Hey Yas Forums...

Hey Yas Forums, take a break from trolling YLYL threads and fapping to traps and check out this white nationalist manifesto: s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=11996139495025144770
One of the best ways to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children is simply to have one-on-one conversations with family and friends. This can help: it's full of information and sources for further reading.

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White people arose because of an ice age. Having to live in caverns and covered in skins slowly deteriorated the melanin content in the skin of of these hunter populations. A subset of these groups became extremely aggressive, obsessed with dominating their hostile environment, even if at the expense of the environment itself as well as any other group. All sense of harmony relinquished, these groups gained a virulent tendency to spread themselves that was mitigated only by the extremely hostile environment. After the ice age, this virulent tendency remained, leading to the rampant, wanton conquest wars that were seen in Europe, the spread of this infection to the Americas, the destruction of your host environments during the industrial age, and the current perception that you are somehow endangered.

You feel you are endangered only because you have to share your space with others, which your ice-age brain cannot abide. The only real danger is you.

kys boring faggot

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Source on pic?

Says in pic: OECD, WHO, CDC


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Stormfag bot

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oh look its a fucking Vox reporter making a thread like this to write an article about.

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Implying whites are the natives of Oceania and north america

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In North America, they were.

It's called needing people to work for low wages. Increase your min wage, turn companies into cooperatives and you won't have this issue, but no the right has always been bootlickers for the elite so now their countries get filled with cheap labor immigrants.

Absolute poorly written tosh. Doesn’t provide one single argument or insightful piece of information or fact. Wouldn’t even wipe my arse with it if all of the toilet paper in the world was gone.

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>poorly written
Give a specific example, Shlomo, or admit that you are full of shit.

Oh sorry was I not specific enough? I meant the whole thing.

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That's what I thought, shill. Try harder next time.

Why do all right wing propaganda image look like they were made by an elderly person on MS Paint?

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Worst one yet.

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Oh no, spoke too soon

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