Fucking hell Yas Forums, I'm addicted to pot and it's fucking my life up

Fucking hell Yas Forums, I'm addicted to pot and it's fucking my life up.
I've been meaning to stop for a long time but i keep buying again and again going on for like 2 weeks. I bought a substantial amount and said i would quit after sunday, but i'm afraid the same thing will happen.
I feel conflicted, should I flush this shit? I'm not getting anything done with my life. I'm definitely addicted but it's good shit. there's literally no good reason, i do nothing with my time

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Man, @acidoms on insta, message me lets have a chat

if you flush it, you'll feel a weight lifted off your shoulder, and it will be the first major step towards not smoking that useless drug

Idk if this will work but when I am trying to not masturbate that much, I keep my mind off it by keeping myself preoccupied with work or something.

i'm not sure if it's not letting me message you, or if i just don't know how to use instagram

Smoked weed almost everyday for 7 years. I"m on day 44 of no weed. Feels really good user. The first 3 days are hell but if you can get past day 3 everything gets easier after that. Just stay busy for the first week and you're good.

why don't you try stepping down, its usually a much more effective way to stop something. You can see or not see your progress, gives you something to look forward to, it isn't an instant fail or succeed kind of effort, lots of pros. It will come out of your body more gradually and you can adjust.

The rest is all up to you and effort. If you really want to stop something all you need to do is find a good enough reason and tell yourself you want that. You could be so different, is that what you want?

Or don't you aren't hurting anyone

stick it in ur ass u druggie

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haha poop

sometimes people get really depressing on there and give off AA meeting vibes but r/leaves has some decent advice on slowly losing the weed crutch

r/Petioles is the same thing minus the AA vibes
also reddit gey

Quit now, not later.
It's gonna suck for a while, but it'll get better.

Just kill yourself, you fucking weakling.

first week sucks, but it gets a lot easier after that. helps to have stuff to do to keep you distracted. i havent smoked since new years, was a heavy daily smoker for the better part of a decade with few breaks during that time. reading books was my thing to help keep me distracted

Smoked weed, concentrate, took benzos, opiates, and drank regularly for nearly 10 years. Basically anything I could get ahold of to escape reality. 2 years off alcohol, 5 or so months from the last time I smoked weed. It's hard at first but gets easier over time. If you're a weak willed person (if you are just admit it to yourself) distance yourself from people who smoke or will try to convince you to smoke. It wasn't really hard for me to quit because it was giving me serious panic attacks and I was miserable. I no longer get such serious panic attacks, not like I did when I'd get high. I still miss what smoking weed used to be like when I was a kid, but it changed and became something not enjoyable anymore. Sometimes I'm still tempted to go back but I just have to remind myself it fucking sucks and it's not for me anymore. You're going to be bored, time will seem to go by slower and you're going to be irritated as fuck for awhile. Don't take up any new habits to try and replace it, that's a recipe for disaster. You think quitting smoking weed is hard go smoke cigarettes for 10 years and you'll know the definition of hard. Nicotine is the only thing I can't kick out of everything I've tried.

not op, but quitting was an exercise in willpower for me because almost everybody in my life smokes weed, and i'm surrounded by it almost constantly but no longer partake. shit sucked for a while but most everyone was good enough to respect my choice to not smoke and not try to force it on me. i quit drinking on new years too, and started on antidepressants (welbutrin) like 3 days later and that has helped a lot too.

You don't have a good enough reason to quit aka your life isn't going the way you'd like it. Or you've lowered your standards on what constitutes a content life.

Weed is awesome

Dont quit if you like it.

Your problem is obviously something else, motivation, work ethic, laziness, etc.

Blaming the weed is just another way for you to avoid the things you dont want to do

it's okay.. it's all in your head and only reason you smoke so much is because you can. I was a an ounce every two weeks smoker for a decade and then when went broke and had to move in back home it was easy to kick it. After a week you no longer have the pull and then after not smoking for few months you can get back to a hit a day and not have the pull


oh gosh the pulls

The fuck are you talking about?


I'm on gabapentin, propranolol and lamictal. I was self medicating with substances and shit, then it stopped working. The hardest thing for me is I'm still pretty young (mid 20s) and I see all these people my age doing "fun" shit like drinking and getting high and I feel left out. But then I remind myself I'm not pissing away several hundred dollars a month on shit I won't remember doing, embarrassing myself and I did more drugs and drank more than most people do in a lifetime. I had my fun. Instead of pissing away money on weed, alcohol etc I work on my car and spend time and money doing that. My only vice now is vaping. I can't seem to kick nicotine but fuck it, at least I'm not high as fuck all the time risking Dui anymore.

How do they work?

All you can do is stop, man. Weed isn't physically addictive, it's all in your head. Realizing you don't need weed is a lot like realizing that you're eating out of boredom.
That being said, if you want to improve aspects of your life, you don't necessarily need to completely stop smoking weed. Just pay attention to your habits. For example if every time you get high, you just stay high and veg out for the rest of your free time, do what you need to do before you get high. Set rules for yourself and stick to them.

Fuck cold Turkey. Cut back till you're on a pinchie diet, weekends only, then see how you feel. Probably wont need to even quit anymore.

will be 31 here later this month, basically wasted the majority of my 20s being high and doing fuck all, sure it was fun but not really worth it lol. was more or less self medicating too. losing my life long best friend to an overdose when i was 27 really fucked me up, still am fucked up over it, but i'm coping with life in healthier ways now instead of getting stoned 24/7 and smashing a handle of whiskey a week. spending my time playing videogames, reading books, trying to sell all the bullshit ive collected over the years and working on one of 6 fucking cars i have lol

Was in your shoes, OP. What scared me the most was getting dreams again.

