwards of 2300 to live there so I'm in better shape than them I'd assume.

after I pay for rent and food I have £100 a week. £20 to get to work, £30 on electric and gas. That leaves £50 for myself before any maintenance or replacement for some other stuff