Let's discuss the nigger problem. Why are they so stupid and so prone to commit crime? Usually...

Let's discuss the nigger problem. Why are they so stupid and so prone to commit crime? Usually, it's not even life-changing crime like robbing a bank and trying to get away with it, it's robbing a Boost Mobile store or a liquor store. Why do they do it? Is it really just as simple as niggers having a lower IQ or is "the white man" truly holding them back with underfunded education? How do we fix their culture realistically?

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I'm a proud African American male and y'all is ignorant af.

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Why do you care about black people? They havent done shit compared to chinks. One bad chink is literally the equivalent to 100 bad nigs

Rent free

There are exceptions, but in general poor people = shitty people. And most blacks are poor.

Why are most blacks poor though?

Because they're uneducated, speak incoherent English, don't pursue opportunities like most people would even though companies and universities pander to them and usually grow up without parenting.

I don't think there's one single reason for it, it's a mix of things.

Some of it really is long-term bias in the education and legal systems.

Some of it is cultural. There are a lot of blacks who take pride in "keeping it real" and look down on education and "acting white"

Victimhood mentality absolutely plays into it too. It's a lot easier to blame other people for your problems than to acknowledge that they're at least partially your own fault and fix them.

It all contributes, and then it feeds on itself. You get a bunch of poor shitty ignorant black people together and they make bad decisions and raise poor shitty ignorant kids who perpetuate the cycle.

Wasted quads kill yourself knowledge wojak

Are you joking? Employers and colleges pander to them like crazy. They'll hire or accept any black employee over the most qualified person just to say they're "diverse". No matter how utterly useless they are, companies will not fire them.

1%ers/kikes>leftist cucked whites>illegals>legal beaners>niggers

Cause niggers are a disease and there idiotic ideals are moronic and pointless

At least those illegal beaners come here and actually work. At least most of them. Even if it's the shitty jobs, they're just happy to be out of that shithole. Niggers blatantly refuse to work.

I used to think that. Then i was exposed to “educated” niggers and even the ones that obtain professional jobs like doctors are still aggressive and shortsighted. They live in the moment, they cannot perceive how their action affect the future. They are monkeys who will do anything in the moment for the banana they crave. They are not evolved for civilization, and need to be supported by the higher races.

Low IQ

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It's all about demographics. Every state that has a massive amount of them is blue and an absolute dystopian nightmare. My hometown was hit with a massive wave of illegals and is 90% Cubans now. We can't allow colonies from other countries to move in and take over without a bullet fired.

Eh, I don't really agree.

College admissions pander to minorities like crazy, that's definitely true. But once they're enrolled it's "good luck, you're on your own" and black students have a much lower graduation rate than whites or asians.

It's the same with jobs mainly. White collar jobs want to fill their diversity quotient and will hire educated blacks whenever possible, but no one is bending over backward to hire a bunch of hood rats who didn't finish high school.

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I've not had the same experience. I work in a pretty diverse white collar environment, and the educated middle class black people we have working there are, on average, the same quality as the rest of the employees.

I prefer working with blacks raised here in the US over immigrants from India or Asia. There's a lot less cultural problems.

Nigs are gonna nog

It's because they're denied opportunity due to systemic racism and also regular racism like you're doing right now. :)

Look at their home countries. Niggers have never done anything for the greater good. They're parasites.


Blacks I went to school with were complete morons, but they knew exactly how to game the system. They sat on their phones, never turned shit in, found soy whites to do papers for them and always missed enough days to get a white student an automatic failure. They get forced through to get graduation rates up and to fill those corporate quotas, as per the jew agenda, and they know it.

You've obviously never dealt with NIGGERS before.

Come to Baltimore and within 5 minutes you'll be saying "fuck NIGGERS"

I have. But I make a distinction between black people and niggers.

t. future toll payer

A fine question indeed. Blacks do have significant lower iqs on average. It comes down to the question: Are blacks dumb because they are poor or are they poor because they are dumb?

100 years ago we said they were just worse humans, a pretty biased answer. Nowadays we assume they are equally valuable and capable, therefore their low success and intelligence must be caused by bad conditions and economic situations.
What i want to do here is entertain the possibility that our modern view is biased as well. There's no proof for the assumption that Blacks are as capable and intelligent as Whites or Asians.