What did it for me was getting a job that does random drug tests. I was scared shitless because I really love this job.

Quit cold turkey in Jan. The worst part for me was the boredom, and the best advice I can give you is to get ready for it. While you can, find something that you enjoy that will preoccupy you. Books, puzzles, movies. Calculate how much you would spend in say, 6 months, and spend that on video games you've always wanted to play.

Good luck, OP. And if you don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in you.

You just echoed every addict's thought process fyi.

Do you believe in magic?

Yeah I lost a friend to overdose as well last year, and one to cancer as well. That's actually part of what made me stop. After my friend died from cancer, and I was there when it happened it fucked me up. That's what started the panic attacks. I realized life is too short to spend it fucked up and wandering through life like I had been. Ever since then I've been completely sober and working towards getting certifications in computer information systems. Life is too fucking short. 6 cars though? Jesus Christ. Sounds like my dad

No, but I believe in miracles

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There's a difference between addiction and poor self control.

Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

in my defense one is gonna be an engine swap donor and another was bought just to flip. i have a bad habit of picking up projects and not finishing them before finding another one. its something i'm working on lol

r u me

Every night my routine is get high, take melatonin, and masturbate to VR porn with a real cozy high. Seriously every night no matter what. Even if I'm hanging out with friends, when it starts getting late I come up with an excuse to leave so I can get my routine in before bedtime. Just getting crazy high and jackin' it to VRCosplayX and stuff for like a couple HOURS.
Then post-nut wisdom kicks in and I tell myself I'm not going to do it anymore because I don't even enjoy it at this point. And then the next night I think "well, I might as well do it until the end of the week. Start next week fresh." Then I just don't do that, and start over again thinking "tomorrow."

I don't know, man.

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Do you have a point you're trying to make?

Is that guy watching porn lol

should of been around for the gate way weed talk yesterday

Just smoke all that shit right now and be done with it, idk about you but ive used nic salt vapes to get over not having weed sometimes and it works. Think of when you have the cravings then try to get your mind busy on something else idk good luck.

smoking everyday clouds my thinking and made me lazy. People who still smoke everyday in their adulthood have carried it on as a habit that they developed when they were kids, when they first started. It’s a faggot drug and is kid shit, and watching all of the buttmad pot heads get defensive when you bring up their addiction is hilarious

If you can't see how dumb your statement is and the irony in it there's no point trying to make a point to you. You're obviously either 14 or just mentally retarded.

So you disagree then? Addiction and poor self control are one and the same?

Cociane isn’t physically addictive either. Also when it come to physical dependent drugs like opiates, the mental aspect is actually the hard part because after the physical part goes away the mental obsession is still there and is what plays a big part in people going back

Dumbshit thread is go.

What the deal with it anyways? You just get tired and that's pretty much it. Wow. That's like my basic condition. At least do speed or something to get shit done and have lots of energy. Pot exists only to come down after doing speed or cocain.
Pot alone is just killing time with doing absolutely nothing. I mean i get sitting on your ass all day is nice, but if you really don't wanna do anything but have some addiction you could still swap to gaming lol.

No way dude, it does wonderful things to my head. Also sometimes weird and horrific things. But often it's wonderful things.

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marijuana causes deceased motivation, so ppl like him that are already admitting weed is a full blown addiction obviously need to quit the drug. it's time to man up and let childish ways go.

If you want "wonderful" things happening in your head you might aswell just swap to much more potent drugs for that. As in shrooms and lsd. With the positive side effect that these hallucinogens don't make you tired and lazy.

You might be able to articulate better if you don't jump to insults as a first resort every time.
Really not sure what you're so worked up about, but let me put it this way. Smoking weed doesn't inherently have a negative impact on one's life. Sure, if you're high all day every day, that's probably going to cause some problems. If you eat every time you're bored, it's going to cause problems. That's where self control comes in.
Weed is pretty easy to cut back on compared to a lot of things. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

I really don't like psychedelics all that much. bullshit they don't make you tired. they fucking wipe you OUT after. You have fully discredited yourself.

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To be fair, if you're really tripping, you're probably not gonna get much done while you're experiencing it, and you're gonna be pretty tired the next day

>marijuana causes deceased motivation
good thing i got all that working out of my system

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Heroin is wayyy better

Heroin is wayyyy better

ok junkie...you go on and shoot some more and be quiet over in your corner

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>I'm addicted to pot

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Lolwot. LSD easily lets you not sleep for a substantial amount of time. You just sleep after it and you're fresh again lol.

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When OP is craving stuff happening in his head why not go full mode. Sure you're not getting stuff done. Can try microdosing though.

Not disagreeing, psychedelics can be life changing after just one good trip. I've actually heard it can help some people get a handle on an addiction they may have. Great stuff for a change in mindset

I'm 25 and going to try quitting daily usage of weed.
>16-18-Probably smoked 10 times in total, always secret sessions with the buddies. These were the best highs and probably happiest and best times I ever had.
>18-20-College Blackout years. Drank way too much and partied too hard. Not so much weed but was binge drinking all the time.
>21-23-College Pothead years- After ending up in the hospital I stuck to weed and beer. Bong was loaded between roommates 24/7.
>Passed drug tests, internships, landed 6 figure software engineering job
>25 - work in tech is life, live at home so no gf for years after college
>use oil cartridge pens almost all day every day, like 1g of 75-95% thc a week
>gave up smoking nicotine/juuls which was a habit since 20-24, except the occasional cigarette
>Also do coke, molly, shrooms, lsd 1-2 times a year since my 20s.

How the fuck do you kick THC, a harmless drug that keeps you going 24/7/365 for years now. Through work, life, relationships, and everything.
How many oldfags stopped doing how many drugs?