Some facts:
Blacks have low iq scores in Africa as well as in America (in America they are higher though).
Asians and Europeans (i use the term for all from Europe originating people, which includes white Americans) have a high(er, around 100) iq.
Europeans have created the modern world and civilization as we know it.
Asian countries have grown rapidly in a short amount of time.
Asian immigrants in the US are extremely successful, even though their ancestors came there poor and uneducated.
The ancestors of Blacks were poor and uneducated too when they were freed, yet the Blacks are extremely unsuccessful in the US.
Countries in Africa with a majority Black population are amoungst the poorest and least successful in the world.

What can be concluded from this is that there seems to be a correlation between the iq of a country and its success. Now correlation isn't causation but it would make sense in this case. Simply said, the data suggest that the apparent misfortune of Blacks is caused by their subpar intelligence. Which would mean that it is in fact their stupidity that keeps Blacks poor and unsuccessful and not their surroundings.

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What are the effects of high lead content in drinking water, particularly on the developmental cycle? What communities were predominantly redlined into areas with lead in the water?

There are no bad niggers, only bad owners.

>Some of it really is long-term bias in the education and legal systems.

Bias is a result, not a cause

And yet the rest of the world feeds the parasites over and over expecting something to change, while in reality they're causing the same food shortages and starving deaths but on a much, much larger scale.

There's a reason zoos have signs that say don't feed the fucking monkeys.

Blacks are dumb by the definition of iq because the definition of iq is dumb. You're dumb if you think otherwise.

>There's no proof for the assumption blacks are capable
The default state is humans are capable, your assertion is that blacks are not, the burden of proof is on you

>Blacks have lower iq scores
>Whites built the test
>No shit

>Asians succeed with poor ancestors
Their existence wasn't criminalized for free labor

>African countries with majority black populations are the poorest and least successful in the world
I wonder what centuries of imperialism has to do with that

>IQ is correlated with success
[Citation needed]


Bias is a cause in decision making, particularly in the legal system

>I wonder what centuries of imperialism has to do with that


Niggers have been given every chance and every tool needed to evolve and prosper. They have literally been given civilization and cities and infrastructure. And when it's all said and done, the ones given everything go right back to the highest level that the ones given nothing have risen to.

That being mud huts, tribes and poking one another with pointy sticks.

Kill yourself

Kill yourself

The bias against niggers is because of niggers being niggers. Niggers didn't turn into niggers because of bias.

>Imperialism has nothing to do with the current disparate state of African countries
Read a book

Kill yourself

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Found the nigger, who immediately resorted to violence

Tbqh there isn’t a 1 sentence answer to that question because there is way too much to take into consideration and i’m not even trying to play devil’s advocate
But generally speaking, most black people who grow up in poverty, around criminal environments or whatever don’t know any better because of lack of proper nutrition and education
Those folks live purely on the emotional and territorial neuro circuits therefore living on a superficial level since there is a whole side of entertainment that is aimed at them that glorifies the criminal lifestyle which ends up cementing their sense of self around this lifestyle
Their only motivations is purely focused on appearance
Because they’ve been hardly wired to chase riches just so they can have the illusion of being of high status by rocking designer clothes, expensive jewelry and all that bullshit and constantly challenging authority figures so anything like drugs, guns, gangs and all that shit seem highly appealing to them cause it makes them compensate for their lack of intellect by focusing purely on how they come across rather than developing exploiting their own brains to their full benefits

There’s also the biological argument that i won’t bother going into as there is so much to mention that compliments what i cited above but generally speaking, the environmental conditions they grow up in coupled with peer pressure makes them who they are eventually gonna be in the future
It’s sad cause there are many exceptions to this and by that i mean successful black dudes who aren’t chimp minded and actually contribute to their respective craft

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>socio-economic factors
No. Its genetic. Get over it.

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I've seen white people do as much stupid shit as any black person can do stop pretending that white people are the messiah

Try getting over your white guilt and realize that blaming everything on evil whities will never turn niggers into humans.

>Males who have the double allele who were mistreated as a child
Which group is more likely to be mistreated as a child? What is correlation? What is a confounding factor?

>Nazis can't science properly

So am I a nigger or a jew? Make up your mind nazis

[Citation needed]

Oops sorry or am I white?

that would be jews and whites

Lol this
>Enslaves a population
>Calls them parasites
Top fucking kek.

Ok here you go


yall a bunch of rasists

False flag

Why does IQ matter so much to you? Low IQ people are capable of getting decent jobs. The real problem is bad parenting caused by a culture of being hated and discriminated against

>bad parenting caused by a culture of being hated and discriminated against
discrimination doesnt cause bad parenting
are you simple?

You didn't read it. You are incorrect.